SWTOR Galactic Reputation guide

A guide to the SWTOR Galactic Reputation system with comprehensive information and charts. Updated for patch 2.3.




Reputation system can be accessed on the same window as your legacy window. It is below Character Perks.

Earning maximum reputation per week

There is a max limit of reputation you can earn per week (usually 12000). However, you can go over that cap slightly if you use a purple rep item right before you hit the cap. Depending on your guild reputation bonus, the optimal reputation point to stop and consume the purple rep item have being calculated.

  • With 0% guild reputation bonus, you can reach a max of 13410 reputation/week (subscribers)
  • With 10% guild reputation bonus, you can reach a max of 13563 reputation/week (subscribers)


Earning Reputation

Organization How to Earn Reputation
The Voss
  • [Weekly] Defending Voss-Ka
  • Voss Heroic Missions
The Gree Enclave
  • Relics of the Gree event missions
  • Relics of the Gree event bosses
Imperial First Mobile Fleet/
Republic Hyperspace Armada
  • Hardmode Space Missions
Imperial Guard on Belsavis/
Republic Fifth Assault Battalion
  • [Weekly] Section X Crisis
  • Section X Missions
The Contraband Resale Corporation
  • Contraband packs from the Cartel Market
Makeb Imperial Forces/
Citizens of Makeb
  • Makeb missions, dallies, and staged weeklies.
Galactic Solution Industries
  • GSI dallies, weeklies, and trophies from digging in areas
Ordnance Acquisition Corps/
The Adjudicators
  • CZ-198 dally missions and weekly.
Bounty Brokers Associations
  • Bounty Contract Week event missions
Bounty Supply Company
  • Bounty Packs from the Cartel Market.

The Voss

Weekly Reputation Cap: 12000. Takes 2 days worth of dailies (10080 rep) + weekly (2280 rep) to reach the cap for subscribers.

Reputations Trophies

  • Voss Historical Tablet (Green): 270 Reputation, 180 for F2P players  (random drop off trash mobs in the heroics)
  • Gormak Power Cells (Blue): 630 Reputation (420 for F2P players)
  • Voss Mystic’s Orb (Purple): 1440 Reputation (960 for F2P players)
Rank Rep Cumulative Rep Weeks to Reach
Weeks to Reach
Weeks to Reach (13563/week) Legacy Title
Outsider 2500 2500 0 0 0  
Newcomer 5000 7500 0 0 0  
Friend 7500 15000 1 1 1 Honored Voss-Friend
Hero 10000 25000 2 1 1  
Champion 15000 40000 3 2 2  
Legend 30000 70000 5 5 5 The Chosen of Voss


Here is the equivalent reputation chart for F2P players.


Empire Heroic Mission Map | Republic Heroic Mission Map

  • The Weekly can be picked up from Voss Cantina. Heroic missions can be picked up from various locations within voss.


Reputation Vendor Location : Voss Cantina


Reputation Vendor Items

Reputation Rewards Category Credits/Comms
Champion Voss Ambassador armor set Armor 92.25k
Champion Deep Blue and Black Dye module schematic (Artifice 450) Dye 100k
Legend Praxon Trackmaster Mount 250k

1) Voss Ambassador Outfit – Requires Champion standing with the Voss. Bind on Legacy. Requires level 10 to use. Adaptive.



2) Deep Blue and Black Dye Module schematic – Requires Champion standing, schematic is bound to legacy, 100k


3) Praxon Trackmaster – Requires Legend standing, 110% speed, bind on pickup.


The Gree Enclave

Weekly Reputation Cap: 12000. Assuming you do dailies exclusively, it will take 4 day worth of dailies to reach the cap for subscribers. (4x dailies is 11880, assuming you kill the Ancient Gree Destroyer at least once, you will reach 12000 cap easily.

Reputations Trophies

  • Gree Memory Chip (green) = 270 Reputation (180 for F2P)
  • Gree Data Core (blue) = 630 Reputation (420 for F2P)
  • Ancient Gree Artifact (purple) = 1440 Reputation (960 for F2P)
Rank Rep Cumulative Rep Weeks to Reach
Weeks to Reach
Weeks to Reach (13563/week) Legacy Title
Outsider 2500 2500 0 0 0  
Newcomer 5000 7500 0 0 0 Gree Research Assistant
Friend 7500 15000 1 1 1  
Hero 10000 25000 2 1 1 Honored Silver Acute
Champion 15000 40000 3 2 2  
Legend 30000 70000 5 5 5 Perfect Gold Bisector


Here is the equivalent Reputation chart for F2P players


Please see the Relics of the Gree event guide for a list of the reputation items and missions

Imperial First Mobile Fleet/Republic Hyperspace Armada

Weekly Reputation Cap: 12000. You will need to do every weekly heroic mission on two different characters (5820 *2 = 11640) and run Operation Ascendant Pride/New Eclipse twice to reach the cap for subscribers.

Reputations Trophies

  • Starship Scrap (green) = 270 Reputation (180 for F2P players)
  • Lost Freighter Cargo (blue) = 630 Reputation (420 for F2P players)
  • Ace Pilot Medal (purple) = 1440 Reputation (960 for F2P players)
Rank Rep Cumulative Rep Weeks to Reach
Weeks to Reach
Weeks to Reach (13563/week) Legacy Title
Outsider 2500 2500 0 0 0  
Newcomer 5000 7500 0 0 0  
Friend 7500 15000 1 1 1  
Hero 10000 25000 2 1 1 Hero of Deep Space
Champion 15000 40000 3 2 2  
Legend 30000 70000 5 5 5 Hyperspace Legend


Here is the equivalent reputation chart for F2P players.


Reputation Vendor Location : Fleet vendor in Galatic Trade Market Section of the fleet, same place where you purchase starship upgrades

Reputation Vendor Items

Reputation Rewards Category Credits/Comms
Hero Hyperspace Hotshot Armor set Armor 55.2k
Champion Deep Space Starfighter Helmet Helmet 250k
Legend Tirsa Champion Mount 500k

1) Hyperspace Hotshot Outfit – Requires Hero standing with Imperial First Mobile Fleet/Republic Hyperspace Armada. Bind on Legacy. Requires level 10 to use. Note that the appearance changes to their respective fraction when purchased. Adaptive.






2) Deep Space Starfighter Helmet – Requires Champion standing, level 10 to use, 250k credits. Bind on legacy. Adaptive.


3) Tirsa Champion – Requires Legend standing, 110% speed. 500k credits and bind on legacy.


Imperial Guard on Belsavis/Republic Fifth Assault Battalion

Weekly Reputation Cap: 12000. You will need to do the dailies about 5 days (2340 x 5 = 11750) and complete the weekly to reach the cap (11750 + 1440 = 13190).

Reputations Trophies

  • Prisoner ID Tag (green): 270 Reputation (180 for F2P)
  • Prison Guard Conduit (blue): 630 Reputation (420 for F2P)
  • Dread Guard Holocron (purple): 1440 Reputation (960 for F2P)
Rank Rep Cumulative Rep Weeks to Reach
Weeks to Reach
Weeks to Reach (13563/week) Legacy Title
Outsider 2500 2500 0 0 0  
Newcomer 5000 7500 0 0 0  
Friend 7500 15000 1 1 1  
Hero 10000 25000 2 1 1 Hero of Section X
Champion 15000 40000 3 2 2  
Legend 30000 70000 5 5 5 The Section Guardian


Here is the equivalent reputation chart for F2P players.


Reputation Vendor Location : Section X Daily Hub (right next to the mission terminal)

Reputation Vendor Items

Reputation Rewards Category Credits/Comms
Friend Baby Drouk Pet 250k
Champion Section Guardian Outfit Armor 87.4k

1) Baby Drouk – Requires Friend standing with the Imperial Guard on Belsavis


2) Section Guardian Outfit– Requires Champion standing with the Imperial Guard on Belsavis. Bind on Legacy. Requires level 10 to use. Adaptive.


Imperial Section Guardian Outfit


Republic Section Guardian Outfit


The Contraband Resale Corporation

Weekly Cap: Note that unlike other Reputation factions, the weekly cap for Contraband Resale Corporation is 36000 rather than 12000.

Reputations Trophies

  • Banned Holovid (green): 270 Reputation (180 for F2P)
  • Prohibited Medical Supplies (blue): 630 Reputation (420 for F2P)
  • Confiscated Artwork (purple): 1440 Reputation (960 for F2P)

There is a whole guide devoted to reputation rewards  for this particular corporation here.

Makeb Imperial Forces/Citizens of Makeb

Weekly Reputation Cap: 12000. If you do the STAGED weekly (4140 rep/week max), you just need to do 2-3 days of Makeb dallies to reach the weekly cap (3420 rep/day if you do the all the dallies).

Reputations Trophies

  • Makeb Holosouvenir (green): 270 Reputation (180 for F2P)
  • Talaos City Medallion (blue): 630 Reputation (420 for F2P)
  • Makeb Statue Fragment (purple): 1440 Reputation (960 for F2P)
Rank Rep Cumulative Rep Weeks to Reach
Weeks to Reach
Weeks to Reach (13563/week) Legacy Title*
Outsider 2500 2500 0 0 0  
Newcomer 5000 7500 0 0 0  
Friend 7500 15000 1 1 1 Imperial Infiltrator/
Honorary Protector
Hero 10000 25000 2 1 1  
Champion 15000 40000 3 2 2  
Legend 30000 70000 5 5 5 Terror of Makeb/
Guardian of Makeb

*These legacy titles are faction specific and cannot be worn on the other faction.

Makeb missions that grant reputation trophies are divided into three categories

One time missions (5130-5400 rep)


STAGED WEEKLY (maximum of 4140 rep/week)

  • Remember that you can only pick 3 missions from STAGE 1 and another 3 missions from STAGE 2.
  • There are 3 Heroics you can do to 3×630 rep and 3 solo you can do for 3×270 rep for a maximum of 2700
  • The reward for completing the STAGED WEEKLY is a purple reputation trophy (+1440)


Dallies (3420 rep/day)


Reputation Vendor Location : Makeb Orbital Station

Reputation Vendor Items

Reputation Rewards Category Credits/Comms
Friend Republic Protector armor set (Republic) Armor 135k
Friend Core Miner armor set (Empire) Armor 135k
Hero L53 mainhand weapons with 66 mods (BoP) Weapons 85 Basic Commendations
Champion Confiscated Mercenary armor set (Republic) Armor 135k
Champion Makeb Assault armor set (Empire) Armor 135k
Legend Deep Red and Light Gray Dye module schematic (450 Artifice) Dye 100k

1) Republic Protector armor set – Friend standing. Republic reputation vendor only but can be transferred to other faction. Bind on Legacy, no level requirements. Adaptive.


2) Core Miner armor set – Friend standing. Empire reputation vendor only but can be transferred to other faction. Bind on Legacy, no level requirements. Adaptive.


3) Confiscated Mercenary armor set – Champion standing. Republic reputation vendor only but can be transferred to other faction. Bind on Legacy, no level requirements. Adaptive.


4) Makeb Assault armor set – Champion standing. Empire reputation vendor only but can be transferred to other faction. Bind on Legacy, no level requirements. Adaptive.


5) Deep Red and Light Gray Dye module schematic – Legend standing, 100k credits. Bind on legacy. Requires 450 Artifice.


Galactic Solution Industries

Weekly Reputation Cap: 12000. You can reach the cap if you do GSI dallies on 7 planets and then top it off with a purple rep.

Reputations Trophies

  • Repair Toolkit (green): 270 Reputation (180 for F2P)
  • Energy Field Monitor (blue): 630 Reputation (420 for F2P)
  • GSI Share Certificate (purple): 1440 Reputation (960 for F2P)
Rank Rep Cumulative Rep Weeks to Reach
Weeks to Reach
Weeks to Reach (13563/week) Legacy Title*
Outsider 2500 2500 0 0 0  
Newcomer 5000 7500 0 0 0  
Friend 7500 15000 1 1 1  
Hero 10000 25000 2 1 1 GSI Preferred Contractor
Champion 15000 40000 3 2 2  
Legend 30000 70000 5 5 5 GSI Most Valued Partner

There is also a weekly that requires the completion of 10 GSI dallies and requires purple reputation item and 20 basic comms on completion.


There is a whole guide devoted to GSI reputation rewards here.

Ordnance Acquisition Corps/The Adjudicators

Weekly Reputation Cap: 12000. You will need to run the Cz-198 dallies on at least two characters to reach the weekly cap.

Reputations Trophies

  • CZ-198 Lab reports (green): 270 Reputation (180 for F2P)
  • (blue): 630 Reputation (420 for F2P)
  • β€œVigilant” System Datafiles (purple): 1440 Reputation (960 for F2P)
Rank Rep Cumulative Rep Weeks to Reach
Weeks to Reach
Weeks to Reach (13563/week) Legacy Title*
Outsider 2500 2500 0 0 0  
Newcomer 5000 7500 0 0 0  
Friend 7500 15000 1 1 1 Czerka Investigator
Hero 10000 25000 2 1 1  
Champion 15000 40000 3 2 2  
Legend 30000 70000 6 5 5 Titan of Industry

You also get a one time quest (per character) called Titans of Industry that rewards you with a purple rep on completion.


There is a whole guide devoted to CZ-198 reputation rewards here.

Bounty Broker’s Association

Weekly Reputation Cap: 12000. You will need to run the Bounty Contract Week event on two characters to reach the weekly cap.

Reputations Trophies

  • BBA Official Mark of Service (green): 270 Reputation (180 for F2P)
  • BBA Official Certificate of Achievement (blue): 630 Reputation (420 for F2P)
  • BBA Official Token of Exemplary Achievement (purple): 1440 Reputation (960 for F2P) – There is no current method to obtain them.
Rank Rep Cumulative Rep Weeks to Reach
Weeks to Reach
Weeks to Reach (12672/week) Legacy Title*
Outsider 2500 2500 0 0 0  
Newcomer 5000 7500 0 0 0  
Friend 7500 15000 1 1 1 For Hire
Hero 10000 25000 2 1 1  
Champion 15000 40000 3 3 3  
Legend 30000 70000 5 5 5 The Professional

Each Henchman Bounty will reward you with

  • 1 green rep item (BBA Official Mark of Service ) and 1 blue rep item (BBA Official Certificate of Achievement) (270+630 = 900 rep/day or 990 rep/day if you have 10% reputation bonus)

For each Kingpin Bounty, you will get 1 blue rep item on every character that unlocks it. In addition, completing each Kingpin Bounty will reward you with

  • 1 blue rep item (BBA Official Certificate of Achievement)

There is a whole guide devoted to BBA reputation rewards here

  • lunathyk

    lame titles:P Any news about reputation vendor of these factions ?

  • Jonilink

    Good question these new rep grinds better drop more than just novelty items.

  • Kalreth

    Will be interesting to see how much reputations is required especially since the rewards for the gree require champion status

  • alfunk

    It’s a shame that the Voss rep gear is exactly the same as the Traditional Brocart set crafted by synthweavers… I hope they include better rewards or the grind won’t be worthy.

    • Reasor

      The Voss rep gear is also the first time that Imperials will be able to get that outfit in a shade other than stark white; some Sith players have wanted that outfit since they first saw it on the Revanites at level 14.

      • BrianDavion

        yeah it seems like a lot of the rep gear is just rep side gear being handed to imps. the section x stuff is basicly the rakata trooper gear with a new helmet

  • olos’nah

    each of the heroic space mission drops 1 blue rep trophy, gave me 630, and the heroic that requires 2 missions give 1 blue and 1 purple rep trophy, gave me 1450.

  • Draec

    Ugh, to many recolours, and mash-ups of classic sets. I am disappoint =(

  • olos’nah


    Heres some images of the Area Quest bosses on ilum for the gree event.

  • OutFromUnder

    Empire stuff looks like it would be nice on a BH. Looking forward to seeing what the Republic has to offer.

  • David Pielmeier

    Any idea how much Rep it takes to get to the higher levels?

  • Ramrod

    Is reputation for one toon or is it legacy wide?

    • olos’nah

      legacy wide

  • Dashto

    Is there a level requirement on the reputation gear? Is it bind on pickup or can it be mailed to your alts?

    • olos’nah

      lvl 45 bind to legacy adaptive

      • OutFromUnder

        This should be changed to any level IMO

  • Korven

    Operation Ascendent Pride gives a Premium (green) trophy for the Imperial Fleet that grants 270 reputation.

    • Ian

      For the Republic side, this is the Operation New Eclipse Mission. Also the Sunday double HM mission,Cha Raaba Assault/Thanium Disruption Heroic Space + Duma Strike/Baros Ambush Mission, drops a Artifact (Purple) trophy for 1440 points, instead of the regular Prototype (Blue) trophy, for 630 points.

  • Nys’cho

    Not sure it makes much sense from an RP point of view but completing Section X on either faction gives reputation for both i.e. Imperial Guard and Republic Fifth Assault share a reputation bar. Likewise with the Heroic Space Missions.

  • Cassya Vizla

    It can’t be only me who feels former top tier gear shouldn’t be reused exactly as it had been. The deep space starfighter helm is exactly the same as the battlemastr helm for BH (now the skn for recruit though not modable) and now its not even faction specific!

    • DaGhostDS

      Champion you mean

    • BrianDavion

      you realize the section X armor is the trooper rakata set with a differnt helmet right?

      • DaGhostDS

        Which was also used for the Rhakgoul event legacy set on the pub side.
        The imperial guard one really doesnt fit when compared to a real imperial guard, right next to the vendor (except the helm). /disappointed

  • stpfp

    Where is the “[Weekly] Defending Voss-Ka”? Is there a terminal anywhere? No guide tells me where to get this weekly quest!

    • It is in Voss Cantina

  • Telanis

    I got 2 green “Voss Historical Tablet” from trash inside one of the Voss heroics, Savage Connections. They must be random extra drops.

    • yup, heard someone mention them but never saw it myself when I did them. I will add them in thanks

  • ThatGuy

    as far as the Space rep goes, its some what worth noting that playing only one Subscribed character will grant a weekly total of 7,740 (completing Ascendant Pride/New Eclipse each day) this will take 7 weeks to achieve Legend rank.

    • Yup, it is a bit slow πŸ™

  • Raklin

    Green voss reputation points can drop on random voss mobs and the purple voss repuation points drop o the mini wb/champion boss throughout the nim lands

    • Raklin

      Not 100% chance for purple however I kill 5 and only dropped 1ce

  • BogyOne @ TRE EU

    Hi Dulfy,

    I have made a brute force approach to find how close subscribers can get to 12k cap and it is indeed 11970, here are all possible combinations: http://db.tt/h0LbvTRj

    I’ll do later rep for F2Ps too. πŸ™‚

    Big fan of yours,
    BogyOne @ The Red Eclipse EU

  • Pichon

    Once at Hero, it requires 15k rep to achieve the next tier.

  • Dak’nos

    Hey guys I see Legend cap is not listed, Is it 52500 as b4 or now that we know 15k is for champion we can assume Legend is about 20k more? then I need about 7k more rep darn :((

    • Well now we know it is 15k for champion then the previous assumption is incorrect. Thus right now we have no idea what Legend is. Could be 20k, could be 25k

      • Kamii

        It’s actually 30k.

  • olos’nah

    The hyperspace chest piece will change depending on the faction you send it to. It will only be blue on pub side and it will only be red on imp side πŸ™

  • Eddie

    Guildie of mine Taking advantage of the Rep cap resetting with PTS copy pushed himself to champ (with Gearbox’s method) and Legend require 30k reputation. So 70k total.

  • nezaradz

    Are there changes in 2.0?

    Espacially, are there new ranks for the gree? Higher than ‘Legend’?

    (I need to know, do I need more gree reputaions trophy for the future, or can I stop if i have enough for ‘Legend’?)

  • olos’nah

    Not that anyone probably checks back here, but with the next week being the earliest time to achieve legend thus rendering old trophies useless, I figured people might want to know that you can sell rep trophies. greens for 500, blue for 1000, and purples for 2500. But who knows if they will ever increase the rep cap higher then legend.

    • Hmm the Gree reputation items are bound and cannot be sold on the GTN

      • Gord

        I think he meant you can vendor them for those prices to at least get some value out of them.

        • ah good point, misunderstood.

  • It should be noted that the preview images for the belt and boots for the Republic-side Hyperspace Hotshot Outfit are currently incorrect. Those boots and the belt are from the Section Guardian Outfit.

    • David Pielmeier

      I was wondering about that. I bet the belt/boots look the same as the imp ones just in the lighter blue shade

  • Mumakil

    Dulfy, do you plan on moving the GSI and Makeb rep stuff here?

    • Yes I need to update this page

      • Chakra Kusanagi

        Dont forget to add the dyes schematics then.

  • Zraxs

    With the max rep/week being 12k, shouldn’t Champion only take 4 weeks?

    • InfiniteShi

      I think the number is the number of weekly resets instead of the caps.

  • Ancaglon

    The guild reputation bonuses have complicated the “optimal” methods…. I will probably have to build a simulator to calculate it all.

  • Infyrno

    I got the red sphere vehicle πŸ˜€
    Unfortunately I am a Champion to the Gree, I need to be Legend to use it. I am probably 15% through the Champion level with rep to reach Legend. Today is Friday, assuming as I will do all the gree dailies, heroics, I already did xenoanalyst HM this week, is it possible I will reach Legend by the time the event end? I really wanna use that red sphere.

    • Do you have level 50+ alts? Remember you can store rep items and use them after the event ends.

    • iceberg265

      Should have passed on it so that someone that could actually use it could have won, IMO.

  • Anthony Phillip Cuchra

    Is there any chance that you could add the guild modifiers to rep dulfy? say just like 5 and 10%?

    • 10% is already added.

  • Kyne

    There is an error in your rep calculation table for 10% guild bonus, probably just a copy & paste issue: 35 greens and 4 blues add up to 13167. That row should likely be 35 greens + 1 purple, which is the intended 11979.

  • The Kingpin rewards aren’t dropping Purple rep’ items anymore

    • Oops corrected the other ones but forgot this. Should be corrected now πŸ™‚

  • Maori

    Is there any Purple rep items for the BBA? I haven’t found where you can get one now that kingpin only drops blues and that changes the possible max reputation for the week.

    • Not at the moment.

  • SirRobinII

    1584 rep is what you get as sub from the purple bba rep reward.

    • Matthew R

      Not trying to snipe, but it varies with your guild bonus by up to 10%. I raise this only because it can affect rep gains depending on your guild size, and has caused guildies I know accidently go over the cap while attempting to get just under it for one last token to max Rep for the week.

  • Outis

    You forgot something in the spreadsheet on the top regarding Voss and the Hyperspace Missions:


    Green reputation items are random world drops.

    Hyperspace Operations
    Imp: Operation Ascendant Pride (Mission: Ascendancy Barrier)
    Rep: Operation New Eclipse (Mission: The impossible Sector)

    Grant a green reputation item (daily mission).

  • Seg

    Makeb Assault armor set. Oh it’s beautiful. And to y knowledge the only imperial soldier armor that you can get without going the cartel market. If only I was champion ranked with the imperial forces on makeb

  • lexicon

    Extensively compiled and useful page, please mention about Oricon reputation vendors too.

  • Mathew Chilton

    I have one called THORN, what the heck is that?

    • Sayaendo

      That’s for the Rakghoul event.

  • Barachiel

    Random Question I don’t see answered above.

    I notice Reputations are on the Legacy panel. Are they Legacy-Wide, or does every toon I have need to grind Makeb to get the main hand weapon?

    • Legacy wide

      • Barachiel

        *cheers* Okay that makes the rep grind a bit less obnoxious! Thanks for the quick reply, Dulfy! Don’t know what we Tor-natics would do without you.

  • marc g

    When do the weekly rep point reset? On what day normally

  • Mathew Chilton

    ever gonna be updated with all the new ones?

  • Eduardo Zamorano

    so, is it me or the voss reputation quest giver terminal is gone? i’v been trying to earn rep since my early access began only to find that i can’t earn rep. is this a bug? will dev fix it for tomorrow’s patch?

    • Noyjitat

      I’m wondering too. It isn’t there for any of my characters and I’ve only run the new content on one character.

      • Noyjitat

        Hey I just found the weekly on imperial is now at the terminal next to the main skyhopper in voss-ka.

  • iceberg265

    Weekly Defending Voss-Ka seems to have been removed, I can’t find it anywhere.

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  • Edward Hida

    Can you get reputation with more than one group? Sorry I’m new. (highest lvl character is 40)

    • Descalzo


  • Gwyn zireael

    Helloo~ Is this going to be updated, ever again? ;u;

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