GW2 Specialization Calculator by that_shaman

GW2 Specialization Calculator made by that_shaman. Note: Build links can be shared by copying the URL.

  • Hm looks like this on all browsers for me. What can i do?

    • Ray Shikinami

      I just Refreshed than it worked ^^

      • Ah ye after a few times it worked, nvm then 🙂

    • that_shaman

      There were some minor problems when activating the page, should be working now!

  • nadrian3k


  • NiteSlayr

    So wait… for the new specializations are you unable to put, say, 2 points into another tree and just 2 points? Do you have to only stick to 3 maxed out specializations?

    • Correct, when you pick a specialization, it is max or nothing. There is no more builds like 6/6/2, they are all 3/3/3 now.

      • NiteSlayr

        Gotcha, thanks.

  • Taiwan Wolf

    I love the new Thief traits, it literally takes everything I already use and makes it stronger and gives me 4-5 (former) GM traits I didn’t previously have.

    Change Last refuge doe. D: The only flaw.

  • Valento

    There are only 3 specs… where is Arcana?

    • that_shaman

      In the new system you’ll have access to 3 full trait lines. To change a trait line press the arrows on the left.

      • Valento

        Gotcha! Ty!

    • Nanoskaa

      you ahve to change it for arcana/earth magic, by clicking on the white arrow on the left

  • Sarigar

    Typo: in the Ranger traits, the first one is labeled “Marskmanship”.

    • that_shaman

      Thanks for reporting, should be fixed now! (older ranger build URLs might not function anymore)

      • Ainseland

        thx 4 da update

        agreed well we juz nid 2 adjust our build on dis new ranger trait specialization
        wood b interestin 2 use new build on ranger 4 DPS

  • Jeff

    Typo: in the Guardian traits, shouldn’t number V in Vertues called “Absolute resolution” ?

  • Sarigar

    I’m looking forward to these changes, they will open up a lot of interesting builds. Divorcing stats from the trait lines was a great idea, I wish they’d done that from the start!

  • NeHoMaR

    Excellent! I see my 2 favorites builds will be improved after this system is released, expencted the opposite. Excluding one line where I need only one trait, that’s sad, but is compensated by having 3 full lines.

  • Pink Popstar Ahri

    Have to wait for my final mesmer build for when heart of thorns is out with the chronomancer line. But as soon as this system is out I’ll at least have a build ready.

  • Flo Gi

    Really nice tool <3 ! Ty Dudul' and That_ for it ! We still need more info about Engi, Revenant and Elite Spe's, and I'll be done :p ! I already have what I need for the moment, and the few bugs I saw are already fixed ! So, ty a lot for this work m8 <33

  • Jonathan Hornsby

    Love this. If you can combine it with skills and gear it will be perfect; one-stop shop for build making.

  • Mattor

    Does Ranger’s beastmaster trait line Adept trait III mean that druids are the specialization getting shouts?

    • Zaloopa

      Rangers already have shouts, they’re just not the most useful skills in most situations.

      • Mattor

        Oh! so they do, my bad.

  • LegoMyNecro

    Where is the corruption skills cd reduction trait for necro?

    • FuunoKi

      Merged into Toxic Landing

  • Winecandy

    S/D Thief with Acrobatics, Deathly Arts, Tickery with all steal traits = damn low cooldown steal?
    Spam the evades and steals 😀

  • writinwater

    As a dagger/dagger elementalist this looks utterly terrible. All the beneficial traits are gone (and basically there is no support for any weapon type for elementalists) which means losing 20% damage and 25% speed (on a close range mobile glass cannon). SO I can either switch my playing style and parts of my equipment or reroll to something else

    • Tiff

      The reason there’s ‘no support for any weapon type’ is because they removed traits that focus on a specific weapon, so that traits were more flexible and work with every weapon instead of having to choose between them. Not to mention, you can easily take signet of air if swiftness upkeep is a bother, or try fresh air for a permanent 50% speed buff and outspeed every other class while in combat.

      • Oreo

        Encouraging a cele d/d ele to learn the class? HOW DARE YOU! Jokes aside, this guy gets it. Super speed is being buffed from 1 second to 3 seconds. So builds going air have huge increases to mobility.

        Also, I don’t understand why people are being so ignorant to the buffs in Earth and Water, which are now viable choices for bunkers AND burst builds alike since we aren’t forced to take a certain trait line for weapon traits/stats anymore.

    • MysticHLE

      Dude are you kidding me?“Arcana”,2,5,7-“Water Magic”,1,5,7-“Earth Magic”,3,5,8

      Frost Aura AND Regen when being critically hit, Protection when applying Aura to yourself, Stability when attuning to Earth. You entire party essentially have free stomps near you, you get to walk around as an icicle that no one wanna touch, you tank 20% more damage when in 600 range, and you get to use your healing Signet freely.

      The only thing that’s really changed is that you have to choose between Elemental Attunement and Evasive Arcana now. Otherwise, the d/d ele just got so much stronger as a solo unit. >_>

  • Ardenwolfe .

    From what I’ve seen so far, I’m very much liking this.

  • fArtcore

    Hopefuly with we will see templates soon, for pvp.

  • Neocharm

    This does not look good.
    Necro’s need a balance but with this limitation the balance is gone. I will have to skip Soul reaping or Blood magic.

  • J Manzon

    so this is what will happen with current trait system? for warriors where did shout heal goes?

    • Kilgorn Siegebreak

      It’s been combined with “Vigorous Shouts”. So it frees up the minor slot for you.

  • arutha

    Any chance that that_shamman or someone else in community can make this into an app sometime soon? I have always found it strange that gw2 has nearly no app presence especially a good build creator with gear, skills, and traits. Hope an official one could come out with HoT, all other mmos invest in an offical one pretty early

  • bob

    Really don’t like this. Who in their company decided this was a good way to go, it’s so damn limiting!

    • visher

      Limiting for now, not in a long run with new specs.

    • visher

      Plus, majority of builds don’t use more than 3 lines anyway.

    • Chris S

      It’s SO MUCH better than the old system. New system alone without elite specs already has more than 270 different combinations. In the old, current, system 80% of the traits are completely utterly useless anyway, so you only get a fake vision of build diversity when in actual every class has 2 or 3 builds and that’s it. That is gonna change a lot, especially when traits no longer give stat points which alone is a HUGE change that will open up much more builds.

      • ash

        Yeah, can’t wait to buy new armor to fix my builds!!!!!11

        • Bearodactyl

          what build are you using that doesn’t support add to your trait’s attributes? (I do not expect an answer…)

          Meta PVE usually something like 66002 + zerker, nothing changes. really absolutely nothing… but now you can run something like 66006 which becomes 11001 or 33003… whatever people want to call it now.
          Meta WvW something PVT/Zerker/knights or PVT/Clerics/etc or Condi (which uses corresponding traits to further raise stats from armor… I’ve not notice a 66002 cleric build that works really well)
          Meta PvP…. whatever, nothing changed.

          can you point out to me what requires new armor besides some obscure build that’s really a custom build play style… that sorta makes you all.. celestial and stuff by using things like cleric/sinister on 03335

  • that_shaman

    A couple of updates have been pushed:

    – URLs no longer fill your browser history on HTML5 capable browsers
    – URLs are now human readable (old links will work for a while but will be removed in the future)
    – Fixed a bug with wilderness survival not fitting inside the box

    • Takahami


    • Phobia256

      Thanks a lot for the awesome work that_shaman!

  • Steve

    Glad I got to play the game before they ruined it.

    • Trent Victus

      How does this ruin the game?

    • Holly

      I love when people label something as ruined before it’s even had a chance to happen. Are you psychic?

      • Bearodactyl

        STEVE THE CHRONOMANCER! He came back to tell us its ruined.

      • Steve


    • tekdung

      can you atleast wait?

  • Foverin

    There’s an error with the necro spite traitline. One of the grandmasters is supposed to say
    “Cast Unholy Feast when entering Deathshroud” Instead, you it says what Unholy feast actually does without it mentioned how you actually use it.

  • Rakali

    Useful little widget! Thanks for doing this.

    I have a small UX request — can you make the arrows for swapping trait lines slightly larger, or perhaps convert the trait names to be a clickable dropdown? I completely missed the ability to swap at first, and thought only three traits lines were available for each class for a bit.

  • Phobia256

    I feel like it is a missed opportunity to leave all those attribute conversion traits in the system. They are so boring and insignificant.
    Also I think it would be far more intuitive if the attribute boost traits gave some percentile effect instead, since you would not have to worry about level scaling and it is a bit more obvious what the practical effect is. For instance, Strength in Numbers: Reduces incoming damage on nearby allies by 5%.

    • foverin

      the conversion traits have potential, but I feel like they need a little more punch.
      they should be more like the guardian one, where you get Ferocity based off your toughness, but also get stacking toughness bonuses every time you block.

    • Takahami

      the attribute conversion might become more important as attributes relying on gear and not on traitlines anymore might lack some stats you might want to add by converting.

      • Phobia256

        Since most traits will have 2 or 3 effects in HoT, the attribute gain needs to be rather substantial to make up for that. But still I think they are quite boring.
        Maybe adding a related effect to it could solve that (like foverin mentioned).

  • Łukasz Habelski

    I hate that there is no more this arcana trait which made staff skills for elementalist bigger :c

    • Presac

      It’s because that has been added to always aply to staffs

    • Phobia256

      And another one whining about Blasting Staff…
      Please pay a bit more attention, it has been mentioned countless times already:

    • Bearodactyl

      Just for the record,

      3rd line AFTER the first picture.

  • M~GT1992

    Thanks for making this guys, it really helps to see how the traits are going to change. It does feel a little bit like dumbing down, but they are really just trimming the stuff that no one used, and merging things. All of the meditation traits in one grandmaster for Guardians? Yes please! All the people saying this is “limiting” our choices really need to think about what they’re complaining about. I can’t wait to try out the tons of NEW possibilities!

    • Bearodactyl

      I also feel that people are just… out to find things to complain about. Now we can have 2 extra minor trait and 2 extra master/grandmaster traits… regardless of how they positioned the traits (ie: 2 traits moved to grandmaster that is commonly used together now) you are, none the less, getting 4 extra traits… and no attribute points connected to traits. NOW i can play a full ZERKER (meta dps) Meditation Hammer guardian… or whatever… instead of having zerker gear and attributes in toughness, healing, vit etc etc. The customization has been greatly increased, but people argue against that.

      …Okay you lose the 3/3/3/3/2 build that’s way op. /s

      Then people don’t read the release notes, so they complain about missing traits that have been made as baseline… then they complain about necro. thank god i dont play necro. no complaining from me. This is a great step forward, and if people dont see that, they really have to calm down and wait for more information to be released…. I do see that the meta might still remain zerker +build of choice… after all I haven’t seen anything that makes other build (condi/zerker hybrid, full condi) over come this since attributes are purely gear dependent later.

      • Phobia256

        This pretty much sums up how I feel about all the premature whining. I love the new simple, yet flexible system.

    • Ryan Hill

      it kinda is limiting your choices, but what its really doing is making you choose 1 play style vs having a hybrid. I pref my hybrid deeps that dishes out alot of damage and can clear conds quite easily. Now it seems i have to choose between pure deeps and survivability 🙁 pick 1!

  • K’azz D’avore

    “Writ of persistence” and “pure of voice” are both grandmaster now for a Honor Guard 🙁 that is really goin to screw up my build.
    that being said both of those are now really worth taking.
    And a lot of the other stuff looks great. my mesmer will totally dominate now on his Confusion build. Can’t w8 for this to come!!

    • Sarigar

      They did that with a few trait lines, especially putting Bolt to the Heart and Fresh Air in the same tier for Air Magic. But I’m sure it’ll all shake out!

    • Ryan Hill

      my deeps guard is totally screw’d up now. 🙁

  • seldis

    Is 3/3/3 only allowed? then Anet doesn’t hafta bother to divide the minor trait in a line into three ones. I don’t like this. There has to be some more possible options like 2/2/3/2, 1/2/2/3/1, ect…

  • Louis

    So if I read right on the Ready Up then you can have 3 of the 5 Trait Lines at a time or 2 of them and a Elite Specialization. And to max those 3 out you have to get 465 Hero Points. You get about 400 they said just getting to 80. No this is just about the traits since that is all I’ve seen about so far. Haven’t seen anything about adjusting the cost of skills.

    Very much a generalization since we don’t have the numbers for sure and they could change before the expansion is released.

    1. 5 Points per level is what that comes out to. May not start though till you get to like level 10 so could be more.

    2. So that’s 155 points for each line.

    3. And that makes it if you started getting points at Level 1 around Level 30 that you could max out 1 trait line.

    That does meet their saying of that they want you to start getting into things earlier.

    • fovein

      You get 400 points by simply reaching level 80. Also, it is much less than 155 points per trait line. You get 465 points Total. I believe the devs said that by simply getting to level 80 (400 points) you should be able to max out 3-4 trait lines and get most skills.

      • Louis

        I was just going by what they wrote in the Ready Up article on the gw2 website. It’s where I got my information.

        • Phobia256

          It was 465 for everything. So that includes Heal, Utility and Elite skills. It is 60 points for every specialization (Fire, Earth, Arcana, etc.) and 35 for every set of skills (Signets, Traps, Shouts, etc.).
          So (60 x 5) + (35 x 5) = 475, so probably some skill sets require less points?
          For your information, the points required for the elite specialization are not included in the total.

  • Coltz Tyrell

    Where did my Illusionary Elasticity go? ):

    • Bearodactyl


      • Coltz Tyrell


    • It’s integrated, you automatically have it

  • Ryan Hill

    i don’t like this new shit. I like my builds the way they are.

    • Braghez

      Unless you were a super duper zerker only dps build…you got buffed in every way possible xD if you were…too bad for you 😀

      • Takahami

        i dont know. zerkers now dont have to worry to have some stats they got by traits which they didnt need. some zerk builds got nerfed by the new traits, but

        a) traits are not final
        b) there will be other builds
        c) more zerker stats by equipment stats only

        on the other hand: some builds who got traits all over the place are gone. they mostly werent zerker builds. but people will adapt, heck, they will have too. see b)

        • Braghez

          Zerk warrior got nerfed , at least as some people said…i never used warrior zerk…find it disgusting almost xD
          That said…on the long run they’re actually buffed…because now for optimal dps you use one line…two at most…then you can use the third one for either survival or support and so on…that especially since if before you preferred to dump extra points in power, precition, crit dmg line if you had extra points not needed…now that won’t happen anymore.
          Need to check about flamethrower engi too( wich wasn’t optimal before too)…but engi traits are still highly uncertain.
          Ranger too got changed a bit, you have to decide a type of “full dps” , at least with longbow, since the necessary traits for opening strike or more range with longbow etc are on the same space.
          Yet ranger gained, imo, a big increase in dmg with other weapons and pets

      • Zac Cashman

        IDK, there are a few build variations I can think of for guardians, thieves, elementalsist & warrior that required you to go into 4 different trees.

        With the change this won’t be possible to use those builds.

        • Braghez

          Yes, but at the same time they reduced a lot the dispersion of traits…for example, for a venom thief ,before, you needed to max deadly arts AND shadow art…just for those 3 traits needed. Now all the stuff needed for a base venom build (aka one more charge as base, aoe party venoms , might, reduced cooldown and lifesteal) are all into one single branch. So now we can effectively make a build wich do not only support with venoms, but can be effectively used for one on ones too if built right.

          That said maybe SOME build aren’t possible anymore, but it’s really a minimum amount since each type of stuff is focused on a line, yet we gained access to a lot of builds more and variation for those builds….even just one line used instead of another can change quite a lot the gameplay or the build focus
          For example now you can build a necro minion master with a good use of DS too if you branch in soul reaping…or you can go full condi dmg with curses.

          • Czan

            So where are elementailst signets? Cuz i don’t see much of them in this traits.

            • Braghez

              Fire’s Embrace became
              ConjurerAdept II Gain a Fire Aura for 5s when an ally picks up a conjurer weapon or you use a signet; Conjure weapons have 10 more charges.Signer mastery and Written in stone got fused:
              Written in StoneGM VIII Maintain the passive effects of signets when you activate then. Reduces recharge of signets by 20%.
              Shard of ice got removed. But it was hella useless
              Arcane Energy was removed too…well, actually it was changed to a full Arcane trait.
              Arcane EnergyAdept I Arcane skills restore 25 endurance when used and have 20% lower rechargesAs you see the effect on signets got removed and they added the 20% recharge. Still, no big deal, if you want more dodges just put the one that gives vigor on critical hits.

  • Josef Tauser

    What are the big hexagons at the start of each row for ?

  • Andrew Mckay (ONIGW2)

    I now have to choose between writ of persistence and pure of voice. That’s a big fucking nerf to healer guardian.

  • Ivan Herrera

    Where is Banner duration? I LOOOVEEEED to run with my ETERNAL BANNER in
    raids and PvE… I know Shouts where boosted but I want my beloved
    banner back T_T

    • Takahami

      in that one stream anet said, that they didnt decide yet about it. wait and see. i like me some eternal banners too.

  • Iviviana

    What happened to the air trait arcane something that boosted your ferocity for 15s whenever you used an arcane skill?

    • Zelyhn

      It has been merged with Elemental Surge in the Arcana trait line.

  • Jesse

    About time Zerker build get nerf, so we see some diversity in PvE. Good just Anet!

    • Zac Cashman

      They never said they were nerfing zerker.

      They are moving stat points off of traits & on to gear.
      So when they change goes live your gear will have allot more stats & your traits will have liitle to none.

  • will the trees give stat bonuses just like before?

    • Nope, it is all in the equipment now. Your gear will get adjusted to account for the bonuses

      • Mifune Zero Thirteen

        This is kind of good and bad though. Good that I don’t have to spend time messing with the traits every time I want to change stat builds, bad that now there is even more reason for me to carry multiple sets of armor. My poor inventory space. T-T

        Wonder when will get to see the Elite Specializations. Hope there is one for each trait line (I suspect there won’t be).

        • Conncept

          As an Ele main, you can have em’. We’re freaking sick of being nothing but mindless might bots and heal bots. And yet we seem to be getting the lightest trait changes of any class. 🙁

  • Raz

    Is the thief’ pistol 10% damage increase also baseline now?

  • Zelyhn

    Thanks for doing this. Allow me to point one thing though: the might durations for the ele are erroneous. The devs were using strength runes during the stream so the tooltips had might durations increased by 45%. In fact only Pyromancer’s Puissance (fire IX) has its might duration increased (from 10s to 15s); the might durations of all the other traits remain unchanged.

  • Maelíosa O’Seanáin

    while this is a good start.. it doesnt quite have the full aspect of what they showed in the 4 hour live feed.. It was a little more to it.. But good baseline example.

  • Mike Zotov

    Unless they make some changes to numbers the meditation guardian with a sword will have constant 60% crit without having any points in precision. With valkyrie amulet for example. I might even switch back to medi guard from my shout build for that…. Sounds amazing!

  • monijatila

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  • Sacha

    Is Confusing Enchantments (Glamour skills cause confusion) baseline too ?

    • Conncept

      No they said during the live-stream that that functionality would be removed because glamours are meant to be defensive and supportive, and dropping them on top of enemies for confusion was contrary to their principal use.

      • Sacha

        Sad … but thanks for the info.

  • Necro Death Shroud Zerker build. This looks interesting tbh!

  • X0ll0X

    I’m guessing they might want to balance the Guardian traits a bit more.

    At the moment you can get at least a +75% dmg modifier and a flat +25% crit chance, and getting that isn’t really that hard. The burning (+10% zeal II), crippled (+10% DH II) enemy (enemies) has to be tethered (+15% DH IX), standing on your symbol (+20% Zeal IX) at a range of more than 600 (+10% DH minor) while you yourself are under the effect of retaliation (+10% Radiance V).

    The first 5 parameters shouldn’t be that difficult to achieve, especially in a more zergy environment with the longbow together with the spear of justice and retaliation shouldn’t be that difficult to get anyways.

    And that’s after less than 5min idly clicking through the calculator and ignoring the vulnerability added on top of that.

    • Wulgus

      you can swap from Radiance to Virtues and get +10% over Rad V with Unscathed Contender, and pick up some group-friendly traits in addition to the Virtue CD reducer

      • Eolirin

        It’s more than 10% thanks to the gm minor and the easy access to boons guardian has.

    • Eolirin

      You can get ~94% damage increase with Dragonhunter, Zeal, and Virtues actually. Virtues adept 1 gives 20% while under aegis, and boons give +1% damage each from the grandmaster minor. So you can take Save Yourselves for a nice 8% dps boost, plus another 1% from the aegis.

  • Conncept

    Switch out Axe Training for Death Shiver and you pretty much have the build my necro is using right now, I call it my Shrouded Shotgun build. Basically get DS charged quick, and blast the enemy at point blank range for one 4000+ damage critical hit after another.

    • I know those crits man.. I can’t wait to see the addition of the extra traits. This build is essentially mine minus the death trait line, which currently is curses for focused rituals. I can’t wait to see what 3 extra traits will add to the build – especially with the elite spec as an option!


  • Nikobi SilentAura“Illusions”,3,6,7-“Dueling”,2,4,9-“Chaos”,2,5,8

    condi mes pvp for the win 🙂

  • Jennifer

    Elementalist – Arcana – Arcane Precision; has a typo.
    “Skills have a *change* to apply a condition on critical hits.”

  • Tonski

    What do you guys think 😀 ?“Nature Magic”,1,6,9-“Beastmastery”,2,4,8-“Wilderness Survival”,3,5,9

  • Sacha

    Does anyone knows what these mesmer traits became ? : Dazzling Glamours (glamour skills blind foes), Confusing Enchantments (glamour skills cause confusion) and Imbued Diversion (diversion hits multiple targets) ? Removed ? Baseline ? Don’t know ?

    • Chris Sio

      Imbued diversion is part of Master of Fragmentation. The rest have been removed most likely.

      • Sacha

        Ok thank you. I didn’t know about Imbued diversion because we can’t see how shatter skills are improved with Master of fragmentation.

        I hope that Dazzling glamours and Confusing enchantments are not removed but baselined because I love using them for my confusion build.

  • John Rambo

    Where is Defender’s Flame trait for the Guardian ????? rip my build …

  • Arutha

    BTW there is a few bits of extra information that can be got for the guardian from the dragonhunter ready up stream.
    For example: Radiance 2 Inner fire is 8 sec of fury on 10 sec internal cooldown.

  • Galhalean“Strength”,3,4,8-“Arms”,3,6,8-“Tactics”,3,5,8
    nasty warrior condi build 😛

  • ko

    should include ICD 🙂 it would be much better

    • that_shaman

      Cooldowns are at the top of my to do list!

    • that_shaman

      Just a small heads up, the cooldowns are now in place

  • Jesse Wan

    Nice work on getting the Chrono traits in the calc so quickly. You must have alacrity IRL. 😉

  • Gytis“Chronomancer”,2,6,7-“Domination”,1,6,9-“Chaos”,3,4,7 stun/daze/denial build possible for sPvP?

  • GettCouped

    I love you dulfy!! 😀

  • Xileer

    Ranger – Beastmastery – Wilting Strike (IV)

    “The effect will only once on each target”

  • that_shaman

    PSA: We’re currently updating the calculator. Errors may occur!

    • Luis Sánchez

      Yup, it’s not working right now. Thanks for the updating it. I love this tool already.

      • that_shaman

        Try refreshing the page (or CTRL+F5 for hard refresh). Should be working now!

        • Luis Sánchez

          It does. You work fast, man 🙂

    • Zelyhn

      Thanks for doing this! The might durations for the ele traits are still erroneous though 🙂

  • FQ

    You gave Spitefull Spirit (IX Necro Spite) the discription of Unholy Feast. It should say: ”Cast Unholy Feast when entering Death Shroud. ”

  • Wheatley

    Looking around at some of these traits, and it’ll be crazy to see how different the meta becomes after these changes.

  • Jason Lee

    The Reaper…love at first sight. Reaper, you complete me….

  • fArtcore

    @that_shaman:disqus how about adding a window under calculator that sums up which traits you got with their descriptions? I think that would help in getting what you want, especialy number wise, so you dont have to hoover mouse over every single trait.
    Still great job with calc, thank you.

  • luca

    guess you can update the reaper new skills from here

  • Baptiste Lorenzi

    Chronomancer won’t be good in PvE, or shatter build in PvE need to come back. We don’t know how does slow work against boss in duegon but it seems to be important. I think something in this way should be ok: Or we need to forget the use of Mantra but Dueling VII looks very interesant. I don’t know, I am completely lost… X°Or perhaps Confusion will be great with HoT who knows?

    • Orgez

      Your build seems to be fine. Well, that’s what i think now.. i don’t know how it will work in practice, but something like – charge mantra on pain – 4gs – 2gs – swap sword/focus – 5focus – 2sword – and as a filler use shatter which gives you alacrity, might, confusion. And with a wells you can pull off pretty good dmg output without any problems. Question is go with gs/s/f or s/s/f.

  • Baptiste Lorenzi

    OMG new earth magic of elemntalist is just cheated!!!
    Perfect healer:

    • Kira Sternenfeuer

      can’t follow ure argument the traits are the worst healerbased so far and diamondskin is somehow stupid compared to the mechanics of Revenant for example.

      strongest Trait would be 25% higher healing to allys but compared to an engineer healer build based on the traits it is just low.

      • Baptiste Lorenzi

        I meant perfect elem. healer, sure we could find better in others classes. But heal 3000 just in dodging is cool. (I would like to try a engenieer healer if you have some build.)

  • William Botsford

    Will the Soul Eater trait from the reaper line combo with the flat siphoning from the blood magic line?

    • Galhalean

      i assume so they are making it so that no trait choice is wasted.

  • Thanks for getting the Reaper traits up!

  • Galhalean

    Power condi gs reaper?
    (use sinister gear)

    good synergy with Decimate defenses and unyeilding blast for vuln and get crit per vuln stack.

    make chill a dmg condi as well as fear (both work well together amping dmg for more condi and for low health target not to mention making your target a sitting duck)

    torn between dhuum fire and deathly precision (another condi or 50% crit in reaper shroud) with 50% crit in deathly shroud and crit on vuln make nearly 100% crit with no investment in precision with potential (66%) for bleed on crit. that and necro 3 for a 6hit attch and vuln…. just add givers weps and this can be stupid (in a good way)…

    • William Botsford

      Go for Chilling darkness with curses because it’ll give you alot more chill with alot of abilities like GS 4, Dagger 4, and well of darkness or any other blind. also I think the power on chill would be more powerful but we won’t know till HoT. =D

  • Klowde

    S/d and SB set for thief. WIthdraw, Roll For Initiative, and dagger storm are the important skills, as they all benefit from the trickster trait in trickery. The idea is that you engage with full hp and gain resistance, and with the haste you stick on them and autoattack, using your gap closers and such as you see fit. you have a choice of sword 2 and steal for gap closing, or even infiltrators signet if you chose to take it, roll for initiative if you need the dodges for rolling towards them. After that, if you have managed to get the person down to 50%, then you can burst hem again with the help of executioner and panic strike, and hopefully steal if you hadnt used it yet will apply poison and increase your damage further. scorpion wire might be very beneficial for this build as well, to keep your enemy on you. Not sure what gear you would use, probably berserker or maybe even assassins. The survivability of the build comes from trickery allowing you to use roll and withdraw, as well as plenty of vigor and stun breaks from those. Also, switching to bow and using bow #5 teleport, along with healing for every initiative spent.

    What do you all think of it? I want to create something that isn’t so steal reliant for the S/D thief.

    • Arondite

      Is Withdraw really going to be a trick?

    • MaPko

      I just don’t think Assassin’s Reward is gonna be viable. The heal’s just too small. Sleight of hand is just so much stronger. But if you don’t want to rely on steal I guess there aren’t any really better options

      • Klowde

        They are in completely different lines. Is there a different line you mean?

    • If you want to go full on steal maniac you can take Don’t Stop which synergizes nicely with Swindler’s Equilibrium (but I think Assassin’s Reward will be more useful most of time), and I am not sure if Thrill of the Crime or Flanking Strikes is better, since Flanking Strikes has a longish cooldown while with Thrill of the Crime you get a reliable source of fury for some consistent massive crits. Steal is the profession mechanic of Thief, and I think it is not a bad thing to spec heavily into it. My current S/D, SB build is not very reliant on steal whatsoever, but with the changes I can actually drop the Crit Strikes entirely since the precision bonus comes from elsewhere, therefore I can choose Trickery instead. I am super excited to try the build out and also other Thief builds ^^

  • Nickj0h1

    which is better 20% cool-down reduction or 1.5% cool down reduction while in stealth?

    • Braghez

      Think 20% since the stealths never last a lot…still we need to see how it work to judge.

    • MrUnoriginal

      I think it’s meant to be that the skills recharge 1.5x faster while in stealth. Since the stealth from the torch skill itself is 3 seconds, that would mean that the skills will recharge a total of 6 seconds in that time. Basically every second of stealth counts as 2 seconds of cooldown for a skill.

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  • Matthew Masinelli (If link doesn’t work, I listed everything below.)

    ~~~Burst/Condi Warrior – Axe/Axe & Sword/[any]~~~
    Crits? Bleeding? Massive damage from Eviscerate? Enjoyable by thieves and warriors alike!

    Traits are setup primarily for doing the maximum amount of damage (from traits alone) with the Axe’s burst skill, Eviscerate. Dual axes will be your primary source of direct damage, and Eviscerate becomes a beast because of this (Axe Mastery, explained in a bit). Bleeds are guaranteed when you land hits by your Sword (or swords), and are also applied by chance on crits for either weapon set.

    So, the reason why I chose dual axe for your primary is that when dual wielding (and using) your axes, Axe Mastery gives you +300 Ferocity (or 20% additional crit damage). Crits from your axes also build up adrenaline, so you may Eviscerate more frequently. Coupled with Burst Precision, Eviscerate will always crit when you land it and will always get a 20% bonus in crit damage. Will hit like a truck…

    – – – Traits – – –

    Strength: 2 | 6 | 9
    Minor Traits: Dodge rolls do damage. Burst skills restore endurance. 10% bonus damage when endurance is < 100%.
    Major Traits: Heal skills remove conditions. 10% power given to vitality. Crits on axe gain adrenaline. +150 Ferocity for each axe wielded. 20% reduction on axe skill recharge.

    Arms: 1 | 4 | 7
    Minor Traits: 33% chance to bleed on crits. 50% crit-chance against stunned foes. 10% Increase damage to bleeding foes, and bleeds last 50% longer.
    Major Traits: Gain adren in combat and fury when striking a foe below 25% health. Increased sword crit chance by 10%, and 20% against bleeding foes. 20% reduction in sword skill recharge. 100% Crit Chance on Burst Skills.

    Discipline: 2 | 6 | 8
    Minor Traits: 5 Adren gained on weapon swap. Faster weapon swapping by 5s. Weapon swap gains might, and burst skills recharge 15% faster.
    Major Traits: 25% increase speed for wielding melee weaps, and movement skills break immob. (Movement skills apply to Eviscerate and Savage Leap. Shield Bash if bringing Shield). Remove conditions on weapon swap. Burst skills do 7% more damage and restore adrenaline.

    – – – Weapon Sets – – –

    So your primary is Dual Axe. Why? The 20% extra crit damage for dual wielding applies to your Eviscerate. This in combination with 7% more burst damage and 100% Crit Chance (from Burst Mastery and Burst Precision, respectively), makes Eviscerate a beast.

    Sword/[any] for your secondary set. Your main hand sword will give guaranteed bleeds from auto, cripple +movement skill that breaks immob [trait] from skill 2, and a hard hiting strike from skill 3.

    Off-hand slot for your second set could really be anything you want it to be. I list them below in order of my own personal preference.

    [1] Mace for added vulnerability and KD/stun. Consider running Body Blow [Strength, 4th Major Trait] for inflicting bleeding and weakness on stun.

    [2] Shield for blocking and a movement skill that breaks immob [trait] and stuns. Consider running Body Blow [Strength, 4th Major Trait] for inflicting bleeding and weakness on stun.

    [3] Sword for more bleeds.

    [4] Warhorn for boons to allies.

    [5] Axe for fury and AoE. Axe Mastery will give you +150 Ferocity (or +10% crit damage) for your Sword / Axe set. Caution: Cooldowns from Skills 3 & 4 do not reset from your primary set.

    Let me know what you think.

  • Matthew Masinelli (If link doesn’t work, I explained everything below.)

    Burst/Condi Warrior – Axe/Axe & Sword/[any]

    Crits? Bleeding? Massive damage from Eviscerate? Enjoyable by thieves and warriors alike!

    Traits are setup primarily for doing the maximum amount of damage (from traits alone) with the Axe’s burst skill, Eviscerate. Dual axes will be your primary source of direct damage, and Eviscerate becomes a beast because of this (Axe Mastery, explained in a bit). Bleeds are guaranteed when you land hits by your Sword (or swords), and are also applied by chance on crits for either weapon set.

    So, the reason why I chose dual axe for your primary is that when dual wielding (and using) your axes, Axe Mastery gives you +300 Ferocity (or 20% additional crit damage). Crits from your axes also build up adrenaline, so you may Eviscerate more frequently. Coupled with Burst Precision, Eviscerate will always crit when you land it and will always get a 20% bonus in crit damage. Will hit like a truck…

    – – – Traits – – –

    Strength: 2 | 6 | 9

    Minor Traits: Dodge rolls do damage. Burst skills restore endurance. 10% bonus damage when endurance is < 100%.

    Major Traits: Heal skills remove conditions. 10% power given to vitality. Crits on axe gain adrenaline. +150 Ferocity for each axe wielded. 20% reduction on axe skill recharge.

    Arms: 1 | 4 | 7

    Minor Traits: 33% chance to bleed on crits. 50% crit-chance against stunned foes. 10% Increase damage to bleeding foes, and bleeds last 50% longer.

    Major Traits: Gain adren in combat and fury when striking a foe below 25% health. Increased sword crit chance by 10%/20% against bleeding foes, and 20% reduction in sword skill recharge. 100% Crit Chance on Burst Skills.

    Discipline: 2 | 6 | 8

    Minor Traits: 5 Adren gained on weapon swap. Faster weapon swapping by 5s. Weapon swap gains might, and burst skills recharge 15% faster.

    Major Traits: 25% increase speed for wielding melee weaps, and movement skills break immob. (Movement skills apply to Eviscerate and Savage Leap. Shield Bash if bringing Shield). Remove conditions on weapon swap. Burst skills do 7% more damage and restore adrenaline.

    – – – Weapon Sets – – –

    So your primary is Dual Axe. Why? The 20% extra crit damage for dual wielding applies to your Eviscerate. This in combination with 7% more burst damage and 100% Crit Chance (from Burst Mastery and Burst Precision, respectively), makes Eviscerate a beast.

    Sword/[any] for your secondary set. Your main hand sword will give guaranteed bleeds from auto, cripple +movement skill that breaks immob [trait] from skill 2, and a hard hiting strike from skill 3. Off-hand slot for your second set could really be anything you want it to be. I list them below in order of my own personal preference.

    [1] Mace for added vulnerability and KD/stun. Consider running Body Blow [Strength, 4th Major Trait] for inflicting bleeding and weakness on stun.

    [2] Shield for blocking and a movement skill that breaks immob [trait] and stuns. Consider running Body Blow [Strength, 4th Major Trait] for inflicting bleeding and weakness on stun.

    [3] Sword for more bleeds.

    [4] Warhorn for boons to allies.

    [5] Axe for fury and AoE. Axe Mastery will give you +150 Ferocity (or +10% crit damage) for your Sword / Axe set. Caution: Cooldowns from Skills 3 & 4 do not reset from your primary set.

    Let me know what you think.

  • Tormod
    • Robin S

      pls no…. i would kick all mesmer who play like that v.v

      • Tormod

        What do you have against this build? It’s obv geared for phantasm dmg and shattering phantasms; stacking personal might on sigils/runes/shattering…
        The only thing not geared for dmg would be the signet trait for survivability/reflects/and a pwrful stun.
        You obv. don’t know how to play mesmer.

        • Robin S

          I know how to play mesmer in PvE, and mesmers have 3 mayor tasks: reflect, portals, pulling enemies.
          Take a look at the current meta or watch some speedruns and what mesmer do there. Why the hell would you change to shatter build in HoT? Why the hell would you play with conditions? Why the hell would you not take as many dmg modifiers with you as you can?

          The Duelling line is a nearly must have, as well as illusions of compounding power to have enought modifiers for all enemies with strong projectiles.

          Pls take a look how mesmer is played in pve there are many videos. No pve mesmer would ever think about traiding sth to deal dmg with shatterskills over dmg modifiers for reflect

          • Nobody

            WvW zergbuster shatter?

          • Oreo

            To be completely fair, Illusions is hardly mandatory after the patch. You can switch it out with Domination without losing the compounding power (10% more damage to vulnerable foes trait) while also picking up blurred inscriptions.

            If you go into Inspiration, and you should, you will cast signet of inspiration for every phantasm you summon. Being a signet trait, we can presume this procs the trait in domination, giving you healthy sustain through invulns and condi clear whenever you summon a phantasm.


            • Tormod

              The reason for going into Illusions:
              Reduced Phantasm Skills, Phantasms Attack more Frequently, Might on Shatter, and Shatter skills improved (distortion = reflect, and dmg incrs on mind wrack hopefully.)

              And, no, I do not want to summon clone on dodge which will mess up my phantasms whenever I need to dodge.

              • Oreo

                I wasn’t replying to your build, I was responding to Robin’s “meta” pve speed run build based on reflects and utility. Also, I’ll state it again; Illusions is NOT mandatory as of the patch update. Take it if you want, but it does in no way make Domination obsolete.

                And to be clear, not taking deceptive evasion can kill your bonuses from compounding power. Even if you take inspiration, your clones and phantasms are very squishy against aoe trash and bosses. Deceptive evasion only kills your phantasms if you have 3 phantasms out anyways, which is not the case 100% of the time.

                Again, with the trait revamp our choices are much more diverse and viable overall. For example, if you have no problems keeping 3 phantasms out 100% of the time, you can take harmonious mantras for a very decent dps boost.

          • Tormod

            Have you read the Mesmer guide on Dulfy? It basically points out that the better source of damage from a Mesmer comes from Reflects and Phantasms. I wonder why almost every single PvE Mesmer runs Signet of Ether. Mesmer personal damage is shit w/o reflects and phantasms. I’m also making this build for Fractals not speed running dungeons, so you are way off base.

            Taking that into account, there is no reason why I wouldn’t spec the way I chose. I run with pugs which means 0 party might. I need might to get greater phantasm damage which is the basis for going chrono and illusions spec…

            You are assuming way too much. I never said for what Meta. Meta could mean General PvE/farming for all you know.

            • Robin S

              PvE meta means usually Dungeons and Speedruns… And if you say sth else just to be right then its useless to talk to you.
              No I have never played Hybrid Shatter Mesmer in PvP because i dont play PvP, I only play PvE and know how PvE works and what is usefull in PvE and what not.

              When you say you mostly pug and dont have might, this has nothing to do with meta or anything like that but with casual pve.

              I didnt know how you play and what you mean.. when you just tell new Meta everyone will expect exactly that: maximum dps because you dont need anything else in gw2. Mesmer deals max dmg with reflect and you deal max dmg with reflect when you maximize your dmg modifiers.
              When your build is for fotm its even worse, cause you want to have wardens feedback there. Without that anyone want to have mesmer in high scale fractals in a organized team cause guards are far much better

          • Tormod

            And… just because my build has condis in the minor traits does not mean that my build is focused on that.

            Have you ever played Hybrid Shatter Mesmer in PvP? They use staff for quick illusion summoning on top of other benefits that staff has; yet the Zerker build has nothing to do with condis…

  • Erick Rodriguez

    So I’m still not completely caught up on how specializations work. Can you only have 3 trait lines at any time or is it the standard 5? If it’s only 3 that severely reduces build diversity and it makes me sad.

    • Tormod

      You choose the three trait lines that you want to spec. in. Within those trait lines you get to choose 1/3 major traits for each tier(Adept, Master, Grandmaster), and you get all three minor traits for each line as well.

      Many people have already speculated that this is a good and bad thing. It buffs pretty much every single build that is not the Meta atm. While this is a great thing for build diversity, it limits our choices based on the fact that to some degree we can not mix and match as much.

      ([-] PvE Ele Zerker Staff – 6/2/2/2/2 would no longer be possible.) – The Negative
      [Less options to mix and match trait lines]

      ([+] PvE Mesmer Zerker – X/Domination/Illusions) – One positive is that I would be able to run signets on my mesmer and only have to use one trait to support it; before I would have to go into both Domination and Dueling. Then, I would have to use two trait spots.
      [Most traits are being condensed and buffed]

      ([+] PvE Ele Zerker D/F – Fire/Earth/Water) – Another positive would be that I can run signets give fire aura which give might with aura sharing and not losing the passive when they are on CD. This will provide balance to Trait choices since I can choose how to play the way I want without it affecting my damage stats/viability.
      [Personal trait/build choices will not affect your/my game play negatively as much or at all. This allows a broader rng of builds to be viable; even though, they might not be the best.]

    • Shaggy

      yea some of the trait builds i had for my guardian arent possible anymore, but my thief still has everything in place.

      like tormod said, this is a mixed blessing. i really hope they give it a bit more flexibility in the future, but i am glad to see some of the less-useful or more situational traits removed or combined with similar ones.

      i may not be able to apply as much vulnerability with my guardian as i was, but now my symbols are way more potent options in combat. and from what i hear of the thief changes, i might just want to change my beloved build for the first time in over a year, if only to try things out.

  • Jonas Pettersson

    When i look at this I think all they need to do is merge some of the current traits together like they have here. And just leave the current system as it is

  • Erick Rodriguez

    So I guess the engi dungeon build will be something like

    • Daniel Buchanan

      instead of tools i think it will be inventions just for the blast when u use heal skill for might stacking and blast healing

  • Joshua Sager

    This reaper health steal build is going to be terrifying:

    …and this scepter/pistol mesmer is going to be incredibly irritating to kill:

  • Michael Curtiss

    My warrior build 😀

    Longbow/Sword+Axe oriented, hurl down F2 on the bow, stand in the fire and spine, hurling fire,bleeds,and vulnerability everywhere!


    probably gonna use, 2 banner slots and a shout, (and since im a norn, werewolf mode, cuz its fun)

  • Takahami

    the comment section is the best place to share builds…

  • Pix’s self help tapes

    Anyone know when this’ll be updated to the stuff we got yesterday?

    • Soon I believe 😀

      • Valento

        It looks already underway.

  • Xivor

    Please, please, please update. This is the only tool of its kind, thus far!

  • that_shaman

    Elementalist and Engineer have been updated. Others will follow later (keep an eye on this post for updates)

    • Valento

      Soothig Mist (Water Magic) should be 300 radius, no?

      • that_shaman

        Thanks, Looks like Anet made an error in their trait text

    • that_shaman

      Guardian is up now (others have been replaced with placeholders to avoid confusion)

    • that_shaman

      Mesmer is up

  • Valento

    Does this build look good for eles?

  • John Cogbeard = Engineer Close Range Nades- Amazing Damage Multipliers and great dodging ability. Also works well with current Stack and Burn Berserker Dungeon Meta! (Glass Cannon is an option besides Grenadier and Heavy Armor Exploit can be chosen over High Caliber) Let me know what you think! Thank you!

    • Sterling

      if you are in real close, then the spread on grenades and the travel time will both be pretty small and glass cannon would likely be better. similarly, an engi is already critting so much, in a group settings, heavy armor exploit would be better because its a party wide damage boost. but overall this is probably something close to what i will be running. right now, though, I am trying to work out something for a high power, medium sustain fractal build.

      • John Cogbeard

        Thank you! what you pointed out makes a ton of sense and would improve the build! 🙂 put up a link though once you work out your fractal build. I would be very interested in seeing it! Thank you again -Cogbeard

        • Sterling

          explosives will be in most builds I think. After that, its going to come down to how much sustain you want to take. With the changes to condition damage, I think it might be the case that zerk/assassin engis will move away from stacking bleed and to just making sure that there is 100% uptime of 1 stack at least to make hematic focus and modified ammunition function. Same with burn.

  • that_shaman

    All trait lines are up to date with the June 15th stream now

  • thrallazar

    Sorry, I don’t see any ‘calculator’ part, just selectable trait lines…. Is there going to be places where we can add our utils, armor/wep, and rune/sigil sets to ‘calculate’ real in game numbers? (something like the now uber outdated gw2skills page?)
    Not trolling….just curious, thank ye for all the hard work!

    • pk359 is just about up to date and has the new specializations now

    • It’s a “specialization calculator” not a build calculator. I think that_shaman and Dulfy are doing this just to foster the creation of trait combos for coming builds next week and in HoT. Maybe in the future it will branch out into a full on calculator, but that is up to them to decide.

      • kavok

        This isn’t a calculator. It doesn’t calculate anything. It’s just showing the trait sets. A real GW2 calculator can be found at . Not to discredit that_shaman or Dulfy, but at least it’s more useful.

    • kavok

      I appreciate what that_shaman and Dulfy are doing, but if you want a real build calculator go to . I posted this once before but someone must not have liked sending people to a different website.

  • Heimskarl

    The URL does not work for me, it is always ele no matter what URL I put in.

  • Benedict Hew

    Typo – Guardian- Dragonhunter- Pure of sight- Deal bonus damage to enemies beyond the range tHreshold

  • Sterling

    Guardian-Radiance IV-Wrath of Justice. “…triggers signet of wrath’s active ability” I assume this is signet of courage?


    Thief Trap Build! Thought it would be fun to try this out

    Heal Skill – Hide in Shadows/Withdraw (HS has better synergy but the cooldown is really long)
    Utilities – Shadow Trap, Needle Trap, Tripwire (might swap Tripwire out for another stun break)
    Eilite – Basilisk Venom
    Carrion Amulet

    Pistol/Dagger w/ Sigil of Agony & Sigil of Fraility/Purity – I was trying to maximize stealth options to get the most out of this option’s stealth attack. Bleeding is the main condition so I wanted to max out its duration. No precision so Fraility is the best dmg boosting option (Vuln increases condi dmg now!)

    Shortbow w/ Sigil of Energy & Sigil of Fraility/Purity – Makes you more mobile w/ #5 and can wear down those tanky opponents with poison application.

    Rune of the Krait – Thought this was the best option, boosts bleed duration plus the #6 procs often enough with Basi Venom

    I think the strat for this build it to remain in stealth (accessed from Steal, Shadow Trap or Cloak and Dagger) as long as possible to let those condis simmer, lay down new traps (except Needle – takes you out of stealth I think) and regen health, initiative and remove condis for the next attack rotation. Steal is huge in this build so have to be ready to use it once CD is done. Lots of might and vuln available to build up lots of condi dmg. SB will be better for fights with tankier enemies (more mobility & constant poison application)

    Some rotations w/ P/D:
    1. Steal -> Sneak Attack (#1 Pistol) -> Shadow Strike (#3 Dual Wield)
    2. Gap close through immob w/ Needle Trap proc/Body Shot (#2 Pistol) or Tripwire or Shadow Pursuit -> Cloak and Dagger (#5 Dagger) -> Sneak Attack -> Shadow Strike (Basi Venom is of better use in this rotation)
    3. Auto Attack otherwise

    No idea if this will work but it seems like a challenge to micromanage everything in this build (meaning lots of fun trying to learn it!). Any input would be great!

  • Rhasputine Rhag

    Did they remove the trait that drops trap when using heal skill? loved that one

    • sadrien

      I can not find it, so I assume so.

    • I think they should have rolled it into maybe the Master slot trait “resourceful trapper”, since you are being quite resourceful dropping that needle trap while healing up. Maybe the CD for traps is so low they decided to drop it?

  • Sterling

    there were a couple further changes in the initial patch for instance, Mesmer duelist minor #3 is not longer a confusion, but rather generates fury.

  • binaryTuxedo

    Wanted to say thanks! I can’t get by without a build calculator, having this up so quickly is very useful.

  • Grey Freeman

    Still the only place providing this tool. Thanks, Dulfy!

    • enfa;wsfn

      Well, not exactly. Into the Mists’s build editor updated for the new traits/specializations around the time of the patch. But yes this was the first and only for much of the time prior to the patch 🙂

  • Ryan Hill

    anyone gunna imput this specilazation calc into a full build calc? anytime soon?

  • Andy Taylor

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    =============== HAVE A LOOK TO THE LINK FOR YOUR BRIGHT FUTURE ===============


  • kevin

    warrior DEFENCE VII => last stand is incorrect in this calculator

  • amy_lbenites
  • edna_drivera
  • Dustroier

    Could you make a trait/skill creater?

  • Marcello Garini

    any incoming updates with the rev/tempest reveals? :3 can’t wait to mess around!

  • Gorik Rutten

    It would be great if you could update these specialisations with the revealed tempest traits and the new and changed revenant traits. <3

    • that_shaman

      I’ve just added them both!

      • Wandelaars


      • Kane

        I just noticed that you missed the changes to the Revenant Invocation spec particularly Swirling Mists, Revitalizing Breath and Empty Vessel.

  • mPascoal

    I’m already building my Medi DragonHunter. I think Meditations will be stronger than traps for PvP, but Traps seem great damage for PvE

  • Jonathan Hornsby

    It’s great to finally have the Devastation line added, but you need to update the Invocation line with all the changes mentioned on the forums. For one that Swirling Mists minor doesn’t exist anymore, neither does Revitalizing Breath.

  • chaser

    any update for warrior elite spec?

  • SpeedFox

    any Update for the Thief Elite Spec ‘Daredevil’?
    it seems rather quite here in the last days…

    • that_shaman said he will update it Friday after the livestream

  • Pink Popstar Ahri

    Hope to see the Daredevil line appearing soon 🙂

    Thanks for the great work on this tool.

    • that_shaman

      Just added it to the tool!

      • Pink Popstar Ahri

        Thank you very much 🙂

      • SpeedFox

        it’s really great 😉

  • Hall

    I’m surprised not many people are posting their theory builds. I enjoy seeing people’s creativity and it helps me in crafting my own builds. Specifically looking for Dragon Hunter and Chronomancer builds. I think I’m pretty solid on the other specializations that are out. I have Chilling cavalier Reaper for pve fun, Apothecary Tempest for dungeons, cleric Daredevil for a tanky fighter. And rabid berserker for burning and bleeding dps.

    • Jon Martin

      This is the build I was running. The entire point of this build is to stack up Alacrity. It’s such an amazing buff. In a party setting, I could give everyone around 20 seconds of Alacrity. I’ll explain the traits a little bit.

      Chronophantasma/ Persistence of Memory/ Deceptive Evasion/ Phantasmal Fury/ Phantasmal Haste/ Flow of Time (minor)/ Master of Misdirection (minor)/ Illusionist’s Celerity- With this build you’ll want to shatter to gain alacrity. Whether you’re adding damage or using the f5 shatter for ~4-5 free cd wells, you’ll be shattering. To avoid losing damage, the two major traits will help keep your phantasms alive AND recharge your next phantasms. Deceptive Evasion will help replenish clones if you don’t have a phantasm to shatter with. Phantasmal Fury & Haste increase the damage and are obvious choices for an increase in personal DPS.

      All’s Well that Ends Well/ Improved Alacrity/ Flow of Time (Minor) – These are obvious choices for adding alacrity. You’ll be running a full set of wells.

      Lastly, Ineptitude will blind opponents when you dodge roll (to make clones or avoid attacks) AND when you block (Shield #4) and Fencer’s Finesse for free ferocity. You’re always using main hand sword.

      Heal/Utilities/Elite: All wells. The only well I don’t grab, (don’t remember its name) is the well that makes your attack unblockable and gives you distortion when it’s over. You’d only use that in narrow circumstances (like a certain boss in HotW).

      Weapons: Sword Shield (I mostly stay in this) / Sword Focus/Sword/Pistol. You may want to use the focus to pull enemies together, but the sword/sword is also really good with all of your chaos fields on the ground. The additional blinds from Chaos Armor really help the group and keep your phantasms alive.

      Zerker set up with scholar runes. Sigils are Night and Force. Because Alacrity can’t be adjusted with boon duration, you just build for damage.

      • Jon Martin

        I feel like I should clarify, the Alacrity of this build last the entire fight +20ish seconds (which reduces CDs you might have used *after* the fight is over.

        • Hall

          Thanks Jon!

  • LiamMurray60

    Max healing, no-one is dying today druid build. thoughts?!

    • Maelíosa O’Seanáin

      mine was very similar to yours. I cannot repost the trait line with the above in a link for some reason but here is what I had:

      1. Nature Magic: Rejuvenation, Allies aid, Fortifying bond, Windborne notes, Lingering Magic, Invigorating Bond

      2. Wilderness Survival:Natural Vigor, Oakheart salve, Companion’s defense, Shared Anguish,

      Bark Skin, Empathic Bond

      3. Druid: Celesital being, Cultivated Synergy, LIve Vicariously, Natural Mender, Ancient Seeds

    • Spamie

      Well…Here’s what I’ve come up with.

      more oriented towards supporting with your pet. Most likely applying regen with Fern hound or prot with Blue Moa ( possibly might/fury with Jungle stalker/Red Moa ).

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