SWTOR Planetary Conquests Guide

A guide to the Planetary and Guild Conquests introduced with Patch 2.9 Galactic Strongholds. Last updated Jan 3, 2018

Conquest Schedule provided by Bioware

All conquest events starts at 7 am EST until daylight savings time then they start at 8 am EST

Planetary Conquest sorted by Planet


Planetary Conquest Basics

What is Planetary Conquest?

Planetary Conquest is a weekly rotating objective players can participate in. While this is largely intended for guilded players, players without guilds can also participate but they won’t be able to reap all the benefits.

To access the Conquest menu, press L and go to the Conquest tab. You will see three sections on the Conquest tab that are of interest.

  1. This week’s Conquest and objectives
  2. Guild Leaderboards for each conquerable planet in this week’s Conquest
  3. How much your character have contributed and their rewards


Conquests & Objectives

There are 11 different Conquests currently. Each one lasting a week. They will be different every week until you finish the rotation. Each Conquest will be involving a bunch of different planets/daily areas that guilds can invade and compete in.

While you won’t be able to see all the Conquests, you can get a peak at all the different conquests in the achievements menu.

  • Clash in Hyperspace
  • Death Mark
  • Emergency Operations
  • The Dread War
  • Titans of Industry
  • Total Galactic War
  • The Balance of Power
  • Rakghoul Resurgence
  • Relics of the Gree
  • The Trade Emporium
  • Flashpoint Havoc

Each Conquest have different objectives. Some objectives are repeatable (represented by the infinity sign), while others can done only once per legacy. Finishing the objectives will give you points towards both your personal and guild reward tracks.


Something worth mentioning the objectives points is the Guild Invasion Bonus. Depending on which planet your guild choose to invade, you can get bonuses towards certain objective that give you even more points. For example, lets look at the Alderaan: Heroic Mission objective. This will grant you Guild Invasion Bonus of Alderaan x3.

  • This objective will give you only 500 pts normally but if you guild invades Alderaan, doing this objective will give you 3 times as much points, totaling to 1500 pts instead of 500 pts (not counting Stronghold bonus which we will discuss later). The points on the objective list already reflects this bonus.


Something that is potentially confusing is that regardless of which planet your guild is invading, you can still do objectives on other planets and gain points. For example, if your guild is invading Alderaan, you can still do the objectives located on Makeb and gain points towards the Alderaan Guild Leaderboards. You probably won’t get as much points since the objectives in other planets may not have the guild invasion bonus attached to them.

  • In the example shown below, Critical Missions: Makeb will grant you 1500 pts on the Alderaan Guild Leaderboards and your personal/guild reward tracks. However, since my guild is currently not invading Makeb, I do not get a Makeb x3 bonus and this is just 1500 pts. If my guild was invading Makeb, this would give me 4500 pts instead.


Planetary Invasions and Guild Leaderboards

Each Conquest will have 3-4 different planets or daily areas that your guild can invade. You must have a guild flagship to be able to invade a planet (50 million credits). Once you picked a planet and started your invasion, you will be locked into that planet for 3 days minimal and cannot switch to another planet until then.


Each planet favors different kinds of objectives. In The Balance of Power Conquest for example, invading Alderaan give you invasion bonus towards flashpoint and warzone objectives while invading Voss give you invasion bonus towards Crafting and War Supplies. Make sure you picked a planet that plays to your guild’s strengths and has the potential to earn the most points.


The leaderboards section will display the top 10 guilds with the most points. To conquer a planet, your guild must invade that planet and place first place on that planet’s leaderboard when the conquest finishes. At the end of the Conquest week, your guild will be conquerors of that planet and this give you access to Walker mounts and Starship Flybys assuming you have finished the reward tracks. In addition to the planet specific temporary walker mounts, you also get a special legacy title for each planet you have conquered. If you managed to conquer all 15 planets, you get The Galaxy Conqueror legacy title. If you didn’t get first place, you can still receive guild rewards for placing on the top 10 leaderboards of a specific planet.



Last but not least, there are rewards to be gained for completing the personal and guild conquest objectives This is a weekly you can do only once per conquest per character. To receive the rewards, you must earn 20,000 points before the time limit (1 week) expires and for guild rewards you must place top 10 in the leaderboards for the planet you have invaded. Once you have completed this weekly, you cannot get it again until the next conquest but you can still contribute points to the guild leaderboards, you just won’t get more rewards for doing so.

The Personal Reward give you 27.540 + 25,000 = 52,540 credits and the following

  • Gathering Lockbox (Universal) – Contain 3 random material gathering decorations which can be harvested for crafting materials (4 hrs cooldown).
  • 15 Scavenged Scrap (traded with Jawa scrap vendors for green crafting mats)
  • 10 Assorted Droid Parts (traded with Jawa scrap vendors for blue crafting mats)
  • Strategic Resource Matrix

The Guild Reward give you 27,540+ 50,000 = 77,540 credits and the following

  • Gathering Lockbox (Universal) – Contain 3 random material gathering decorations which can be harvested for crafting materials (4 hrs cooldown).
  • 10 Jawa Junk (traded with Jawa scrap vendors for purple crafting mats)
  • One of the Encryptions for unlocking rooms in your guild flagship (on average you need around 100-300 Encryptions to unlock a room)

Personal rewards are given immediately once you have completed it, guild rewards are given only if you place in the top 10 leaderboards and are given at end of the conquest if your guild is eligible. Guild reward progress is reset if you leave and join another guild.


Stronghold Bonus

You may have noticed under Personal Reward there is something called Stronghold Bonus. This bonus come from your personal strongholds. Each 100% completed personal stronghold will grant you 25% bonus towards Conquest points for a maximum of 100% bonus from four 100% completed personal strongholds. Completions are earned by placing decorations.

What this means is that if you normally earn 500 points for completing an objective, you will now earn 1000 points if you have 100% Stronghold bonus. However, keep in mind that if the objective also have Invasion Bonus, this is calculated a bit different.

Lets say you have 13% Stronghold bonus and 3x Invasion Bonus for a 500 points objective. You will get (500 x3) + (500 x 0.13) = 1565 points towards your personal/guild rewards and guild leaderboards. It is not 500 x 3 x 1.13 as you might have expected.

Earning Points and Topping the Leaderboards

The unfortunate truth is that larger guilds with more active players will accumulate points at a faster rate than small guilds and will more likely to top the leaderboards, get their temporary walker mounts and their legacy titles since there isn’t any caps or restrictions. Larger guilds tends to have more crafters, more players that run flashpoints, warzones and all the activities that contribute points. Smaller guilds will either need to have more dedicated players with lots of playtime to compete. Whether or not this will cause more guild mergers/dramas will remain to be seen.

Best way to earn points is to first make sure you have personal strongholds that are as high completion % as possible for maximum stronghold bonus. Then whatever that is easiest for you, be that crafting war supplies, warzones, farming heroics etc.

Conquest: Clash in Hyperspace

Republic and Imperial fleets have engaged in protracted battles in several major systems and require the assistance of all able-bodied starfighter pilots.

Conquerable Planets: Balmorra, Hoth, Corellia, Ilum

  • Balmorra: Flashpoints/Starfighter
  • Hoth: Warzones, Flashpoints, Operations, Starfighter
  • Corellia: Starfighter
  • Ilum: Flashpoints, Starfighter

Personal/Guild Reward goal: 20,000

Repeatable Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Unranked Warzones: The Front Lines 250 Complete any unranked Warzone match. Hoth x2
Warzones: Critical Missions: 1000 Complete any of the following missions:
[WEEKLY] The War Front
[WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor
[WEEKLY] The Spoils of War
[WEEKLY] Go Berserk!
Hoth x2
Warzones: Total Domination 500 Win 1 ranked or unranked warzone matches. Hoth x2
Starfighter: Conquer the Skies 500 Complete any Starfighter match Balmorra x2
Hoth x2
Corellia x2
Ilum x2
Starfighter: Dominate the Stars 1000 Win 10 Starfighter matches Balmorra x2
Hoth x2
Corellia x2
Ilum x2
Starfighter: Critical Missions 1000 Complete mission: [WEEKLY] Galactic Starfighter Balmorra x2
Hoth x2
Corellia x2
Ilum x2
Starfighter: Medal of Bravery 1000 Earn 50 medals while playing Galactic Starfighter. Balmorra x2
Hoth x2
Corellia x2
Ilum x2
Group Finder: Flashpoints 1000 Queue for a random Flashpoint, Tactical Flashpoint, or Hard Mode Flashpoint with Group Finder and complete it. You must be eligible for the daily reward. Balmorra x2
Hoth x2
Ilum x2
Group Finder: Operations: 2000 Queue for a random Operation with Group Finder and complete it to earn the daily reward. Hoth x2
Critical Missions: Galactic Flashpoints 1000 Complete any of the following missions: [WEEKLY] Galactic Conflicts [WEEKLY] Tactical Flashpoints Balmorra x2
Hoth x2
Ilum x2
Critical Missions: Operations 1000 Complete any [WEEKLY] mission on the Operations Terminal. Hoth x2
Critical Missions: The Black Hole 1000 Complete mission: [WEEKLY] Black Hole Crisis. Corellia x2
Balmorra: Heroic Missions 500 Complete any [HEROIC] mission on Balmorra. Balmorra x3
Ilum: Heroic Missions 500 Complete any of the following missions on Ilum: [HEROIC 2+] Darkness on Ilum [HEROIC 2+] Poisonous Strategy Ilum x3

One Time Objective List

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Crafting: War Supplies 2000 Assemble various gathered materials into any of the following war supplies: Infantry Supply Kits, Starship Weapons, Armored Vehicles, Crystal Capacitors, Holocron of Strategy, or an Invasion Force.
Crafting: Invasion Force 2000 Combine every type of war supplies in order to craft an Invasion Force.
Flashpoint: Kuat Drive Yards 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Kuat Drive Yards on any difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Hoth x2
Ilum x2
Flashpoint: The False Emperor 1000 Complete Flashpoint: The False Emperor on any difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Hoth x2
Ilum x2
Defeat The Sith Entity (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat the Sith Entity in Flashpoint: The False Emperor on the hard difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Hoth x2
Ilum x2
Flashpoint: The Battle of Ilum 1000 Complete Flashpoint: The Battle of Ilum on any difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Hoth x2
Ilum x2
Defeat the Guid Patriarch (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat the Guid Patriarch in Flashpoint: The Battle of Ilum on the hard difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Hoth x2
Ilum x2
Flashpoint: The Black Talon 1000 Complete Flashpoint: The Black Talon on any difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Hoth x2
Ilum x2
Defeat GXR-7 (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat GXR-7 in Flashpoint: The Black Talon on the hard difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Hoth x2
Ilum x2
Flashpoint: The Esseles 1000 Complete Flashpoint: The Esseles on any difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Hoth x2
Ilum x2
Defeat ISS-994 (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat ISS-994 in Flashpoint: The Esseles on the hard difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Hoth x2
Ilum x2
Balmorra: Rampage (Imperial) 1000 Defeated 250 non-player opponents while on Balmorra (Imperial). Balmorra x3
Balmorra: Rampage (Republic) 1000 Defeated 250 non-player opponents while on Balmorra (Republic) Balmorra x3
Ilum: Rampage 1000 Defeat 250 non-player opponents while on Ilum Ilum x3
Ilum: Raiding the Republic 1000 Defeat 25 champion difficulty Republic guard droids and turrets on Ilum Ilum x3
Ilum: Attacking the Empire 1000 Defeat 25 champion difficulty Imperial guard droids and turrets on Ilum. Ilum x3

Conquest: Death Mark

A sudden power shift in the underworld has resulted in thousands of death marks being issued for the galaxy’s most influential sentients.

Conquerable Planets: Tatooine, Nar Shaddaa, Quesh, Makeb, The Black Hole

  • Tatooine: Warzones, Flashpoints, Operations, Starfighter
  • Nar Shaddaa: Warzones
  • Quesh: Warzones, War Supplies
  • Makeb: Warzones, War Supplies
  • The Black Hole: Warzones

Personal/Guild Reward goal: 20,000

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Unranked Warzones: The Front Lines 250 Complete any unranked Warzone match. Tatooine x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Makeb x2
The Black Hole x2
Quesh x2
Warzones: Critical Missions: 1000 Complete any of the following missions:
[WEEKLY] The War Front
[WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor
[WEEKLY] The Spoils of War
[WEEKLY] Go Berserk!
Tatooine x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Makeb x2
The Black Hole x2
Quesh x2
Warzones: Total Domination 500 Win 1 ranked or unranked warzone matches. Tatooine x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Makeb x2
The Black Hole x2
Quesh x2
Starfighter: Conquer the Skies 500 Complete any Starfighter match Tatooine x2
Group Finder: Flashpoints 1000 Queue for a random Flashpoint, Tactical Flashpoint, or Hard Mode Flashpoint with Group Finder and complete it. You must be eligible for the daily reward. Tatooine x2
Group Finder: Operations: 2000 Queue for a random Operation with Group Finder and complete it to earn the daily reward. Tatooine x2
Critical Missions: Galactic Flashpoints 1000 Complete any of the following missions: [WEEKLY] Galactic Conflicts [WEEKLY] Tactical Flashpoints Tatooine x2
Nar Shaddaa: Heroic Missions 500 Complete any [HEROIC] mission on Nar Shaddaa. Nar Shaddaa x3

One Time Objective List

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Crafting: War Supplies 2000 Assemble various gathered materials into any of the following war supplies: Infantry Supply Kits, Starship Weapons, Armored Vehicles, Crystal Capacitors, Holocron of Strategy, or an Invasion Force. Tatooine x2
Quesh x2
Makeb x2
Crafting: Invasion Force 2000 Combine every type of war supplies in order to craft an Invasion Force.
Warzones: Destroy the Enemy 2000 Deliver the killing blow against 100 enemies in any warzone Tatooine x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Makeb x2
The Black Hole x2
Quesh x2
Unranked Warzones: The Killing Fields 3000 Complete 10 Unranked Warzone Match Tatooine x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Makeb x2
The Black Hole x2
Quesh x2
Ranked Warzones: The Proving Grounds 3000 Complete 10 ranked Warzone match Tatooine x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Makeb x2
The Black Hole x2
Quesh x2
Nar Shaddaa: Rampage 1000 Defeat non-player opponents while on Nar Shaddaa. Nar Shaddaa x3
Nar Shaddaa: R4-GL 1000 Defeat R4-GL on Nar Shaddaa. Nar Shaddaa x3
Tatooine: Infiltrating the Empire 1000 Defeat Imperial guards of champion difficulty on Tatooine Tatooine x3
Tatooine: Trapjaw 1000 Defeat Trapjaw on Tatooine. Tatooine x3
Tatooine: Pillaging the Republic 1000 Defeat Republic guards of champion difficulty on Tatooine Tatooine x3
Tatooine: Rampage: 1000 Defeat non-player opponents while on Tatooine. Tatooine x3
Defeat Gil (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat Gil in Flashpoint: Mandalorian Raiders on the hard difficulty mode. Tatooine x2
Flashpoint: Mandalorian Raiders: 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Mandalorian Raiders on any difficulty mode. Tatooine x2
Operation: Scum and Villainy 2000 Complete Operation: Scum and Villainy in any difficulty mode. Tatooine x2
Operation: Karagga’s Palace 2000 Complete Operation: Karagga’s Palace on any difficulty mode. Tatooine x2
Destroy Enemy Commanders 2000 Defeat commanders of the enemy forces on planets across the galaxy. This includes Veteran Sith and Jedi Battlemasters as well as their high-ranking named counterparts. Tatooine x2

Conquest: Emergency Operations

Immensely powerful foes are preparing to launch devastating attacks on worlds across the galaxy. Strategic operations must be launched to battle the rise of these dangerous new enemies.

Conquerable Planets: Tatooine, Hoth, Belsavis, Section X, Oricon

  • Tatooine: Warzones, Flashpoints, Operations, Starfighter
  • Hoth: Warzones, Flashpoints, Operations, Starfighter
  • Belsavis: Operations
  • Section X: Operations
  • Oricon: Operations

Personal/Guild Reward goal: 20,000

Repeatable Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Unranked Warzones: The Front Lines 250 Complete any unranked Warzone match. Hoth x2
Tatooine x2
Warzones: Critical Missions: 1000 Complete any of the following missions:
[WEEKLY] The War Front
[WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor
[WEEKLY] The Spoils of War
[WEEKLY] Go Berserk!
Hoth x2
Tatooine x2
Warzones: Total Domination 500 Win 1 ranked or unranked warzone matches. Hoth x2
Tatooine x2
Starfighter: Conquer the Skies 500 Complete any Starfighter match Tatooine x2
Hoth x2
Belsavis x2
Starfighter: Critical Missions 1000 Complete mission: [WEEKLY] Galactic Starfighter Tatooine x2
Hoth x2
Belsavis x2
Group Finder: Flashpoints 1000 Queue for a random Flashpoint, Tactical Flashpoint, or Hard Mode Flashpoint with Group Finder and complete it. You must be eligible for the daily reward. Tatooine x2
Hoth x2
Group Finder: Operations: 2000 Queue for a random Operation with Group Finder and complete it to earn the daily reward. Tatooine x2
Hoth x2
Belsavis x2
Section X x2
Oricon x2
Critical Missions: Operations 1000 Complete any of the [WEEKLY] missions on the Operations Terminal Tatooine x2
Hoth x2
Belsavis x2
Section X x2
Oricon x2
Critical Missions: Galactic Flashpoints 1000 Complete any of the following missions: [WEEKLY] Galactic Conflicts [WEEKLY] Tactical Flashpoints Hoth x2
Tatooine x2
Belsavis Heroic Missions 500 Complete any [HEROIC] mission on Belsavis Belsavis x3
Section X x2

One Time Objective List

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Crafting: War Supplies 2000 Assemble various gathered materials into any of the following war supplies: Infantry Supply Kits, Starship Weapons, Armored Vehicles, Crystal Capacitors, Holocron of Strategy, or an Invasion Force. Tatooine x2
Belsavis x2
Crafting: Invasion Force 2000 Combine every type of war supplies in order to craft an Invasion Force.
Hoth: Snowblind 1000 Defeat Snowblind on Hoth. Hoth x3
Hoth: Infiltrating the Empire 1000 Defeat champion difficulty Imperial base guards and turrets on Hoth. Hoth x3
Hoth: Rampage 1000 Defeat non-player opponents while on Hoth. Hoth x3
Hoth: Infiltrating the Republic 1000 Defeat champion difficulty Republic base guards and turrets on Hoth. Hoth x3
Hoth: Gargath 1000 Defeat Gargath on Hoth. Hoth x3
Belsavis: The Primal Destroyer 1000 Defeat The Primal Destroyer on Belsavis. Belsavis x3
Section X x2
Belsavis: Rampage 1000 Defeated non-player opponents while on Belsavis. Belsavis x3
Section X x2
Belsavis: Infiltrating the Republic 1000 Defeat champion difficulty Republic guard droids and turrets on Belsavis. Belsavis x3
Section X x2
Belsavis: Infiltrating the Empire 1000 Defeat champion difficulty Imperial guard droids and turrets on Belsavis. Belsavis x3
Section X x2
Operation: Dread Fortress 2000 Complete Operation Dread Fortress on any difficulty mode Belsavis x2
Hoth x2
Oricon x2
Section X x2
Tatooine x2
Operation: Karagga’s Palace 2000 Complete Operation Karagga’s Palace on any difficulty mode Belsavis x2
Hoth x2
Oricon x2
Section X x2
Tatooine x2
Operation: Explosive Conflict 2000 Complete Operation Explosive Conflict on any difficulty mode Belsavis x2
Hoth x2
Oricon x2
Section X x2
Tatooine x2
Operation: Eternity Vault 2000 Complete Operation Eternity Vault on any difficulty mode Belsavis x2
Hoth x2
Oricon x2
Section X x2
Tatooine x2
Operation: Scum and Villainy 2000 Complete Operation Scum and Villainy on any difficulty mode Belsavis x2
Hoth x2
Oricon x2
Section X x2
Tatooine x2
Operation: Terror from Beyond 2000 Complete Operation Terror from Beyond on any difficulty mode Belsavis x2
Hoth x2
Oricon x2
Section X x2
Tatooine x2
Operation: Dread Palace 2000 Complete Operation Dread Palace on any difficulty mode Belsavis x2
Hoth x2
Oricon x2
Section X x2
Tatooine x2

Conquest: Flashpoint Havoc

High priority missions have shifted from the war front to emergency deployments in dozens of sectors, instigating power struggles within the Empire and the Republic.

Conquerable planets: Balmorra, Taris, Ilum

  • Balmorra; Flashpoints, Starfighter
  • Taris: Flashpoints, War Supplies
  • Ilum: Flashpoints, Starfighter

Personal/Guild Reward goal: 20,000

Repeatable Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Unranked Warzones: The Front Lines 250 Complete any unranked Warzone match.
Warzones: Total Domination 500 Win 1 ranked or unranked Warzone matches
Warzones: Critical Missions 1000 Complete any of the following missions:
[WEEKLY] The War Front
[WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor
[WEEKLY] The Spoils of War
[WEEKLY] Go Berserk!
Starfighter: Conquer the Skies 500 Complete any Starfighter match Balmorra x2
Ilum x2
Group Finder: Flashpoints 1000 Queue for a random Flashpoint, Tactical Flashpoint, or Hard Mode Flashpoint with Group Finder and complete it. You must be eligible for the daily reward. Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x2
Group Finder: Operations: 2000 Queue for a random Operation with Group Finder and complete it to earn the daily reward.
Critical Missions: Galactic Flashpoints 1000 Complete any of the following missions: [WEEKLY] Galactic Conflicts [WEEKLY] Tactical Flashpoints Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x2
Critical Missions: Operations 1000 Complete any [WEEKLY] mission on the Operations Terminal.

One time Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Crafting: War Supplies 2000 Assemble various gathered materials into any of the following war supplies: Infantry Supply Kits, Starship Weapons, Armored Vehicles, Crystal Capacitors, Holocron of Strategy, or an Invasion Force. Taris x2
Crafting: Invasion Force 2000 Combine every type of war supplies in order to craft an Invasion Force.
Flashpoint: Hammer Station 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Hammer Station on any difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x2
Flashpoint: Athiss 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Athiss on any difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x2
Defeat the Ancient Abomination (Hardmode) 1000 Defeat the Ancient Abomination in Flashpoint: Athiss on the hard difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x2
Flashpoint: Mandalorian Raiders 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Mandalorian Raiders on any difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x2
Defeat Gil (Hardmode) 1000 Defeat Gil in Flashpoint: Mandalorian Raiders on the hard difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x2
Flashpoint: Cademimu 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Cademimu on any difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x2
Defeat Garold the Dark One (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat Garold the Dark One in Flashpoint: Cademimu on the hard difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x2
Flashpoint: Boarding Party 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Boarding Party on any difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x2
Defeat Chief Engineer Kels (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat Chief Engineer Kels in Flashpoint: Boarding Party on the hard difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x2
Flashpoint: The Foundry 1000 Complete Flashpoint: The Foundry on any difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x2
Defeat the Burrower Matriarch (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat the Burrower Matriarch in Flashpoint: The Foundry on the hard difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x2
Flashpoint: Taral V 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Taral V on any difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x2
Defeat Lord Hasper (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat Lord Hasper in Flashpoint: Taral V on the hard difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x2
Flashpoint: Maelstrom Prison 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Maelstrom Prison on any difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x2
Defeat the Ancient Maelstrom Flayer (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat the Ancient Maelstrom Flayer in Flashpoint: Maelstrom Prison on the hard difficulty mode Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x2
Flashpoint: The False Emperor 1000 Complete Flashpoint: The False Emperor on any difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x3
Defeat The Sith Entity (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat the Sith Entity in Flashpoint: The False Emperor on the hard difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x3
Flashpoint: The Battle of Ilum 1000 Complete Flashpoint: The Battle of Ilum on any difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x3
Defeat the Guid Patriarch (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat the Guid Patriarch in Flashpoint: The Battle of Ilum on the hard difficulty mode. Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Ilum x3

Conquest: Relics of the Gree

Gray Secant has returned to Ilum, continuing its mysterious millennia-long mission to collect and study data on every sentient civilization.

Conquerable planets: Alderaan, Hoth, Ilum

  • Alderaan: Flashpoints, Warzones
  • Hoth: Warzones, Flashpoints, Operations, Starfighter
  • Ilum: Flashpoints, Starfighter

Personal/Guild Reward goal: 20,000

Repeatable Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Unranked Warzone: The Front Lines 250 Complete any unranked Warzone match. Alderaan x2
Hoth x2
Warzones: Total Domination 500 Win 1 ranked or unranked Warzone matches. Alderaan x2
Hoth x2
Warzones: Critical Missions: 1000 Complete any of the following missions:
[WEEKLY] The War Front
[WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor
[WEEKLY] The Spoils of War
[WEEKLY] Go Berserk!
Alderaan x2
Hoth x2
Starfighter: Conquer the Skies 500 Complete any Starfighter match Hoth x2
Ilum x2
Starfighter: Critical Missions 1000 Complete mission: [WEEKLY] Galactic Starfighter Hoth x2
Ilum x2
Group Finder: Flashpoints 1000 Queue for a random Flashpoint, Tactical Flashpoint, or Hard Mode Flashpoint with Group Finder and complete it. You must be eligible for the daily reward. Alderaan x2
Hoth x2
Ilum x2
Group Finder: Operations: 2000 Queue for a random Operation with Group Finder and complete it to earn the daily reward. Hoth x2
Critical Missions: Galactic Flashpoints 1000 Complete any of the following missions: [WEEKLY] Galactic Conflicts [WEEKLY] Tactical Flashpoints Alderaan x2
Hoth x2
Ilum x2
Ilum: Heroic Missions 500 Complete any of the following missions on Ilum: [HEROIC 2+] Darkness on Ilum [HEROIC 2+] Poisonous Strategy Ilum x3

One Time Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Crafting: War Supplies 2000 Assemble various gathered materials into any of the following war supplies: Infantry Supply Kits, Starship Weapons, Armored Vehicles, Crystal Capacitors, Holocron of Strategy, or an Invasion Force.
Crafting: Invasion Force 2000 Combine every type of war supplies in order to craft an Invasion Force.
Ilum: Rampage 1000 Defeat 250 non-player opponents while on Ilum. Ilum x3
Ilum: Raiding the Republic 1000 Defeat 25 champion difficulty Republic guard droids and turrets on Ilum. Ilum x3
Ilum: Attacking the Empire 1000 Defeat 25 champion difficulty Imperial guard droids and turrets on Ilum Ilum x3
Operation:The Gray Secant 1000 Defeat Xenoanalyst II in any difficulty mode. Hoth x2
Ilum x3
Flashpoint: The False Emperor: 1000 Complete Flashpoint: The False Emperor on any difficulty mode Alderaan x2
Hoth x2
Ilum x3
Flashpoint: The Battle of Ilum 1000 Complete Flashpoint: The Battle of Ilum on any difficulty mode Alderaan x2
Hoth x2
Ilum x3
Defeat the Guid Patriarch (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat the Guid Patriarch in Flashpoint: The Battle of Ilum on the hard difficulty mode. Alderaan x2
Hoth x2
Ilum x3
Defeat The Sith Entity (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat the Sith Entity in Flashpoint: The False Emperor on the hard difficulty mode. Alderaan x2
Hoth x2
Ilum x3
Destroy Enemy Commanders 2000 Defeat commanders of the enemy forces on planets across the galaxy. This includes Veteran Sith and Jedi Battlemasters as well as their high-ranking named counterparts. Hoth x2

Conquest: Rakghoul Resurgence: Alderaan

The Rakghoul plague has broken out on Alderaan  and must be contained once again.

Conquerable planets: Taris, Nar Shaddaa, Alderaan

  • Taris: Flashpoints, War Supplies
  • Nar Shaddaa: Warzones
  • Alderaan: Flashpoints, Warzones

Personal/Guild Reward goal: 20,000

Repeatable Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Unranked Warzone: The Front Lines 250 Complete any unranked Warzone match. Alderaan x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Warzones: Total Domination 500 Win 1 ranked or unranked Warzone matches. Alderaan x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Warzones: Critical Missions: 1000 Complete any of the following missions:
[WEEKLY] The War Front
[WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor
[WEEKLY] The Spoils of War
[WEEKLY] Go Berserk!
Alderaan x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Starfighter: Conquer the Skies 500 Complete any Starfighter match
Starfighter: Critical Missions 1000 Complete mission: [WEEKLY] Galactic Starfighter
Group Finder: Flashpoints 1000 Queue for a random Flashpoint, Tactical Flashpoint, or Hard Mode Flashpoint with Group Finder and complete it. You must be eligible for the daily reward. Alderaan x2
Taris x2
Group Finder: Operations: 2000 Queue for a random Operation with Group Finder and complete it to earn the daily reward.
Critical Missions: Galactic Flashpoints 1000 Complete any of the following missions: [WEEKLY] Galactic Conflicts [WEEKLY] Tactical Flashpoints Alderaan x2
Taris x2
Alderaan: Heroic Missions 500 Complete any Heroic mission on Alderaan Alderaan x3

One Time Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Crafting: War Supplies 2000 Assemble various gathered materials into any of the following war supplies: Infantry Supply Kits, Starship Weapons, Armored Vehicles, Crystal Capacitors, Holocron of Strategy, or an Invasion Force. Taris x2
Crafting: Invasion Force 2000 Combine every type of war supplies in order to craft an Invasion Force.
Alderaan: Rampage 1000 Defeat 250 non-player opponents while on Alderaan Alderaan x3
Alderaan: Infiltrating the Republic 1000 Defeat 25 House Organa guard droids and turrets on Alderaan Alderaan x3
Alderaan: Infiltrating the Empire 1000 Defeat 25 House Thul guard droids and turrets on Alderaan Alderaan x3
Operation: The Rakghoul Tunnels 1000 Defeat The Eyeless in any difficulty mode. Alderaan x3
Flashpoint: Lost Island 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Lost Island on any difficulty mode. Alderaan x2
Taris x2
Defeat Transgenic Sample Eleven (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat Transgenic Sample Eleven in Flashpoint: Lost Island on the hard difficulty mode. Alderaan x2
Taris x2
Flashpoint: Kaon Under Siege 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Kaon Under Siege on any difficulty mode. Alderaan x2
Taris x2
Defeat the KR-82 Expulser (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat the KR-82 Expulser in Flashpoint: Kaon Under Siege on the hard difficulty mode. Alderaan x2
Taris x2
Alderaan: Ulgo Siegebreaker 1000 Defeat the Ulgo Siegebreaker on Alderaan Alderaan x3

Conquest: Rakghoul Resurgence: Corellia

The Rakghoul plague has broken out on Corellia and must be contained once again.

Conquerable planets: Taris, Nar Shaddaa, Corellia

  • Taris: Flashpoints, War Supplies
  • Nar Shaddaa: Warzones
  • Alderaan: Flashpoints, Warzones

Personal/Guild Reward goal: 20,000

Repeatable Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Unranked Warzone: The Front Lines 250 Complete any unranked Warzone match. Corellia x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Warzones: Total Domination 500 Win 1 ranked or unranked Warzone matches. Corellia x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Warzones: Critical Missions: 1000 Complete any of the following missions:
[WEEKLY] The War Front
[WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor
[WEEKLY] The Spoils of War
[WEEKLY] Go Berserk!
Corellia x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Starfighter: Conquer the Skies 500 Complete any Starfighter match
Starfighter: Critical Missions 1000 Complete mission: [WEEKLY] Galactic Starfighter
Group Finder: Flashpoints 1000 Queue for a random Flashpoint, Tactical Flashpoint, or Hard Mode Flashpoint with Group Finder and complete it. You must be eligible for the daily reward. Corellia x2
Taris x2
Group Finder: Operations: 2000 Queue for a random Operation with Group Finder and complete it to earn the daily reward.
Critical Missions: Galactic Flashpoints 1000 Complete any of the following missions: [WEEKLY] Galactic Conflicts [WEEKLY] Tactical Flashpoints Corellia x2
Taris x2
Corellia: Heroic Missions 500 Complete any Heroic mission on Corellia Corellia x3

One Time Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Crafting: War Supplies 2000 Assemble various gathered materials into any of the following war supplies: Infantry Supply Kits, Starship Weapons, Armored Vehicles, Crystal Capacitors, Holocron of Strategy, or an Invasion Force. Taris x2
Crafting: Invasion Force 2000 Combine every type of war supplies in order to craft an Invasion Force.
Corellia: Rampage 1000 Defeat 250 non-player opponents while on Alderaan Corellia x3
Corellia: Raiding the Republic 1000 Defeat 25 champion difficulty Republic guard droids and turrets on Corellia Corellia x3
Corellia: Attacking the Empire 1000 Defeat 25 champion difficulty Imperial guard droids and turrets on Corellia Corellia x3
Operation: The Rakghoul Tunnels 1000 Defeat The Eyeless in any difficulty mode. Corellia x3
Flashpoint: Lost Island 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Lost Island on any difficulty mode. Corellia x2
Taris x2
Defeat Transgenic Sample Eleven (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat Transgenic Sample Eleven in Flashpoint: Lost Island on the hard difficulty mode. Corellia x2
Taris x2
Flashpoint: Kaon Under Siege 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Kaon Under Siege on any difficulty mode. Corellia x2
Taris x2
Defeat the KR-82 Expulser (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat the KR-82 Expulser in Flashpoint: Kaon Under Siege on the hard difficulty mode. Corellia x2
Taris x2

Conquest: Rakghoul Resurgence: Tatooine

The Rakghoul plague has broken out on Tatooine  and must be contained once again.

Conquerable planets: Taris, Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine

  • Taris: Flashpoints, War Supplies
  • Nar Shaddaa: Warzones
  • Tatooine: Flashpoints, Warzones

Personal/Guild Reward goal: 20,000

Repeatable Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Unranked Warzone: The Front Lines 250 Complete any unranked Warzone match. Tatooine x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Warzones: Total Domination 500 Win 1 ranked or unranked Warzone matches. Tatooine x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Warzones: Critical Missions: 1000 Complete any of the following missions:
[WEEKLY] The War Front
[WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor
[WEEKLY] The Spoils of War
[WEEKLY] Go Berserk!
Tatooine x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Starfighter: Conquer the Skies 500 Complete any Starfighter match Tatooine x2
Starfighter: Critical Missions 1000 Complete mission: [WEEKLY] Galactic Starfighter Tatooine x2
Group Finder: Flashpoints 1000 Queue for a random Flashpoint, Tactical Flashpoint, or Hard Mode Flashpoint with Group Finder and complete it. You must be eligible for the daily reward. Tatooine x2
Taris x2
Group Finder: Operations: 2000 Queue for a random Operation with Group Finder and complete it to earn the daily reward. Tatooine x2
Critical Missions: Galactic Flashpoints 1000 Complete any of the following missions: [WEEKLY] Galactic Conflicts [WEEKLY] Tactical Flashpoints Tatooinex2
Taris x2

One Time Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Crafting: Invasion Force 2000 Combine every type of war supplies in order to craft an Invasion Force.
Tatooine: Rampage 1000 Defeat 250 non-player opponents while on Alderaan Tatooine x3
Tatooine: Infiltrating the Republic 1000 Defeat 25 House Organa guard droids and turrets on Alderaan Tatooine x3
Tatooine: Infiltrating the Empire 1000 Defeat 25 House Thul guard droids and turrets on Alderaan Tatooine x3
Operation: The Rakghoul Tunnels 1000 Defeat The Eyeless in any difficulty mode. Tatooinex3
Flashpoint: Lost Island 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Lost Island on any difficulty mode. Tatooinex2
Taris x2
Defeat Transgenic Sample Eleven (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat Transgenic Sample Eleven in Flashpoint: Lost Island on the hard difficulty mode. Tatooine x2
Taris x2
Flashpoint: Kaon Under Siege 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Kaon Under Siege on any difficulty mode. Tatooine x2
Taris x2
Defeat the KR-82 Expulser (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat the KR-82 Expulser in Flashpoint: Kaon Under Siege on the hard difficulty mode. Tatooinex2
Taris x2
Tatooine: Trapjaw 1000 Defeat the Ulgo Siegebreaker on Alderaan Tatooine x3

Conquest: Revenge of the Revanites

The Revanites have risen up and claimed their place in the galaxy. Their corrupt influence has spread like wild fire and must be stopped.

Data taken from swtor_miner’s spreadsheet.

Conquerable planets: Section X, Oricon, Rishi, Yavin 4

  • Section X: Operations, Warzones
  • Oricon: Operations
  • Rishi
  • Yavin 4

Personal/Guild Reward goal: 20,000

Repeatable Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Unranked Warzone: The Front Lines 250 Complete any unranked Warzone match. Rishi x2
Yavin 4 x2
Warzones: Total Domination 500 Win 1 ranked or unranked Warzone matches. Rishi x2
Yavin 4 x2
Warzones: Critical Missions: 1000 Complete any of the following missions:
[WEEKLY] The War Front
[WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor
[WEEKLY] The Spoils of War
[WEEKLY] Go Berserk!
Rishi x2
Yavin 4 x2
Starfighter: Conquer the Skies 500 Complete any Starfighter match Rishi x2
Yavin 4 x2
Starfighter: Critical Missions 1000 Complete mission: [WEEKLY] Galactic Starfighter Rishi x2
Yavin 4 x2
Group Finder: Flashpoints 1000 Queue for a random Flashpoint, Tactical Flashpoint, or Hard Mode Flashpoint with Group Finder and complete it. You must be eligible for the daily reward. Rishi x2
Yavin 4 x2
Group Finder: Operations: 2000 Queue for a random Operation with Group Finder and complete it to earn the daily reward. Section X x2
Oricon x2
Rishi x2
Yavin 4 x2
Critical Missions: Yavin 4 1500 Complete mission: [WEEKLY] Spirit of Cooperation. Yavin 4 x3
Critical Missions: Galactic Flashpoints 1000 Complete any of the following missions: [WEEKLY] Galactic Conflicts [WEEKLY] Tactical Flashpoints Rishi x2
Yavin 4 x2
Critical Missions: Operations 1000 Complete any [WEEKLY] mission on the Operations Terminal. Section X x2
Oricon x2
Rishi x2
Yavin 4 x2
Operation: Dread Fortress 2000 Complete Operation: Dread Fortress on any difficulty mode. Section X x2
Oricon x2
Operation: Dread Palace 2000 Complete Operation: Dread Palace on any difficulty mode. Section X x2
Oricon x2

One Time Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Crafting: War Supplies 2000 Assemble various gathered materials into any of the following war supplies: Infantry Supply Kits, Starship Weapons, Armored Vehicles, Crystal Capacitors, Holocron of Strategy, or an Invasion Force. Rishi x2
Yavin x2
Crafting: Invasion Force 2000 Combine every type of war supplies in order to craft an Invasion Force.
Rishi: Rampage 1000 Defeated 250 non-player opponents while on Rishi. Rishi x3
Yavin 4: Attacking the Empire 1000 Defeat 25 champion difficulty Imperial guard droids and turrets on Yavin 4. Yavin 4 x3
Yavin 4: Rampage 1000 Defeated 250 non-player opponents while on Yavin 4. Yavin 4 x3
Yavin 4: Raiding the Republic 1000 Defeat 25 champion difficulty Republic guard droids and turrets on Yavin 4. Yavin 4 x3
Yavin 4: Lance Squadron Command Unit 2000 Defeat the Lance Squadron Command Unit on Yavin 4. Yavin 4 x3
Flashpoint: Legacy of the Rakata 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Legacy of the Rakata on any difficulty mode. Rishi x2
Yavin 4 x2
Flashpoint: Assault On Tython 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Assault On Tython on any difficulty mode. Rishi x2
Yavin 4 x2
Flashpoint: Korriban Incursion 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Korriban Incursion on any difficulty mode. Rishi x2
Yavin 4 x2
Flashpoint: Depths of Manaan 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Depths of Manaan on any difficulty mode. Rishi x2
Yavin 4 x2
Operation: The Ravagers 2000 Complete Operation: The Ravagers on any difficulty mode. Rishi x3
Operation: Temple of Sacrifice 2000 Complete Operation: Temple of Sacrifice on any difficulty mode. Yavin 4 x3
Destroy Enemy Commanders 2000 Defeat commanders of the enemy forces on planets across the galaxy. This includes Veteran Sith and Jedi Battlemasters as well as their high-ranking named counterparts.
Defeat the Ancient Abomination (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat the Ancient Abomination in Flashpoint: Athiss on the hard difficulty mode.
Flashpoint: Athiss 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Athiss on any difficulty mode.
Flashpoint: The False Emperor 1000 Complete Flashpoint: The False Emperor on any difficulty mode.
Flashpoint: The Battle of Ilum 1000 Complete Flashpoint: The Battle of Ilum on any difficulty mode.
Defeat the Guid Patriarch (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat the Guid Patriarch in Flashpoint: The Battle of Ilum on the hard difficulty mode.
Defeat The Sith Entity (Hard Mode) 1000 Defeat the Sith Entity in Flashpoint: The False Emperor on the hard difficulty mode.
Flashpoint: The Red Reaper 1000 Complete Flashpoint: The Red Reaper on any difficulty mode.
Flashpoint: Blood Hunt 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Blood Hunt on any difficulty mode. Yavin 4 x3
Flashpoint: Battle of Rishi 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Battle of Rishi on any difficulty mode. Rishi x3

Conquest: The Balance of Power

Political struggles are mounting in the hearts of key worlds. The seats of power on Alderaan and Makeb may soon be changing hands.

Conquerable planets: Alderaan, Voss, Makeb

  • Alderaan: Flashpoints, Warzones
  • Voss: Crafting, War Supplies
  • Makeb: Warzones, War Supplies

Personal/Guild Reward goal: 20,000

Repeatable Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Unranked Warzone: The Front Lines 250 Complete any unranked Warzone match. Alderaan x2
Makeb x2
Warzones: Total Domination 500 Win 1 ranked or unranked Warzone matches. Alderaan x2
Makeb x2
Warzones: Critical Missions: 1000 Complete any of the following missions:
[WEEKLY] The War Front
[WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor
[WEEKLY] The Spoils of War
[WEEKLY] Go Berserk!
Alderaan x2
Makeb x2
Starfighter: Conquer the Skies 500 Complete any Starfighter match
Starfighter: Critical Missions 1000 Complete mission: [WEEKLY] Galactic Starfighter
Group Finder: Flashpoints 1000 Queue for a random Flashpoint, Tactical Flashpoint, or Hard Mode Flashpoint with Group Finder and complete it. You must be eligible for the daily reward. Alderaan x2
Group Finder: Operations: 2000 Queue for a random Operation with Group Finder and complete it to earn the daily reward.
Critical Missions: Makeb 1500 Complete any of the following missions: [STAGED WEEKLY] Contain and Control [STAGED WEEKLY] Mass Exodus Makeb x3
Critical Missions: Galactic Flashpoints 1000 Complete any of the following missions: [WEEKLY] Galactic Conflicts [WEEKLY] Tactical Flashpoints Alderaan x2
Alderaan: Heroic Missions 500 Complete any [HEROIC] mission on Alderaan. Alderaan x3
Makeb: Heroic Missions 500 Complete any [HEROIC] mission on Makeb Makeb x3

One Time Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Crafting: War Supplies 2000 Assemble various gathered materials into any of the following war supplies: Infantry Supply Kits, Starship Weapons, Armored Vehicles, Crystal Capacitors, Holocron of Strategy, or an Invasion Force. Voss x2
Makeb x2
Crafting: Invasion Force 2000 Combine every type of war supplies in order to craft an Invasion Force. Voss x2
Alderaan: Infiltrating the Republic 1000 Defeat 25 House Organa guard droids and turrets on Alderaan. Alderaan x3
Alderaan: Ulgo Siegebreaker 1000 Defeat the Ulgo Siegebreaker on Alderaan Alderaan x3
Alderaan: Infiltrating the Empire 1000 Defeat 25 House Thul guard droids and turrets on Alderaan. Alderaan x3
Alderaan: Rampage 1000 Defeat 250 non-player opponents while on Alderaan. Alderaan x3
Makeb: Attacking the Empire 1000 Defeat 25 champion difficulty Imperial guard droids and turrets on Makeb. Makeb x3
Makeb: Raiding the Republic 1000 Defeat 25 champion difficulty Republic guard droids and turrets on Makeb. Makeb x3
Makeb: Rampage 1000 Defeat 250 non-player opponents while on Makeb. Makeb x3
Operation: Toborro’s Courtyard 1000 Defeat Golden Fury in any difficulty mode Makeb x3
Destroy Enemy Commanders 2000 Defeat commanders of the enemy forces on planets across the galaxy. This includes Veteran Sith and Jedi Battlemasters as well as their high-ranking named counterparts.

Conquest: The Dread War

A dark presence is growing on Oricon, threatening to engulf the galaxy in an endless night of fear.

Conquerable Planets: Hoth, Belsavis, Section X, Oricon

Personal/Guild Reward goal: 20,000

Repeatable Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Unranked Warzones; The Front Lines 250 Complete any unranked Warzone match Hoth x2
Warzones: Total Domination 500 Win ranked or unranked warzone matches Hoth x2
Warzones: Critical Missions: 1000 Complete any of the following missions:
[WEEKLY] The War Front
[WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor
[WEEKLY] The Spoils of War
[WEEKLY] Go Berserk!
Hoth x2
Starfighter: Conquer the Skies 500 Complete any Starfighter match Hoth x2
Belsavis x2
Starfighter: Critical Missions 1000 Complete mission: [WEEKLY] Galactic Starfighter Hoth x2
Belsavis x2
Group Finder: Flashpoints 1000 Queue for a random Flashpoint, Tactical Flashpoint, or Hard Mode Flashpoint with Group Finder and complete it. You must be eligible for the daily reward. Hoth x2
Group Finder: Operations: 2000 Queue for a random Operation with Group Finder and complete it to earn the daily reward. Hoth x2
Belsavis x2
Section X x2
Oricon x2
Critical Missions: Oricon 1000 Complete mission: [WEEKLY] Emanations of Dread. Oricon x3
Critical Missions: Section X 1000 Complete mission: [WEEKLY] Section X Crisis Belsavis x2
Section X x3
Operation: Scum and Villainy 2000 Complete Operation: Scum and Villainy in any difficulty mode. Hoth x2
Belsavis x2
Section X x2
Oricon x2
Operation: Terror from Beyond 2000 Complete Operation: Terror from Beyond on any difficulty mode Hoth x2
Belsavis x2
Section X x2
Oricon x2
Operation: Dread Palace 2000 Complete Operation: Dread Palace on any difficulty mode. Hoth x2
Belsavis x2
Section X x2
Oricon x2
Operation: Dread Fortress 2000 Complete Operation: Dread Fortress on any difficulty mode. Hoth x2
Belsavis x2
Section X x2
Oricon x2

One Time Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Crafting: War Supplies 2000 Assemble various gathered materials into any of the following war supplies: Infantry Supply Kits, Starship Weapons, Armored Vehicles, Crystal Capacitors, Holocron of Strategy, or an Invasion Force. Belsavis x2
Crafting: Invasion Force 2000 Combine every type of war supplies in order to craft an Invasion Force.
Oricon: Sabotaging the Republic 1000 Defeat Republic Guard Forces on Oricon. Oricon x3
Oricon: Rampage 1000 Defeat non-player opponents while on Oricon. Oricon x2
Oricon: Sabotaging the Empire 1000 Defeat Imperial Guard Forces on Oricon Oricon x3
Section X: Infiltrating the Empire 500 Defeat champion difficulty Imperial base guards and turrets in Section X. Belsavis x2
Section X x3
Section X: Infiltrating the Republic 500 Defeat champion difficulty Republic base guards and turrets in Section X. Belsavis x2
Section X x3
Section X: Rampage 1000 Defeat non-player opponents while in Section X. Belsavis x2
Section X x3
Section X: Dreadtooth 1000 Defeat Dreadtooth in Section X. Belsavis x2
Section X x3

Conquest: The Trade Emporium

Merchants and crafters from across the galaxy have sponsored a massive trade emporium.

Conquerable Planets: Voss, Makeb, CZ-198

  • Voss: Crafting, War Supplies
  • Makeb: Warzones, War Supplies
  • CZ-198: Economy, War Supplies

Personal/Guild Reward goal: 25,000

Repeatable Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Crafting: Crystal Capacitors 250 Assemble power crystals into war supplies.
Crafting: Holocron of Strategy 250 Assemble archaeological artifacts into war supplies.
Crafting: Starship Weapons 250 Assemble scavenged compounds into war supplies.
Crafting: Infantry Supply Kits 250 Assemble biochemical components into war supplies.
Crafting: Armored Vehicles 250 Assemble scavenged metals into war supplies.
Crafting: Invasion Force 2000 Combine every type of war supplies in order to craft an Invasion Force. Voss x2
Crafting: Synthetic Prefabs 250 Assemble various materials into Synthetic Prefabs, which can be transformed into stronghold decorations by a fabricator droid. Voss x2
Crafting: Universal Prefabs 500 Assemble various materials into Universal Prefabs, which can be transformed into stronghold decorations by a fabricator droid. Voss x2
Crafting: Industrial Prefabs 250 Assemble various materials into Industrial Prefabs, which can be transformed into stronghold decorations by a fabricator droid Voss x2
Unranked Warzones; The Front Lines 250 Complete any unranked Warzone match Makeb x2
Warzones: Total Domination 500 Win ranked or unranked warzone matches Makeb x2
Warzones: Critical Missions: 1000 Complete any of the following missions:
[WEEKLY] The War Front
[WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor
[WEEKLY] The Spoils of War
[WEEKLY] Go Berserk!
Makeb x2
Starfighter: Conquer the Skies 500 Complete any Starfighter match
Group Finder: Flashpoints 1000 Queue for a random Flashpoint, Tactical Flashpoint, or Hard Mode Flashpoint with Group Finder and complete it. You must be eligible for the daily reward.
Group Finder: Operations: 2000 Queue for a random Operation with Group Finder and complete it to earn the daily reward.
Voss: Heroic Missions 500 Complete any [HEROIC] mission on Voss. Voss x3
Makeb: Heroic Missions 500 Complete any [HEROIC] mission on Makeb. Makeb x3

One Time Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Crafting: War Supplies 2000 Assemble various gathered materials into any of the following war supplies: Infantry Supply Kits, Starship Weapons, Armored Vehicles, Crystal Capacitors, Holocron of Strategy, or an Invasion Force. Voss x2
Makeb x2
CZ-198 x2
Voss: Infiltrating the Empire 1000 Defeat 25 Imperial outpost guards and turrets of champion difficulty on Voss. Voss x3
Voss: Rampage: 1000 Defeat 250 non-player opponents while on Voss. Voss x3
Voss: Infiltrating the Republic 1000 Defeat 25 Republic outpost guards and turrets of champion difficulty on Voss. Voss x3
Voss: Nightmare Pilgrim: 2000 Defeat the Nightmare Pilgrim on Voss Voss x3
Makeb: Attacking the Empire 1000 Defeat 25 champion difficulty Imperial guard droids and turrets on Makeb. Makeb x3
Makeb: Raiding the Republic 1000 Defeat 25 champion difficulty Republic guard droids and turrets on Makeb. Makeb x3
Makeb: Rampage 1000 Defeat 250 non-player opponents while on Makeb Makeb x3
Operation: Toborro’s Courtyard 1000 Defeat Golden Fury in any difficulty mode Makeb x3

Conquest: Titans of Industry

Major corporations have gone on an unchecked buying spree. Control of several sectors will be decided by the highest bidder!

Conquerable Planets: Quesh, The Black Hole, CZ-198

  • Quesh: Warzones, War Supplies
  • The Black Hole: Warzones
  • CZ-198: Economy, War Supplies

Personal/Guild Reward goal: 25,000

Repeatable Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Crafting: Crystal Capacitors 250 Assemble power crystals into war supplies.
Crafting: Holocron of Strategy 250 Assemble archaeological artifacts into war supplies.
Crafting: Starship Weapons 250 Assemble scavenged compounds into war supplies.
Crafting: Infantry Supply Kits 250 Assemble biochemical components into war supplies. Black Hole x3
Crafting: Armored Vehicles 250 Assemble scavenged metals into war supplies. Black Hole x3
Crafting: Invasion Force 2000 Combine every type of war supplies in order to craft an Invasion Force.
Unranked Warzones; The Front Lines 250 Complete any unranked Warzone match Black Hole x2
Warzones: Total Domination 500 Win ranked or unranked warzone matches Black Hole x2
Warzones: Critical Missions: 1000 Complete any of the following missions:
[WEEKLY] The War Front
[WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor
[WEEKLY] The Spoils of War
[WEEKLY] Go Berserk!
Black Hole x2
Starfighter: Conquer the Skies 500 Complete any Starfighter match
Starfighter: Critical Missions 1000 Complete mission: [WEEKLY] Galactic Starfighter
Group Finder: Flashpoints 1000 Queue for a random Flashpoint, Tactical Flashpoint, or Hard Mode Flashpoint with Group Finder and complete it. You must be eligible for the daily reward.
Group Finder: Operations: 2000 Queue for a random Operation with Group Finder and complete it to earn the daily reward.
Critical Missions: Galactic Flashpoints 1000 Complete any of the following missions: [WEEKLY] Galactic Conflicts [WEEKLY] Tactical Flashpoints
Critical Missions: Operations 1000 Complete any [WEEKLY] mission on the Operations Terminal.
Critical Missions: The Black Hole 1000 Complete mission: [WEEKLY] Black Hole Crisis. Black Hole x3

One Time Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Crafting: War Supplies 2000 Assemble various gathered materials into any of the following war supplies: Infantry Supply Kits, Starship Weapons, Armored Vehicles, Crystal Capacitors, Holocron of Strategy, or an Invasion Force. Quesh x2
CZ-198 x2
Black Hole: Attacking the Empire 1000 Defeat Imperial guards and defense turrets of champion difficulty in The Black Hole Black Hole x3
Black Hole: Rampage 1000 Defeat non-player opponents in The Black Hole Black Hole x3
Black Hole: Raiding the Republic: 1000 Defeat Republic guards and defense turrets of champion difficulty in The Black Hole Black Hole x3
CZ-198: Rampage: 1000 Defeat non-player opponents while on CZ-198 CZ-198 x3
Quesh: Infiltrating the Empire: 1000 Defeat Imperial base guards and turrets of champion difficulty on Quesh Quesh x3
Quesh: Infiltrating the Republic 1000 Defeat Republic base guards and turrets of champion difficulty on Quesh. Quesh x3
Quesh: Rampage 1000 Defeat non-player opponents on Quesh Quesh x3
Quesh: Rogue Cartel Warbot 1000 Defeat the Rogue Cartel Warbot on Quesh. Quesh x3
Flashpoint: Czerka Corporate Labs 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Czerka Corporate Labs on any difficulty mode. CZ-198 x3
Flashpoint: Czerka Core Meltdown 1000 Complete Flashpoint: Czerka Core Meltdown on any difficulty mode CZ-198 x3

Conquest: Total Galactic War

Total war has broken out on worlds across the galaxy, with skirmishes taking place on dozens of battlefronts. Opportunities abound during this period of intense, widespread fighting.

Conquerable Planets: Tatooine, Balmorra, Alderaan, Hoth, Voss, Belsavis, Nar Shaddaa, Quesh, Corellia, Ilum, Taris, Makeb

  • Tatooine: Warzones, Flashpoints, Operations, Starfighter
  • Balmorra: Flashpoints, Starfighter
  • Taris: Flashpoints, War Supplies
  • Alderaan: Flashpoints, Warzones
  • Hoth: Warzones, Flashpoints, Operations, Starfighter
  • Voss: Crafting, War Supplies
  • Belsavis: Operations
  • Nar Shaddaa: Warzones
  • Quesh: Warzones, War Supplies
  • Corellia: Starfighter
  • Ilum: Flashpoints, Starfighter
  • Makeb: Warzones, War Supplies

Personal/Guild Reward goal: 50,000

Repeatable Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Crafting: Crystal Capacitors 250 Assemble power crystals into war supplies. Nar Shaddaa x3
Hoth x3
Ilum x3
Crafting: Holocron of Strategy 250 Assemble archaeological artifacts into war supplies. Belsavis x3
Ilum x3
Crafting: Starship Weapons 250 Assemble scavenged compounds into war supplies. Balmorra x3
Nar Shaddaa x3
Hoth x3
Corellia x3
Crafting: Infantry Supply Kits 250 Assemble biochemical components into war supplies. Alderaan x3
Belsavis x3
Corellia x3
Crafting: Armored Vehicles 250 Assemble scavenged metals into war supplies. Balmorra x3
Alderaan x3
Ilum x3
Crafting: War Supplies 500 Assemble various gathered materials into any of the following war supplies: Infantry Supply Kits, Starship Weapons, Armored Vehicles, Crystal Capacitors, Holocron of Strategy, or an Invasion Force. Tatooine x2
Taris x2
Voss x2
Belsavis x2
Quesh x2
Makeb x2
Unranked Warzones: The Front Lines 250 Complete any unranked Warzone match. Tatooine x2
Alderaan x2
Hoth x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Makeb x2
Warzones: Total Domination 500 Win 1 ranked or unranked Warzone matches. Tatooine x2
Alderaan x2
Hoth x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Warzones: Critical Missions: 1000 Complete any of the following missions:
[WEEKLY] The War Front
[WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor
[WEEKLY] The Spoils of War
[WEEKLY] Go Berserk!
Tatooine x2
Alderaan x2
Hoth x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Makeb x2
Starfighter: Conquer the Skies 500 Complete any Starfighter match Tatooine x2
Balmorra x2
Hoth x2
Belsavis x2
Corellia x2
Starfighter: Dominate the Stars 1000 Win 10 Starfighter matches Tatooine x2
Balmorra x2
Hoth x2
Belsavis x2
Corellia x2
Starfighter: Critical Missions 1000 Complete mission: [WEEKLY] Galactic Starfighter Tatooine x2
Balmorra x2
Hoth x2
Belsavis x2
Corellia x2
Starfighter: Medal of Bravery 1000 Earn 50 medals while playing Galactic Starfighter. Tatooine x2
Balmorra x2
Hoth x2
Belsavis x2
Corellia x2
Group Finder: Flashpoints 1000 Queue for a random Flashpoint, Tactical Flashpoint, or Hard Mode Flashpoint with Group Finder and complete it. You must be eligible for the daily reward. Tatooine x2
Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Alderaan x2
Hoth x2
Ilum x2
Group Finder: Operations: 2000 Queue for a random Operation with Group Finder and complete it to earn the daily reward. Tatooine x2
Hoth x2
Belsavis x2
Critical Missions: Galactic Flashpoints 1000 Complete any of the following missions: [WEEKLY] Galactic Conflicts [WEEKLY] Tactical Flashpoints Tatooine x2
Balmorra x2
Taris x2
Alderaan x2
Hoth x2
Ilum x2
Critical Missions: Operations 1000 Complete any [WEEKLY] mission on the Operations Terminal. Tatooine x2
Hoth x2
Belsavis x2

One Time Objectives

Objectives Points Requirements Invasion Bonus
Crafting: Invasion Force 2000 Combine every type of war supplies in order to craft an Invasion Force. Voss x2
Destroy Enemy Commanders 2000 Defeat commanders of the enemy forces on planets across the galaxy. This includes Veteran Sith and Jedi Battlemasters as well as their high-ranking named counterparts. Tatooine x2
Hoth x2
Warzones: Destroy the Enemy 2000 Deliver the killing blow against 100 enemies in any warzone. Tatooine x2
Alderaan x2
Hoth x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Makeb x2
Unranked Warzones: The Killing Fields 3000 Complete 10 unranked Warzone match. Tatooine x2
Alderaan x2
Hoth x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Makeb x2
Ranked Warzones: The Proving Grounds 3000 Complete any ranked Warzone match. Tatooine x2
Alderaan x2
Hoth x2
Nar Shaddaa x2
Makeb x2
  • Zeta1 Scorpii

    Love how guilds can work together towards objectives! Thanks as always for the info!

  • needsomemiracle

    In the end of the second table missions “Makeb: Attacking the Empire” and “Makeb: Raiding the Republic” have the same description. Probably a typo.

  • ben

    Coz there are just sooooo many pvp guilds left now.

  • Heritor

    It sounds like a “Who can out farm who” contest…..

    • Loholt

      What’s that I saw someone say yesterday? “Since when is grinding supposed to be fun?” Yeah. That’s the logic we’re working with, here. Race you to the House Organa guard droid spawn area! 😛

      • Heritor

        The sad part is the more I read about this the more I cannot justify spending 50mil of my guilds credits for something that gives so little in return.i mean think about it. At this point it’s a simple mathematic equation that you know going in whether you can or cannot ever see the benefits. The guild that can devote the most hours and people to the endeavor wins period.

        Who’s idea was this?!

        • Jerry

          Also the rewards are pretty crap for such high credit and mats costs. You get:
          1) Double Prestige: A meaningless number to say my guild is better than your guild.
          2) Double Bolster: WTF are you gonna do with double bolster on low level planets? Your already a 55 on a low lvl planet, more health and damage isn’t gonna make any difference. You can have gear about 10 levels lower than you when leveling. That’s about it.
          3) Walker mount on that planet: Where the hell are you gonna go?
          4) Resources towards the next conquest.

          All Bioware has done is create a new kind of MMO hampster wheel. Your still trying to pointlessly increase a meaningless number except instead of DPS its Prestige and even more meaningless.

          • Loholt

            “WTF are you gonna do with double bolster on low level

            That made me el-oh-el. So true. And the temporary walker mount on the one planet your guild captures: so pointless. I guess you could go on fleet chat and spam, “LFG to come with me to Alderaan and check out my walker mount.”

            • Lord Randir

              Agree completely on the mount. It should be able to actually shoot for it to be fun.
              On the other hand… seems Bioware is “completing” what should already been on launch, and of course is a Hamster Wheel but… it was necessary as hell. Can’t wait to go around Alderaan on my Class Quests and see tens of Reps trying to get the Commander. Then switch to main, call out guildies and try to pwn them as we usually do.
              It’s about refreshing content, not adding loads more.

        • Daftvaduhh

          The guild ship initial purchase is worthwhile but unless the named mobs are new and highly challenging open world bosses, the rest is just worthless fluff.

          Placing in a conquest to unlock instanced content/summoning points on the planet would be welcome, but as soon as it gets beyond placing a button or a mob with a generic rotation outside of a singular operation or flashpoint the devs seem to get lazy.

          If all of this was in at launch, TOR would have killed WoW. If they were now fleshing this stuff out in the upcoming update with ideas like I just described, we’d be singing about them the way people sing about Blizzard. Simple as that; good starting points, no ambition otherwise.

          This is just a very hollow way to generate world PvP for a month or two that their engine can’t handle.

      • Robert Hindy

        “Race you to the House Organa guard droid spawn area!”

        They are talking about the Champion level 55 guard droids that guard the Republic territory around House Organa.

  • John Eh

    It is once per legacy according to the live stream. WHich I assume means the 35,000 personal prize is also only grabbable once per legacy.

    • Bill

      I’d really like confirmation if the personal reward can be earnt multiple times on different toons, and can guild rewards. Final question if you have 2 different toons in the same guild do both contribute to the same guild objective or do they have separate ones?

      Thanks to anyone with enough toons on PTS to confirm these questions.

      • I don’t have pts access, but all these objectives look like they’re intended to complete on one character. The conquest points for the mission are added to the guild pile, so if you do a mission on two characters, the guild will get points for both.

      • XavinNydek

        Each character has their own completion bar and can get the rewards. The actual objectives are legacy based, so you can only do the one time ones once per legacy per week, and whichever character you do it on will get the points (this is based on what they said in the livestream, I haven’t tested personally).

    • Actually no, the points are character based and not shared across legacy. I have multiple chars in multiple stages of completion atm

      • I’m wondering, is the weekly target 35.000 for all levels, or do low-level chars get a lower limit (perhaps with lower rewards as well?). Without access to ops, high-level heroics etc. it seems pretty hard for a low-level character to make it to 35k.

  • John Eh

    Guild ships are not locked on planet until 3 days before the end of the event. Live stream as the source.

    • Unless it is a button I am missing somewhere, I am already locked in once I picked a planet and I still have 4 days left. it says when you chose the planet that it cannot be changed

    • The live stream mentioned you have to pick your planet 3 days before the event ends at the latest, but I think that they ment “if you haven’t picked one already”, not that you can change it. Basicly, if you haven’t picked a planet 3 days before end, you’re not invading anywhere that event.

  • Lohtan

    I wonder if F2P/Preferred will be able to open the gathering lockbox.

    • Vodorlo

      Good question.

    • Lord Randir

      This is a subscriber only update until next months, in which I assume preferred will get their capped access, and f2p as much (and even more capped than prefs, as Bioware stated in early announcements that only subs can free travel to the Guild Flagship…). The gathering lockbox seems to turn into decorations afterwards, so every kind of player should be able to open them and get the decos put into their Strongholds (or Guild Ships if they happen to achieve it).

  • Bill

    Does anyone know if guild or personal prestige have and influence at all on points or only personal stronghold completeness? Does it matter how much the guild ship is decked out?

    • Only personal stronghold completion % and no guild ship does not matter

  • Wow, 500 points repeatable for doing one warzone, with x2 bonus for some planets. That could breathe some life into that queue.

    • Barney

      Yeah, it’s gonna be so great to have floods of people who don’t care about PVP at all and are just trying to finish the match as quickly as possible for the conquest points.

      • True, you will get a lot of noobs in the pvp queue, especially at the start, but some of them will likely stick around when they discover they actually like pvp. I’m not a pvp guy myself, finally did some matches in january to get decent pve relics, and found it was a lot more fun than I expected. Still not a top pvp-er, but I’m not useless in pvp either. And, at least on our server, the pvp community needs new blood badly. Regular pops with some clueless people on both sides are better than no pops at all.

        And if you’re a serious pvp-er you’ll have an excellent chance to make a premade group and farm endless waves of noobs, if you’re so inclined.

        • Barney

          Rewarding points for match completion means the most efficient thing to do is throw the match and lose as quickly as possible. Now imagine whole guilds doing this, since it is by far the fastest way to gain conquest points. Does that sound like a healthy situation?

          • Robert Hindy

            There are points available if you win the match. You get more from winning than losing quickly.

            We can still have people win trading though, but we had that with regular WZ’s anyways.

            • Barney

              You get 1000 conquest points for winning *10* matches. That means you will end up with the same amount of points for winning 10 straight matches as you would for losing 12 straight. There’s no possible way that winning that much would be faster than deliberately losing, especially if you have a coordinated group doing stuff like extricating people trying to cap nodes. Well, I guess maybe if you kept getting queued against groups who are themselves out to lose. Regardless, the goals as they stand are poison for PVP and GSF.

              • Lord Randir

                You get 1000 CONQUEST points for winning 10 matches and the same amount for losing 12… But you win 200 instead of 80 WARZONE COMMENDATIONS for winning each match instead of losing it. You SHOULD STILL AIM TO WINNING at least for the sake of completing your PvP gear (if you’re not into that, sorry but it’s as important as PvE, you will see on Conquest events when confronting Commanders and legions of enemy faction peeps fooling around on your faction territory).
                I don’t really get that idea of “losing is better”, and I don’t think Bioware fucked that up… I agree, however, that Conquest points should be rewarded depending on the situation and the status of the “Conquest Quests”. Someone doing Warzones should get more points for objectives and overall performance than those who don’t give a fuck about PvP, that’s right… But LOSING IS NEVER BETTER.

          • Lord Randir

            You also gain WZ Commendations for gear by PvPing. Your focus should ALWAYS be to win. Otherwise, it’ll be better for us PvPers, as you’ll provide us with better gear in less time.

          • Arby

            what if you get two guilds trying to do the same thing going against each other? Could be the longest PVP wz in history.

        • Loholt

          Barney is right. You haven’t thought this through. At all. Since the requirement is simply to show up, this is only going to encourage a plethora of superbads & non-geared alts to show up & sit around for conquest points. As usual, Bioware has no sense of proportionality. We have “sit through a match for 500 points” on one hand with “win 10 wzs for 1000 points” on the other.

          Think about that for a sec. If you afk through two wzs on two different toons, that’s the same reward as WINNING TEN WARZONES. That is more wins than the pvp weekly requires, but you also get 1000 points for doing that. Should be a win 3 requirement for the 500 points and at least 2000 points for winning ten. If non-pvpers have no incentive to win, they are not going to try.

          And the “farming noobs” thing cuts both ways. It’s totally miserable to get qued up on the same team as 4 people who don’t know what they’re doing and don’t care. And that’s w/out superguilds throwing all members plus their alts out to gain the 500 easy points.

          • Hmm, I fear you might be right. I couldn’t imagine joining matches and not at least trying to win while I’m there, but I agree it’s a bit naive of me to think everyone will do that. 100 points for joining and 500 points for winning would probably fare a lot better.
            I guess we’ll have to see what happens, at least the missions change every week, so the devs have plenty opportunity to tune the rewards better.

            • Arby

              AFKing in pvp arenas (forget what they were actually called… it’s been a while) in SWG was a problem in the beginning, but eventually people bitched enough about it that SOE found ways to counter it. Hopefully BW will think ahead and be prepared for it… I doubt it, but you can hope.

          • Arby

            I wouldn’t imagine it will take BW long to address this if it becomes enough of a problem that the hard-core pvp community starts flooding the forums… especially if you can convince them it’s skewing their “world conquest leaderboards”

  • Loholt

    This is why I was calling some people morons in the previous post. ALL THE CONTENT IS THE SAME!!! You are going to be doing the SAME. EXACT. SHIT. you’ve been doing since launch to upgrade this cosmetic guild ship. Just look at this:

    “Defeat 25 House Organa guard droids and turrets on Alderaan.”

    Oh yeah, because I haven’t already had my fill of killing trash on Alderaan! And what a thrill it’ll be competing with a host of other lv 55s roaming around trying to kill the same mobs. Or oh boy, I can farm mats or repeatedly grind out old warzones & flashpoints! Thanks for all this “new content”, Bioware!

    I am totally fine with the game having goals which take a long time to work towards, but can’t they at least think up some new ways for us to work towards them that are, y’know, FUN? No? Just killing 250 mobs on Makeb and running the staked weekly again? Okay. I guess it’s just me…

    • Heritor

      Yeah it looks like they are trying to blend the content so guilds with a lot of lowbies can join in. What it looks like is a leveling guild can dominate the lowbies zones…

      • Robert Hindy

        Not really: most of the one-time missions are level 55 missions. The repeatable missions are easiest to do at level 55, but can be done by lower levels.

        The Guard Droids and Turrets are level 55. The World Bosses are easiest to do at level 55. The Commanders are level 55. Killing 250 enemies is easier at level 55 than lower levels.

        • Arby

          People grinding new toons aren’t going to keep repeatedly grinding the same stuff just to help their guild once they reach a few levels over the content and stop getting xp for doing it. At least I wouldn’t, that’s more stupid than grinding low content with a 55 because it takes a lot longer.

    • Arby

      Nail on the head you hit

    • HadesClutch

      I just don’t think it’s worth the price they’re asking and expecting with this system tied to it. If the ship was total of 20-25mil then I’d be ok with that. But 130mil for a system that is old and boring as dirt…. They’re supposed to be attracting new players not shunning them away.

      Those same potential players could just save the money they were going to spend on the CC, buy a WoW time card, and play Warlords of Draenor instead.

      • Lord Randir

        Dudes… just do an alt and participate on Conquests with them, you’ll find it more appealing than just grinding the same FP or doing WZ for levelling when you actually see that you’re helping your guild even with low levels on “Conquestable” planets. That’s what this update is about. Besides, it makes Open PvP more appealing as well, as guilds will battle for the Commanders like the total war there should be on contested places. Yes, it’s the same content, but kinda gives new fresh air into going to old places. And there is, indeed, new content: Strongholds themselves. It was enough time they implemented housing and this is a great way to do it (it’s a basic MMO feature, for God’s sake!).
        I lead a guild that’s about 20 members actively online every day (not all of them currently play because of holidays, but they’ll return), and we totally managed to get the money for the Guild Ship by putting about 100 to 400k each day, some had more resources, some less, but everyone contributed. So if an average clan can get the money, it’s just that you are lazy or not organized, or just a casual friend group.
        New content should be for those who currently want to actively get it by playing the game for as long as it takes. Maybe your GMs do not put much effort into it, dunno and don’t mean no offense, our clan will continue to move forward and try Conquering every single planet we can.
        Oh, and there is currently more new content: a new FP on Manaan. Just go get that reputation and have fun. Everything’s achievable if you put enough effort into it.
        See you around, fellows, and try to be more positive. 😉

  • Vakarian

    Well done it again bioware another update I don’t bare about. Back to waiting on the real expansion then. I wish you would of just dropped this and worked on a truly epic expansion instead of this crap.

    • Arby

      Yes, please. OMG… new world, open space pve/pvp, new classes…. something at least somewhat interesting. Grindfests suck.

      • Lord Randir

        That’d probably be real on payed expansions… this is a feature that should have been implemented since launch, just like Group Finder and many other uncompleted stuff.
        Just look at the “Mysterious Ancient Tome” on top of the GTN building on Outlaw’s Den…

        • Arby

          Yes, this (and many other later add-ons) should have been implemented at launch, we agree on that, they rushed the game too much imo and now they’re just finally getting it to close to what it should have been from the start. I’d happily pay for an actual “real expansion” that had actual content (a lot of it) rather than watching them just making harder versions to the content they already have for free and adding stuff that means nothing. And when I say expansion I don’t mean some one-planet 2-day grindfest with a dozen more dailies on it.

          • Lord Randir

            Completely agree on that, but an expansion seems to mean to Bioware they just have more time for “finishing the game”, so the kind of features Conquest brings is just that, actually (or at least feels that way to me). I hope those “massive class changes” scheduled for Update 2.10 include not only that, but massive gameplay changes. Mount system is the crappiest thing ever (non-shooting walkers? WTF?). Space solo quests are still boring and repetitive and no one ever gives them a chance (myself included, and those’re only actual existing and non-optimized stuff already in-game!).
            Makeb, as an expansion, brought same sex stories and a big quest shared by all classes, besides the actual “massive class changes” announced prior the patch (which was the level cap jump to 55), just like they are announcing now for 2.10. Not enough for most of us (myself included, I wanted class specific quests, for instance and among many other stuff, as lots demanded on swtor forums).
            Besides, information is scarce and given drop by drop (thanks, Dulfy, for your amazing work!)… and that does not help the community.
            Apart from all that, every single WoW-lookalike will retain the grindfest features, but that’s no trouble for me. I don’t care about having to grind every single resource in the galaxy or having to spend 3 days for 5mil creds: that’s why I play, to be a part of the galaxy whenever I log in and do actual stuff, don’t matter to me if it’s 5 hours straight for guild stuff or just 3 min for crew skill mission reward retrieval. What I’d really love is to see actual new content (planets, moons, classes, species, visitable spacecrafts from your ship, stories, companion quests, races just like -or similar to- KotOR, dejarik or pazaak/sabacc…) just like everyone else, but I also love getting new content on old and existing planets, ’cause when I do an alt and revisit them, they give a new approach to questing.

  • TheEightball

    So….the only thing worth this, well for me, is the walker mounts and they’re making them temporary mounts…so what? Does that mean if my guild doesn’t control the planet I lose my walker? I have to recraft it again? And what’s with all the useless farming shit? God they’ll make all this, but total pass on what could of made this fun: Battlefront 2 style ship 2 ship wars.
    Swing and a miss Bioware. Swing and a miss

    • You don’t lose it, but the walkers only work on planets your guild owns.

      Ship to ship wars sounds like a horrible idea, about as un-fun as GSF, but with loads more work because a whole guild must want it. I’m sorry you don’t like this expansion, but there’s no pleasing everyone I suppose. I’m going for the Galaxy Conqueror title, and I think I’ll have plenty of fun getting there.

      • TheEightball

        What sounds like a horrible idea is going back to a planet you already finished to grind away on old mobs over and over and over again just for a title. Sounds like an extreme waste of time compared to a new form of WZ that gets these Capital ships in the combat scene where either you’re apart of ship defense manning turrets and repelling borders or going on the offensive taking about key points and invading the enemy’s vessel. Guilds don’t permanently lose their ships, but could be where either they have to wait for a period under a term like “repairing in drydock” or just reque again.

        And I have a question for you for when you get that Galaxy Conqueror title, what then?

        • Heist 101

          Have u ever watched videos of or played SWG free roam space combat.. I can’t understand how a game engine from 2003 can support multiple players inside a ship in combat with other ships with players walking around inside theirs, I remember groups traveling together in one players fresh YT ..i reminisced when I saw the command bridges of swtor’s ships in the videos knowing if lucas arts were still alive and ran swtor – that’s the kind of stuff we’d be getting.. Remember that they NGE’d SWG twice . . .the second one was Swtor

          • TheEightball

            Never played Galaxies

            • Heist 101

              It definitely had its problems but the whole space side was spot on.. What u had described earlier was what people were doing in SWG in 2005ish -it’s interesting how people in the industry don’t seem to understand that full on space warfare was like a clean 50% of all Star Wars lore and I’m disinterested in GSF attempt, the ships look like mcdonalds happy meal toys and I can’t use a joystick lol

              • TheEightball

                Yeah I got that feeling from GSF too. If that was SWG’s space warfare then I’m really sorry I didn’t get to play it. When I first heard about these guild ships I was thinking “SW Battlefront 2 space battles” which I absolutely loved. Especially how I’d land a gunship in the enemy cruiser and wreck havoc.

              • Heist 101

                Yea that was fun I liked how NPC fighters were everywhere, I’d grab the pub gunship and let the npc pilots in hangar load up in my turrets, they had terrible aim but I was hype that that someone even thought of adding AI priority selection to include the players ship

              • Lord Randir

                Galaxies was by far the model this game should have taken. What a sorely mistake to pick up WoW…
                Played for 8 years and NEVER ever got bored of it.

        • To answer your last question, leveling my chars to 60 and trying the new operation, I suppose.

          • TheEightball

            I’m sorry level 60? I may be wrong, but haven’t seen any level cap, but again if all the point to this whole thing is grinding mobs and getting a title and you can’t even get a permanent walker mount (which highly disappointing that a really cool mount like that is only temporary)? Why not just not do this and focus on an actual expansion to the game? Give us our money’s worth with some more story content (either continuation to individual characters or wider spectrum story), some new PvP or newer and harder operations (or some new incentives to go back to the older ones).

            This is all just one big “who can kill the most shit” without having to do much other than the guild ships (which are still neat regardless of price and lack of doing much)

      • HadesClutch

        I’m actually curious about how you’ll feel a month after launch…. GLHF

  • Halfdanr

    Just to make sure I understand — by doing the same quests, I can get both the personal and guild rewards (though the personal one goes faster with stronghold bonus). So basically the only benefit having a bigger guild gives is helping me do quests and getting first place on the leaderboards to gain control of a planet for some rather minor rewards?

    • Heritor

      Bingo… So I want to know how is this worth 50mill?

    • Sorry, what was that? I couldn’t hear you up here in my Command Walker.

      • Loholt

        If you think the walker mount is that great, you could buy one from the GTN for less than half of what unlocking the guild flagship costs. I know: it doesn’t have guns like the reskin version, but you could use it wherever you want, not just Ord Mantell, Quesh, or some other planet you likely have absolutely nothing to do in other than march around in circles to show everyone your walker mount (and your new title).

    • They both go around the same speed as the stronghold bonus affect the guild reward too it seems

    • BrianDavion

      that and the ability to expand your guild ship. which might be important to some guilds… ya know roleplay guilds who don’t wanna farm 24/7 🙂

  • Heritor

    So 130mil fully upgraded for content that I cannot see is worth the price…. The ship has roleplay worth but outside of that this looks like the city of heroes superbases without the base raiding ability.

    • HadesClutch

      To be fair, CoH was by no means this expensive. But I agree, I think even 20mil total is a stretch at this point. That’s exactly how I weigh it, if the system can’t justify the price then there’s no sense making it some large under taking. TOR doesn’t have the level of content to justify a “Server First” when it comes to ships. The game is going on three years old now giving people plenty of time since launch to farm up and play the GTN (both past and presence with the CC) so it’s Bioware’s fault that some players out there could afford the ship on their own – not the players.

      • Anthony O’Day

        Hell, a superbase in City of Heroes also didn’t cost players actual in-game money. And the base was relatively cheap enough that you could build a fairly nice sized base completely by yourself. Plus, the bases in CoH had a ton of utility in the form of teleports to every zone, crafting stations, massive amounts of storage, ect.

        • Jaq

          …and the CoH/CoV bases were wonderfully customizable. The storage .. teleports … I think I have to have a lie down now and get all misty eyed for the ‘MMO that was murdered by NCSoft’ again.

  • Guest

    ‘Gods of Foreplay’

    • SnowMeow

      A collaboration between “Foreplay/Fourplay” and “Gods and Titans” from JC. Fun people.

  • Azulaalwayslies

    Why isn’t anyone talking about how this will greatly stimulate open-world PVP on the PVP servers?

    I could see that being a great side-effect of this feature. Especially if you’re competing with guilds on the opposite faction for planetary control. Dulfy can we get a confirmation on whether or not Republic AND Empire guilds are on the same leaderboard?

    As always, you did an excellent job compiling all the info!

    • Yes same leaderboard

      • SirRobinII

        Hope BW well implement something like cross faction guild so you can link crossfaction guilds with eachother. Otherwhise people will stick to much on one faction :/

        • Lord Randir

          I hope that NEVER happens, sir… Maybe adding more factions, classes, etc. but not cross-factioning… That’d ruin the game itself (under my point of view).

          • Arby

            I would think linking cross-faction guilds would undermine the whole idea of what they’re trying to accomplish here.

          • SirRobinII

            Cause of this conquest people will stick to one faction and i find that kinda lame.

    • Lord Randir

      I actually did talk about Open PvP on several replies, I love how this events are going to make peeps go into old forgotten planets and force them to do Open World PvP. Our clan is (in)famous on our server (EU, Tomb of Freedon Nadd, ) for camping on Rep bases since beta times. We hope to see each and every one of that “Republic Scum” doing their best to protect their Commanders!

  • DLM3

    I am lost. The objectives state that you can repeat the Makeb weekly… but it is a weekly hence it can be done only once a week. So what’s the deal with the repeatable part?

    Or is it that unique objectives (like the Alderaan WB for instance) can’t be repeated with an alt while it is possible with repeatable ones?

    • Vodorlo

      Makeb weekly can be repeated with different alts, I think.

      And the Alderaan Wb, I guess, can only be done once a conquest.

      • DLM3

        That’s it, I have verified with an alt. Repeatable objectives can be done with alts (i.e. all your alts can do the Makeb weekly) while unique objectives done with one character can’t be repeated.with your alts.

        It is worth to note that if you have completed one of these unique objectives your alts won’t benifit from the points.

        • Vodorlo

          So that means conquests are character-specific? Or you have to reach the weekly minimum on each of your toons so all of them get the rewards? As in get 5 rounds of rewards for reaching 35k points on 5 alts? Something like that? 🙂

          • You get 5 rounds of rewards on all 5 alts if you meet the 35k goal on each

            • Vodorlo

              Thanks, Dulfy 🙂

    • Josef Tauser

      Me too, its super confusing. But I think its all just a new way to try to get people to queue for regular flashpoints and warzones.

    • No point really, it is a fake repeatable.

    • Robert Hindy

      Repeatable in the sense that you can do them on multiple alts.

      The One Time ones you can only do on one character.

  • Captainkillall

    To all the people complaining about a free expansion….this content was designed to draw new people into the game not satiate your blood thirst for new content. It was designed to build on the already exisiting player base. Stop complaining. If you don’t like the game that much…..just leave and go back to the MMO fantasy world you came from where everything is perfect and exactly how you imagine it to be. Jebus Fartmas people!

    • TheEightball

      They ain’t gonna get the players with boring grindfest. You want players to come in? Give them incentives. This? Just boring collecting and killing lowbie mobs

      • HadesClutch

        It’s not even the boring grindfest that’ll turn people off, it’s about a ship that isn’t worth the price its asking for given the type of content it spawns off from is just a time sink. To put this into perspective, Warlords of Draenor is not only giving you a crap ton of content with your Garissons… Blizzard isn’t dicking the players over with it. Ships aren’t even worth 20million based on the system its tagged to.

        • Heritor

          The ships are at max worth 500k. You have to remember you have to pay to move it so it is an on going cost.

    • Heritor

      How is this going to draw people in? The cost is far beyond what any newbie could ever hope. I also doubt that high end guilds will waste their time nor their credits this when they can spend on something that could go towards doing NiM content.

      I mean If you are doing hardcore you can either gear up your guild and then your guild’s alts or you can buy an overly expensive guild base that grants you access to really lackluster content.

      • HadesClutch

        Exactly. This is a huge determent to new players. Preferred can only have a total of 350k credits on their persons at one time so either you sub up and have to deal with this crappy new “daily” system or you spend a crap ton on escrow passes. This is very new-player unfriendly.

        • DLM3

          Heck it is even veteran unfriendly. I have been here from the start and I barely have 30M credits across my Legacy (that’s what happens when gearing alts is costly and your time is limited).

          At least they have reduced the price of Legacy storage and it is no longer ridiculous. I have been unguilded for some time but if I join a guild and participate in the flagship purchase/upgrades + a full upgraded stronghold + Legacy storage I fear that there won’t be much left for my daily needs.

      • Lord Randir

        Man… my clan is all about hardcore PvP and PvE, we already grinded all the credits for the ship 2 weeks prior to this one and we play every day doing normal stuff (some of us do Ranked, some do Dailies, FP, Ops…) and we are NOT a 200 member guild. That means any newbie we get will have access to all the rewards this system is implementing, plus helping them get achievements (achievements = decorations) and, of course, do more Open PvP (Yay! Back to camping reps!). When they get into our “small” guild, they’ll get access to our Ship, Stronghold HQ and all the fucking stuff Bioware implements on them… and benefit from all this while enjoying his “all powerful first character”. All of us in the guild knew more or less how much the ship would cost and all of us wanted it, so we worked together AS A GUILD and managed to get things done.
        The thing now is to wait for Bioware to “repair” PvP (skanking on Ranked, for instance and above all else, or adding new classes etc) and everything’ll be wonderful (lol).

    • Loholt

      Yes, we should all be grateful for a “free” “expansion” that is neither free nor an expansion. You WILL spend real monies to have any prayer of being able to participate in this nonsense. And who in their right mind will think, “I have held off playing SWTOR for the almost three years it’s been out, but man, grinding for a guild flagship sounds AWESOME!” Please.

      • Lord Randir

        I don’t think you are looking at this Expansion as what it actually is (they call it Expansion but I don’t agree with the term, I’d call it “Completion Stage”). This should have been on launch. It’s about guildies helping each other (competition’s a good revulsive for those who want to excel, but you don’t need to become Conqueror of the Galaxy to actually enjoy this). As an active and organised guild you’ll always have newbies and high-enders. For an expansion that’s actually about Housing the idea is quite nice. You’ll get to go into the vast old places with the 55s and newbies can actually HELP the guild by contributing while doing the normal stuff, and actually almost whatever you do will give you DECORATION rewards (marked on caps for a reason), and you don’t need to be a 55 to contribute, just be on a guild, as I said.
        You want new content? 4 new Strongholds, 1 new FP, Legacy Storage, Guild Ships and the PvE event, loads and loads of decorations based on achievements, that’s the new content that’s going to be available for everyone (like it or not). Oh, and of course this had to go about making peeps grind… Don’t think Warlords of Draenor won’t have this component. However, I have to agree that Housing should be placed on real planets/worlds, not just be instanced. That’s the cancer of this game… (lol fucking engine).

    • HadesClutch

      This is such a silly arguement. “It’s free so don’t complain.” It’s free and its lousy, the worst of one world.

      If you aren’t going to accept feedback in your game, why even be involved in the industry at all. Since you don’t like opinions of others talking ill about something you may be a fan of, by that logic maybe you should just stick to single player games.

    • Meetra Actual

      And this draws new people into the game how, exactly?
      When I started playing SWTOR about a year back, the entry slogan was “Go level a few characters to 55, then grind tedious ops and dailies until your brain bleeds; but hey, you’re having fun!”
      It’s evolved now to “No need to wait ’til 55 to grind stuff; you can do it almost on your origin world. And as an extra bonus, you get to do it for a guild! If you go in solo, you won’t get any supprt! Screw you!

    • JustLilMe

      Grinding mobs is no longer desirable or fun, not since people have seen that questing is more fun. Going back to mob grinding is stupid and in no way a smart way of trying to get new players in, ESPECIALLY with so many cheaper and “faster” MMO`s around.

      So, all this super-duper expansion is just cosmetic bigger ships with mob and resource grinding.

      Having said that and looking at when the last op was released (not difficulty level, but new operation), I think I can confidently say that you, sir, are awfully wrong and barking at the wrong tree; you can try and excuse them as much as you want, it will not change a very simple fact: this “expansion” is shit.

      • Arby

        You had me right up til the part about PVP

        • JustLilMe

          While we can talk until our hands are hurting about what this game is and what PvE and PvP are or are not, one simple truth simply CANNOT be contested, not in straight face, anyway: Ownership by proxy just sounds wrong. Because this is what dailies / weeklies are – a proxy, or a buffer. Ownership should always be decided via direct combat, aka PvP. And I am talking about planetary conquest, of course.

          • Arby

            LOL. “ownership” of what? some pixels? Wow, thanks for the laugh anyway.

  • Ajay Madhav

    Does your guild stronghold not provide any sort of bonus to your conquest points? Do the other room unlocks on your guild ship not provide any additional bonuses or perks that are useful during conquests?

    • Don’t see any bonus from guild strongholds/ships

  • Azudelphi

    So, for the rewards, it seems clear the personal rewards are granted if you reach 35k personal conquest. Do you receive the guild rewards for contributing 35k regardless of how your guild places on the leaderboard or does it require you to also place top 10?

    • You get the guild rewards regardless of your guild ranking

      • Azudelphi

        Fantastic. Thank you.

        • Gizmo

          I’m so confused. The guide says that you get absolutely no guild rewards unless you place in the top 10 on the leaderboards. Has that been changed? You get your personal rewards, but what about your and your guild working towards the guild reward? Do you get the gathering Lockbox, 10 Jawa Junk, and one encryption? There’s just no access to the walker mount and special perks because your guild didn’t place in the top 10?

          • That is an old reply and it is wrong. You only get guild rewards if you place top 10. Top 1 get the walker mount/special perks.

            • Gizmo

              That’s a rough grind for smaller guilds. Thanks for sorting my confusion out though, Dulfy. =)

  • Arby

    wow… killing low level mobs and crafting junk… whoopeee

    • Loholt

      This. Yeah, I’d love to break up my small guild to swell the ranks of a mega-guild led by some of the elitist commenters here so I can go to recruit rank and be made a farming bitch. Then when I complain be told, “Who do you think you are, princess? You think anyone cares whether you’re having a good time? Playing SWTOR is not about having fun and enjoying yourself. It’s about hard work and putting in 80 hours a week. So STFU and get in your weekly quota of purple mats & credits or you’ll never be allowed to run any ops with us.”

      • Dreselus

        It’s a double edged sword, while there is a lot of grinding involved, a lot of conquest points can come from just normal play (GF, GSF, PvP, Ops, FPs. dailies).

        A lot of it is also farmable, like low lvl planet heroics.

        Example, you do a GF 55 HM, 3 days per week and boom 12000 points (if Invading Alderaan]. Add a single heroic each of those days and the total is 16500 for 1h of play each day.

        And that is without any Stronghold bonus.

        • Dreselus

          Actually slightly less, I’m shit at maths but same idea.

        • Loholt

          I get that, I do, and it’s nice they put that in there. The problem is it only matters if you have a guild flagship. I will basically be doing the same stuff I’ve been doing, only now I may get some jawa junk at the end of the week. I can’t get excited about that.

          • Nomar

            The thing is you need to see the guild not just as a cosmetic item but rather its in a sense an endgame set of gear you whole guild works towards progressing and upgrading. To me I see nothing but positivity as this is going to create incentives for players to get together and work on something as a unit.

            • Loholt

              But it IS a cosmetic item. A cosmetic item that takes lots of people grinding together to unlock. I’m supposed to pretend like it’s a new planet, operation or a new level cap? I don’t understand this thought process.

      • Meetra Actual

        Brilliantly put.
        Guilds have been doing exactly that for ages; now they have an extra incentive to be douchy.

        • Thatoneguy

          I should gquit my guild and look for these elitest guilds you keep mentioning. I WANT TO BE A PRINCESS!!!!!11eleveneleven

          • Meetra Actual

            Go look up BotS, SoL, DotR, FGE/FGR, DC, Guerilla….I could go on for ages

          • Loholt

            Talk to Lord Randir. Can’t promise you’ll be a princess but I’m sure he’d be happy to make you his farming bitch.

    • p4v7

      Pity that you can’t find a guild where you could make friends. If you’re fun to talk with, no one would forbid you to run around the ship even if you mainly RP in this game and don’t much contribute to the conquest. Only a douche would say that.

      • Loholt

        Again, this is elitist BS. A lot of people are in small guilds with their friends. If they want to participate in this “new content”, though, they now have to think about disbanding their guild to join some gigantic guild which might be full of douches they don’t like. Or if you are in a larger guild, you may start getting all sorts of douches from smaller guilds. Come on, this is crap. A guild SHOULD be formed through friendship, not b/c a crap-ton of people are robotically grinding for a cosmetic, instanced unlock. That’s just sad.

        • p4v7

          It’s not a matter of the size. To clarify, I personally think that a small guild has about 15-30 people.
          If you’re talking about guilds that have about 4-6, then sorry but it’s
          more precise to call it a “group” rather than a guild..
          I bet a vast majority of gigantic guilds might have 500 players but 20% of them don’t play regularly, another 20% are f2p that don’t know what is going on in the game, next 20% don’t know any way how to earn credits etc. All in all, the actual number of people that contribute is nearly the same or slightly higher than in a small guild.
          A small guild that is well coordinated can purchase the guildship without grinding but playing on a regular basis within 2 or 3 months. They announced the price one month before the patch comes in, so everyone had time to gather at least a half of the price at the day of the release.

          • Meetra Actual

            Nice speech! Who wrote it for you?
            I’m an old hand at the negotiator’s table; I can smell wrote tripe a nautical mile away. Stop pandering to the inner-jerk and turn on a function called “Intelligent Thought”.

            • p4v7

              How about giving a nice valid counter-argument? You cannot deny that a small guild can simultaneously be effective in making credits even without the daily grind and have a group of nice people, so you turn to argumentum ad personam. Sorry that I’m another inner-jerk that dares to disagree with you! So far you are the only great person in this game and all others are unfriendly because they cannot acknowledge your awesome presence in their guilds. Dear community. give that man/woman a hug!

            • Arby

              You can smell it because you spew it so much

              • Meetra Actual

                I try to please

          • Lord Randir

            We actively connect about 20 peeps in my clan (less now that we are on holidays) and we got the money for the ship 2 weeks ago. It’s not about size what matters, it’s about being productive in-game and not just “go get the pet I like”. Small guilds should hurry the fuck up or just lay low, as this is an event made for real, well formed and organised people.

            • Loholt

              Where is that commenter who said he was looking for an elitist guild? I think Lord Randir can help him out.

              • Lord Randir

                We’re not an elitist guild, we are organised people, no more but no less either way.

            • Loholt

              Also, I think the official tagline for Bioware needs to be “Patch 2.9: Hurry The Fuck Up And GET REAL!”

      • Meetra Actual

        Please introduce me to a guild that is all fluffy and friendly.
        After a year in this game, I’ve yet to find one.

        • Destiny

          Well actually the guild im in now is a really nice close knit guild we are all friends and get along. Also our guild leader told us if u want to contribute to the guild ship u can but he told us he will supply the funds. We arnt a large guild currently 150 members but we have already planned to do many conquests so just because u have not found one doesnt mean they are not out there (also guild is goong on 2years i want to say)

        • Thatoneguy

          My guild pretty much said, put money in the gbank if you want, we don’t give a shit either way. However, the guild leader did offer prizes for the people who contributed the most. We care more about OPs than some guild ship we’ll use once then forget about.

        • You’re always so cheery and positive about everything, and yet you can’t find a guild with nice people, I wonder how that could be.

          • Arby

            Because most of them are full of people like you, I’d imagine

        • Jaq

          Pub side = Black Lotus Syndicate [120 members]; Imp side = Nightshade [170 members]. Both are very friendly & active. They are also LGBT-friendly, supportive, non-bullying & mild-rp guilds. Feel free to visit our Enjin websites.

    • Meetra Actual

      Arby, that’s exactly what will happen in most cases.

  • HadesClutch

    So much variety… yeah, they said the same thing for Kuat and considering how boring Kuat got within a short time; this isn’t changing my opinion on the price of guildships in the least.

  • aswlp

    Mounts that only work on konquered planets? That’s pointless.

    • Lord Randir

      Wouldn’t be if the fucking mounts did SHOOT. Fuck you, Bioware! (lol)

      • Loholt

        Okay, that would actually be really cool. I would enjoy prowling around Taris, blowing up packs of rakghouls like so many ewoks. However, that temporary pleasure would still not be enough to justify the time & effort spent to win this competition.

  • Jason Long

    Not everything in this game is made for everybody. There’s a little bit of everything to appease each specific kind of player – I don’t think you’re reLly meant to do EVERYTHING. This is obviously intended for guilds and those with guild mindset. If that’s not you then this feature probably wasn’t made for you in mind. I know people who hate GSF and I know people who all they do is GSF. I know players who do only PvP and those who only do PvE. Some will do GSH and some won’t. The same is said for this. Not everything is intended for all players. Do what caters to you and have fun, but don’t bash others because they FINALLY get a guild-specific function.

  • Meetra Actual

    This expansion is so FUBAR it’s frankly staggering.

    To answer some of the previous comments, and thoughts in the community:
    This is NOT a “free” expansion. GSF was both “free” and an “expansion”. True, some hated it, I know I did for a time, but, it did not gate players, and it was truly free. You could get your Stock Novadive, and never purchase a single other ship, just get it mastered and kick all kinds of ass. You could literally play nothing but GSF; I know some people who did exacty that; never once left Tython.

    I say this is not “free”, because, you don’t pay upfront for this expansion, but you pay in the long run. To contribue credits, you need to be a sub; to contribute on Makeb; you need to have RotHC, invariably lazy people will buy a hypercrate for $60 (yes, I said $60;. Hypercrate costs ~7,000CC, 5500CC = $40; 2400CC = $20. $60, at least for me, is an airplane flight to the other side of the country.) and sell it for 7mil. YAY! 7 losers = 49 million to the guild and $420 for BioWare.

    I could elaborate, but I will move onto my next point.

    Guilds, in the past, have been rather fond of “farming bitches”. I once joined Brotherhood of the Sith on The Ebon Hawk, feeling they might be a good group to PvP with; no, they are not. What they do is get 2 councillors and maybe 2 recruits in a ranked PvP game, and the councillor threatens the recruits that if they do not participate, they will be kicked. Then, out comes Uliic, and what do the councillors do? They stand there like dorks, helping to farm his ranked score.

    You won’t believe what they did to me when I killed one of their “A-Team”.

    However, this guild Elitest BS is going to do me a very large favor; nowadays, people are trying to find “friendly guilds”; I think I can provide.
    We probably won’t even bother with conquests or somesuch, but our members will know that they are appreciated members of the community, and no-one expects them to do any extraordinary tasks.

    • Arby

      Never mind, my comment was completely unproductive. I agree with you on most points anyway

    • iceberg265

      Meetra is bitching, I feel shocked.

      • Meetra Actual

        What, pray tell, is the difference between honest, not-brainwashed thought and bitching?

        I do not believe you see it.

        • iceberg265

          Every time dulfy posts something, you spam it up with “bioware sucks everything is stupid whine whine whine whine whine”. You make up flat out lies and include pointless insults in every post. I am critical of them when necessary too, but try not to be such a little baby about it.

          • Meetra Actual

            Again, I endeavour to be civil whenever possible, but I am a cynic, realist and critic, hence some critique of BioWare is appropriate.

            I do not post “flat-out lies” as that would tarnish my reputation, and seek to back up my arguments with reasoning.

            I do not, as a general, fling insults willy-nilly, nor address you in a derogotary fashion.

            I however, believe that not all share my viewpoints–which is natural and welcome — but in their expressions of said opinions, they willfully demean mine.

            If I am not welcome here, I must take my leave.
            Thank you.

  • Josh

    I hope this content improves guild team work, I think this is what it will do, It’s going to show the guilds that can work together, and the ones that are meh… but yea, those rewards aren’t that good.

  • George Blair

    The only thing NOT underwhelming about this roll-out is the Guild Ship cost.

  • Haruss

    Dulfy, are you positive the stuff from “Guild Rewards” yellow box is only given if the guild places in Top 10 on planetary leaderboard? I was under the impressions that you get them as long as you contributed 35k points to the guild, regardless if the guild misses out on Top 10 and that there’s an additional extra batch of rewards for Top 10 guild placement (and final 3rd one for #1 palce)?

    • Some people mentioned that Bioware said so on the livestream and also this was taken from the ingame help http://puu.sh/aJtIm/41a874674e.jpg

      • Haruss

        Lol well that confirms it, the grind for ship unlocks will be even more ridiculous than I though. Forget about 75 million, most guild will gather the money 10 times faster than Frameworks, even the biggest guilds.

  • Olga

    I’m a bit confused. Okay, I have 22 alts on Red Eclipse(in different guilds). Does doing objectives on different alts count, or is this per character only? I.e. if Alt1 gets 35000 separate points, Alt1 gets a reward, but Alt2 has to grind 35000 points separately? And if Alt3 has 10000 points, it doesn’t matter for Alt1 and Alt2?

    Also, I’ve looked at the lists, tried to summarize it all(even considering the same objective can be done on different planets) – and I don’t really see even 20000 points here, let alone 35000. Even if I log on my main and start doing one flashpoint and one op and one warzone a day, and do all the heroic missions, and try crafting and one-time objectives, she wouldn’t get even halfway to the 35000 goal, even with prestige points added.

    • The points are character specific so you need to grind separately.

      • Olga

        Thank you! Ohhh, it’s grinding like crazy for several separate guilds, then. Until I burn out. Unless I start having too much fun with it!

    • DLM3

      If you are alone it may seem difficult but within a guild things get easier. Between 2 fully upgraded strongholds (50% bonus to points earned) and a guild bonus for flashpoints/WZ I managed to get 17k – half done – in one day (and I haven’t even queued for WZ).

      By the way if you only care about the bonus from strongholds, provided you have a bunch of trophies from flashpoints/ops it is easy to reach 100% completion by placing them on your walls (especially story mode trophies since they use small hooks). It’s easy and fast.

      • Olga

        Oh wow, congrats! If you don’t mind, could you tell me what you’ve done during that day? It could help me/other players who’re just starting to plan their conquests.

        • DLM3

          I made sure that I had a nice bonus from strongholds and mostly worked on the stuffs I could do “on my own”:

          – queued for a random tactical (twice, that was before I realized that you needed the daily reward for that so only one run counts)
          – queued for a random HM 55
          – killed the Alderaan WB
          – ran the heroics on that planet and killed 250 mobs on that planet, this one could have waited till I run the heroics during several days
          – ran the Makeb weekly getting 250 kills along the way
          – crafted a few war supplies plus an Invasion Force
          – and finally killed a Commander with guild members

          The guild is invading Alderaan so I also got a bonus to flahspoints, in the end it went faster that I feared.

          Quite a few tasks I would have done on a daily basis (groupfinder FP) or during the week (Makeb weekly).

  • DLM3

    I suddenly fear something: group finder queues are going to be horrible if you are not guilded. Most guilds will only run flashpoints with guildies in order not to let other guilds get more points through that run, heck I could even see people being kicked of a group because they belong to a different guild on their tail.

    That plus the fact that smaller guilds will have no chance to compete against larger guilds which is likely going to see a lot of small guilds disappear I can already tell that this update is going to be a community killer.

    • Halfdanr

      I don’t see the issue with the group finder ques. Guilds don’t seem to get any particular benefit from having guildie runs. I suppose a few guilds might worry a bit about denying their closest competitors points. However, if you belong to such a guild you should have no problem finding guildies to run with.
      On the upside, most people are going to be exclusively interested in getting their 35000 points, therefore we should be seeing a lot more people queuing for flashpoints.
      Edit: somehow I thought the guild reward was given to you if you contributed 35k points but it seems you have to place in the top ten. I guess that will increase interest in placing high on the leader-boards while decreasing interest for individuals to get 35k points. I guess I tend to agree with you now DLM3.

      • The way I understood it you need to be in the top-10 AND contribute 35k points to get the guild reward, but I may have that wrong, it’s not explicitly stated. Maybe Dulfy can clarify?

        • Halfdanr

          I believe you are correct. My point was that if your guild’s not going to make the top ten, you may be unmotivated to grind your 35k points just to get your fairly minor personal reward. Therefore this update may have less of a positive influence on group finder than I had thought. However, the potential negative effect of encouraging trollish competition and fewer non-guild runs may still happen.

          • Rhiss

            The main reason I believe it will hinder Group Finder is, if you have all 4 of your guildies in a group finder for lets say a FP, they all 4 will get the points and all 4 will contribute to the total guild score. So there will be a bonus for doing it all guildies since they will all get conquest points.

            • DLM3

              That’s what I meant. Conquests really encourage people to run various content with their guild because that’s the best way to get more points and possibly faster. I did all the heroics on Alderaan with 3 guildies so our group contributed for almost 10K for each heroic x 7 quests, that’s about 70K in no time.
              The same goes with group finder flashpoints with the fact that you don’t want to help an adversary guild (at least one that is on your tail) by having one of their members with you so it indeed encourage guilds to run group finder content with their own members.
              I can bet that queues are going to be much longer if you are not guilded.

              • Val.S

                Guild runs always were more efficient – particularly Hard mode with randoms can be a headache – such that many people (myself often included) just don’t queue at all i would imagine.

                So, not entirely convinced that giving this objective (and thus more incentive to queue in the first place) will reduce the numbers available over the long run.

                Time will tell, of course.

    • Admiral Halimesh

      I don’t see it being very bothersome since (from what I understood) only the guilds that have a flagship will be able to participate and become one of the top 10 guilds in the leaderboard. for guilds that aren’t willing to fork over 50M nothing should change

  • Flyinspaghetti

    I could see a lot of elitist guilds who are usually tough on selection opening up a “social” wing just to make the cut, large guilds will pretty much dominate this so if a small guild doesn’t up it’s members it will be left in the dust. This will be devastating to small social guilds though, I could see a lot of them disappearing because no matter how many hours you put in you’re not going to complete with a 250+ active member monster guild full of casuals with a catchy name.

    While I’m all for guild activities/weekly achievements I feel the whole “conquest” thing and the way leader-boards/rewards work is going to be more harm than good.

    • Loholt

      Don’t worry. A few commenters here have repeatedly assured us that those smaller guilds “aren’t really guilds” so who cares? Btw, why are you typing comments? You should be out farming mats. Chop, chop 😛

      • Val.S

        Smaller guilds are smaller guilds, those guilds don’t seek to raid NiM or in many cases don’t raid at all.

        Because that content is not designed with their limited resources in mind.

        This content is no different. I live exclusively in such small guilds. It’s the choice i made, but somehow I am mature enough to live with the fact that just because my playstyle is one way, doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t provide content for others who’ve chosen a different way to play the game.

        I’ll never have a flagship, whilst i could make the creds if i chose, my paticular cost/benefit analysis of my time says it’s ‘not worth it’ FOR ME.

        Personal choice, and somehow my life hasn’t ended and I remain happy to pay my subscription.


        • Admiral Halimesh

          lol I fully agree with you there. Could make the creds easy if I wanted…could make 2mill grinding everyday, but it’s not worth it to me

    • Val.S

      If people throw over their guild just because a single area of content is focused towards something their guild currently cannot realistically pursue that says more about the calibre of the guild members involved than the choice to provide the content. By that metric NiM mode should have emptied all the casual raiding guilds of their membership… that doesn’t seem to have happened, I highly doubt this will either.

  • Per

    Hi guys, this is going to be completely off-topic, but I have basically nowhere else to ask and someone here might be able to help me.

    So, my problem is, that I can’t log into my SWTOR account on the website. The launcher is working okay, I can login and play anytime. But whenever I try to access my account on the website, I get a “login failed” message. I’m absolutely sure that the login info is correct, since I use the same for the launcher. I also changed my password and recovered my display name to ensure all info is correct, but these steps had no effect.

    I asked about this several times in the game chat and also posted a message on the facebook page of SWTOR, but didn’t get any real help. Since I’m only preferred status, I can’t contact Customer Service in-game and phoning them (even using VoIP) would be very expensive.

    If anyone has an idea for what should I do or what may gone wrong, please help, and sorry again for posting off-topic.

    • Flyinspaghetti

      You’re right this is the wrong place to post it however you could possibly try support@swtor.com although they might give you the same copy pasta response. For account issues you do generally need to phone them regardless of F2P or not.

      • Arby

        They would have taken 2 weeks to get back with an answer anyway. Glad you were able to get through.

        • Rafaello

          Not sure about you, but I’ve had nothing but good results with emailing support, even when I was F2P. I had several times where they replied to my email, and resolved my issue, within 45 minutes. No idea what you’re talking about with the two week thing.

          • You Know Who

            Arby is just a troll, don’t mind it.

      • ScicleX

        Mmmm, Flyinspaghetti’s famous copy pasta!

    • Dhoine

      Try to use a shorter password. I had the same issue.

      • Per

        Thanks a lot for the tip, it worked. (Finally…)
        Sorry again for off-topic post.

  • Hellothere

    If i use 1 of my decorations in my homestead(1/50). Will a copy be available to use in guild stronghold?

  • Crafty McCrafter

    Gathering Lockbox (Universal) – Contain 3 random material gathering decorations which can be harvested for crafting materials (4 hrs cooldown).
    PEASE- explain how these will work, how long they last, what mats they actually give.

    • Kazusano

      I’m guessing it’s like farmville

    • DLM3

      It’s fairly simple. Here’s an example: http://youtu.be/umasfgapAYk

      You get decorations (under Utility > Crafting) used as resource nodes, all kind, metals, color crystals, artifact fragments, etc. coming in various Grades. Once you have gathered a few units you have a 4 hour debuff that prevents you from getting more (from your stronghold, that doesn’t keep you from getting them out there). So given the low amount that you obtain with such a long CD it’s not really an effective way to get resources, it’s just a bonus.

      You should note that you don’t need the appropriate crew skill to gather these resources. In my video I am getting artifact fragments when my gathering skills are slicing and scavenging.

      • Rob Strecker

        However with legacy storage, you can farm across your entire legacy and put them in the storage and access them on any of your toons.

      • ScicleX

        It seems the 4 hour debuff isn’t applied everytime you gather. I believe there is a chance that it will apply the debuff on a RNG system, so if you’re lucky enough you can gather multiple times (I gathered 5 Lockboxes in a row before getting the debuff on 1 of my characters).

  • lvl100mudkip

    i have a question for the pvp complete a warzone ranked or unranked is that repeatable? Also are the one time’s per character or per legacy?
    Sorry if this was answered beforehand must have skimmed through it

    • Yes it is repeatable, one times are per character

  • Roka_Imo

    “Each Conquest have different objectives. Some objectives are repeatable
    (represented by the infinity sign), while others can done only once per
    character. Finishing the objectives will give you points towards both
    your personal and guild reward tracks.”

    Actually it seems is can only be “done once per Legacy” not per character. Try logging in another toon and checking the Conquest tab and you’ll see that if you’ve done a non-repeatable, its bar is full and therefor seems you cannot do it again.

    • Roka_Imo

      Also the ones like kill 250 non-player opponents, is cumulative over your legacy. Logged in my BH, killed 10 mobs on Makeb. Logged out, logged in my Commando, and killed 4 more mobs and the total for Makeb went to 14/250. So you’ll have to watch this if you are in mutliple guilds and looking to help them all. You’ll likely have to focus the one time objectives on one toon, and then the repeatables on others.

      • SnowMeow

        On PTS last night, I had the opposite experience. I got the 250 on alderaan, logged into a different character, and did it again. I also got the crafting an invasion force points on two different characters, both imp side, both in the same guild. It seems either I or Roka_Imo have found a bug that needs reporting…

  • Najee Tiller

    Are more Conquests still being added to this guide?

    • Should be all there now

  • AX

    Dulfy, based on your guild it seems the Stronghold bonus applies to both personal and guild conquest points. It this the case? In the in-game UI it seems personal stronghold does NOT add to GUILD conquest points?

    • It does add to the guild conquest points. That is how I was able to top the leaderboards on pts by having 10 crafters with 100% stronghold bonus

      • AX

        Oh ok. Does have a guild stronghold add to personal or guild conquest points at all?

        • Don’t think it does, could be wrong though

  • Murphy

    “Each planet favors different kinds of objectives. In The Balance of Power Conquest for example, invading Alderaan give you invasion bonus towards flashpoint and warzone objectives while invading Voss give you invasion bonus towards Crafting and War Supplies.”

    Is there a list available for what each planetary bonus provides?

    • planetary bonus is just bonus in points, nothing more

  • Pancake

    After the three days, you can switch to a different planet. Does this reset your guild’s overall score or do you keep the points you have? This would make sense for a guild who is losing on one planet but would be first place on another.

    • Not exactly sure how the switching works 🙁

      • Pancake

        I guess there is only one way to find out 🙂

    • ScicleX

      It’s safe to assume you keep all the points you have accrued up to that point, but of course your bonuses will change when you switch planets. I do see potential griefing from big guilds moving on the last day and sniping a planet they weren’t originally working on. Would be nice to see an anti-griefing system added to prevent changing planets in the last 2 days of a cycle.

  • danz

    So is the conquest leaderboard cross realm? I don’t get this

    • Nope, just your server. It is buggy and displaying the server the guilds originated from atm.

      • vin b

        i’m not sure that’s a bug so much as it is to distinguish guilds that share the same name but originated on different servers

  • Pancake

    Dulfy. Minute 22 of swtor livestream on conquest. Musco says you can’t switch planets. The first three days you have to decide to invade or not, after that you are locked out.

  • mkwerner143

    Dulfy – question for you; I asked this on the forums and through Customer Svc, but I have had no luck yet. A few of the personal conquest quests do not seem to update for me – specifically the Makeb weekly, the “Play 1 warzone” and the Alderaan heroic. I completed all three, and they showed up in my chat log as “completed”, but when I look at my conquest tab, they still say “0/1 completed”. Reading here, I just noticed that all 3 are of the repeatable variety. The 2 non-repeatable quests where you kill 250 mobs on Ald and Makeb did correctly complete for me, though.

    So my question – are the repeatable conquest quests supposed to say “1/1 completed”, or do they never increment because they are repeatable? Or do you think this may be a bug?


    • mkwerner143

      PS – I have a screenshot if it would help display what I’m seeing.

      • Pancake

        If there is an infinity sign (its an 8 on its side) then ti is repeatable. There was a bug where the one time were repeatable, but that was fixed today.

    • Do you gain points when you complete it? I don’t think the repeatable ones are suppose to display as completed so as long you gain points than you good

      • mkwerner143

        Good question – I’ll do some math and let you know. I know I got points for the one-time quests, but as I recall I have close to 5.5k (not in a guild right now)…so I’m getting points for something!

        If it’s as you say it is (and I trust the hell out of ya!), that’s a weird way to show a mission completion…or lack thereof. I’ll let you know. Thanks for the reply!

        • mkwerner143

          So I ran my numbers, and it appears that I am getting credit.
          Kill 250 npc’s on Ald = 1000 + 10% bonus
          Kill 250 npc’s on Mak = 1000 + 10% bonus
          Makeb Weekly = 1500 + 10% bonus
          Complete 1 WZ = 500 + 10% bonus
          Alderaan Heroic = 500 + 10% bonus
          Comes out to 5,050…says I have 5,500, so not sure where that other 450 came from. But it appears that your theory is correct…so I’ll stop worrying unless I don’t get points 🙂

          Thanks again Dulfy!

          • ScicleX

            It’s possible you got a guild invasion x2 bonus on one of your objectives to account for +500, but missed out on one of your 10% bonuses on a 500 objective, losing 50.

    • hyrmn

      Repeatable ones reset to 0/n once completed. You should get an orange system message stating the objective has been met.

  • Jeremy

    Since Relics of the Gree and Rakghoul Resurgence are both listed under conquests, does this mean that these will be regularly occuring events every 11 weeks?

    • vin b

      rahkghoul is already several times a year, gree is supposed to be twice a year

  • Coca

    Can you invade a different planet after the three days or can you just move your ship? Does anyone know what happens to your points?

    • vin b

      you can invade another planet after 3 days.

      moving the ship has nothing to do with it, you can move your ship multiple times a day, has nothing to do with where you are invading

      invading a planet and parking the ship are two different functions.

  • Mikkel F

    Does anyone know if the “once per Legacy” objectives are only once ever, or if it will be possible to redo those objectives next week (or when those objectives shows up again).

  • Unoshi

    Not sure where to ask but what other purpose does those War Supplies have, besides combining them to help craft the Dark Project?

    • Nothing else. Just dark projects and conquest objectives

      • Unoshi

        oke so just craft enough to get achievement and conquest points and use them for dark projects? Oke thanks. Thought they had other uses .

  • Yummytummy

    Is there going to be a set order of Conquest Events or is it random each week? I know its only week one, but does anyone have source of if they commented on it.

    If on the PTS, what was after Balance of Power if it went to week 2?

    • Week 2 was dread war I think

  • Xzelsius

    Does i get the “Conqueror of Alderaan” achievment+title if my guild scored the first place but i don’t have 35k points?

    • befear

      If you read the achievement, it says you have to meet the goal of 35k

  • Lajos Kovács

    Planet Conquest 5. place. Reward pending…. (what?)

    • vin b

      rewards are given on the following tuesday (About 24 hours after event ends)

  • Mikkel F

    Conquest: Titans of Industry:
    Critical Missions: Makeb1500Complete any of the following missions: [STAGED WEEKLY] Contain and Control [STAGED WEEKLY] Mass Exodus
    Makeb x3
    Critical Missions: Galactic Flashpoints1000Complete any of the following missions: [WEEKLY] Galactic Conflicts [WEEKLY] Tactical Flashpoints
    Alderaan x2

    Surely they don’t belong in that conquest?

    • Vodorlo

      Good catch. Wonder if it’s a typo on Dulfy’s site, or a bug in the game.

      • Mikkel F

        Well hopefully it’s not in the game :p
        Clash in Hyperspace also has the Makebx3 on Makeb Critical Missions objective.

  • lvl100mudkip

    i have run into a problem i accidentely got kicked out of my guild since they were kicking out in-actives, but i had hit the 35k limit beforehand would i still receive my guild rewards since i was invited back in or were they reset completely

    • What does it say under guild rewards? 0/35k or 35k/35k?

      • lvl100mudkip

        it said 35,500. i logged in today and got no guild reward 🙁

  • Zanteera

    Under “Clash In Hyperspace”, you list Critical Missions: Makeb as a conquest objective, along with it giving Makeb x3 conquest points, but Makeb isn’t one of the planets available for invasion. Is this entry supposed to be something else, or perhaps not there at all?

    • Oh I messed up, it is not suppose to be there. Should be gone now

  • SupRun

    Will the schedule be released week to week? It would seem that Gree has to come back, and to know when would be nice.

    • I don’t know the schedule ahead of time, I only update it when it updates ingame every tuesday

      • SupRun

        Okay, thanks! 🙂

  • crabby patty

    once you choose to attack a planet can u switch after ?

  • Guest

    They said (dev tracker) that tomorrow morning they are gonna roll out 2.9c and fp objectives will not be repeatable anymore due to extensive farming

    • Josh

      Serious… it’s will be real hard to achieve personal conquest objective now:O

      • chillshock

        Nope. Not really. I think it’s going to be very achievable.

        I plan to get my first stronghold really nice and fill the other ones with cheap crud for the bonus and then, one at a time, create a story and lore around each of them and decorate them properly. Once that is given… it should be rather easy to get the 35k with a bit of gaming in the evenings and some minor crafting. Big plus if you are in a guild with a ship on the right planet (I’m still totally solo and free – as in freedom not in beer).

        Then again, I most certainly won’t let a game and virtual conquest stress me out.

    • TJWoo

      Terrible decision. People “farm” FPs just like people “farm” warzones. Reduce points if needed to balance time vs. points, but don’t make PVE stuff non-repeatable. SMH at Bio. They have some real winners over there.

  • Vodorlo

    Hail Dulfy and the Miner! Now we know when the bothersome rakghouls will come back…

  • Under “The Trade Emporium”, there are rewards listed for each individual war supply component, as well as the normal award for crafting war supplies. Seems weird to have them in there twice, could it be a copy-paste error, or is it intended?

    • Mikkel F

      I would think it’s intended, so you’d get 250 points from one objective and 250 from another (+ the possible planet invasion bonuses). That’d also explain why it’s 250 per War Supply rather than the 500 it’s been the first two weeks.

      I’m more concerned about the 2,000 points per Invasion Force if it’s a repeatable. That’s a lot of crafting points even if they’re 3 hours to make, and can easily be done on alts.

      • Might be, but it’s kinda weird to have two separate objectives that always trigger together, why not just make it one objective? Still, we’ll see tomorrow when it goes live.

        • Mikkel F

          Well, it doesn’t make much sense in this case, but in Titans of Industry it kinda does as Infantry Supply and Armored Vehicles get x3 bonus from Black Hole while other planets don’t give the bonus. That enourages you to only craft specific War supplies when invading that planet, and gives some variety instead of just the same 500 point bonus every week.

          I think the objectives as a whole for Trade Emporium are very lackluster though. Hopefully the objectives on Live will be better.

          • It could be there are just some multipliers missing in the list, that way it makes a lot more sense. And yes, not the most exciting week, but after this week’s fight for Hoth @ Progenitor I could use an easy week.

  • Kylmc

    My guild won a planet and I hit my “personal goal” for CP’s and I still didn’t get my legacy title. Am I missing something?

    • Unoshi

      Won a planet in the sense of placed in the top ten, or did your guild placed first? cause top ten wont get you any title.

      • Kylmc

        We were number one.

        • Unoshi

          Hmm, maybe one of the many bugs that still need patching, for your and guilds sake i hope 2.10 patch fixes that

          • Kylmc

            Yeah I mean everyone else that did their part got the title. I submitted a ticket on 9/3 and now it’s 9/9 and still no response… lol… silly Bioware. 😉

            • Unoshi

              ?just a thought did u mannaged to complete the Conquest personal mark? cause that also plays a role in personal rewards and guild rewards. if u did not do the 35/25 K u wont get any reward. so i think its the same with title.

              • Kylmc

                Yeah I mean the cap was like 35k and I had around 140k points. This is on one character. This morning my guild conquered Voss and I got my title and everything this week… Strange…

              • Vodorlo

                What planet was it? I know CZ-198 and Oricon are bugged and not granting, because there’s no achievement for them…

              • Kylmc

                It was Balmorra (Empire). After a LONG time with an open ticket, they finally responded and gave me the achv. and the title. So, everything is good now. Still silly how the problem occurred though.

              • Vodorlo

                Must’ve been a once-in-a-lifetime bug, then. Good thing you got your title, though.

                Still waiting on my CZ-198 title :p

  • iturnrocks

    Well apparently Death Mark doesn’t include Heroics on Tatooine, or else they just screwed up and forgot to include them.

  • baldylox

    please update this data. our guild usually picks our planet offline and the items are now out of date for this week (Death Mark)

  • Swtorista

    From the Death Mark patch…

    Warzone Conquest Objectives have been redesigned:

    “Ranked Warzones: The Proving Grounds” now requires playing 10
    matches. Its point value has increased to 3,000 and it is no longer

    “Unranked Warzones: The Killing Fields” now requires playing 10
    matches. Its point value has increased to 3,000 and it is no longer

    “Unranked Warzones: The Front Lines” now awards 250 points for any single unranked warzone match and is repeatable.

    “Warzones: Total Domination” now awards 500 points for any single warzone match victory and is repeatable.

    “Warzones: Destroy the Enemy” now awards 2,000 points (up from 1,000).

    Link: http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/992014/game-update-2.10-forged-alliances-patch-notes

  • Tatooine Heroics and Makeb weekly are not showing in-game for Death Mark so they were either removed or the tab is bugged.

  • Death Mark is updated with live patch. The changes were to the warzones as the patch notes mentioned and also they removed the repeatable heroics from tatooine/makeb. Only repeatable heroic now is nar shaddaa.

    • BatteryH

      Not even seeing Nar Shaddaa now…

  • mlambros79

    General question: If your guild conquers a planet do you automatically receive the Legacy title or does one of your toons have to complete the 35k conquest points in order to get the title?

    • Gotta do the 35k I beleive

  • Russell

    It would be nice to see a Dulfy post without Meetra Actual complaining… You’re cynical towards everything regarding this game and I don’t understand why you play it.

  • IO10

    So much crafting War Supplies!?

    Only two or three times crafting decoration materials.

    War Supplies and Invasion Force are worthless because everybody crafts it for conquest. And nobody really needs it for anything!

    The guy who made these conquest crafting tasks is an i…

    • Well, yeah, the whole point of these invasion forces is to allow crafters to burn resources for points. The only use for the war supplies is ‘getting points for them’.

      • SnowMeow

        War supplies are used to make invasion forces, which are then used (with other stuff) to make Dark Projects. Dark Projects can be used (with u3s) to get a starship decoration, or swapped for encryptions on the way to frameworks.
        If your guild conquers a planet, Dark Projects can also be used to call down starfighter flyby from guild flagship, or to get your walker mount.
        They are useful, it just takes some effort to get from war supplies all of the way to a decent use. Dark Projects usually fetch decent prices on my server’s GTN.

        • True, they are used for Dark projects, but the bottleneck for them are the grade 7 mats, not the invasion forces. Most crafters who have been competing for planets will have 10 invasion forces for every Rakata Energy Node they own.
          While Dark Projects fetch decent prices, you can buy the required invasion force for less than 20k, it’s the other mats that are expensive.
          So yes, they can be used for something else, but it’s a bad investment to craft war supplies for anything other than conquest points.

  • Devil

    Hey Guys, I got a question: Can only the Guildleader invade a planet, or are there any Options to allow officers to invade? Our Leader isn´t really active at the Moment, but he can´t find any options to give the rights away?

    • Vodorlo

      No, I think only the leader can invade a planet. No one else.

    • vin b

      it can be set, i dont know what the setting is called but we have officers who have set the invasion when our guild leader is not on

  • Morgan Reynolds

    Hi! I would like to start out by saying how helpful and informative your site is! Thank you so much for putting this together. I do have a question though. In the contents of this page you have Relics of the Gree listed with no date and Rakghoul Resurgence is on the schedule with no information listed. Is this maybe just a typo or do you have the dates for the Gree event and the info for the Rakghoul event that you could post please? Thank you so much! Please continue to do what you do 🙂

    • Don’t have the dates for those unfortunately.

      • Morgan Reynolds

        It never hurts to ask 🙂 Thank you Dulfy!

  • AmonRe

    Flashpoint Havoc is missing a Repeatable objective for completing any Operations weekly. It is 1000 points, I’m not sure about bonuses though I can say there is no bonus for Ilum.

  • Rin

    Hey! If u change planets mid-week, do you keep the points earned with the guild?

    • Vodorlo

      Don’t think so, although I honestly have no idea. If you change guilds, you lose all of the guild points you got for that week and would have to start over.

      • Rin

        Guess we’ll try it out then :). Keep ya posted

    • reyn

      nope only your points remain and the guild points will be reset to 0 so if you get the minimum for example 35k you need to do another 35k for your new guild and your total now will be 70k personal and 35k new guild

      • vin b

        you do actually keep them, it is possible to win two planets if no one beats your score on the planet you left

        however you only get one set of rewards and the visual display for the guild is going to show your point total for your current planet

  • Stacey

    Hoth heroics for Emergency Operations (30 Sep – 6 Oct) is not counting x3 for Hoth….nor are the Hoth heroics counting at all!

    • AriesCZ

      Yep, looks like BW took it out (or cocked up and it bugged out)

    • It is no longer there, I updated it for this week. Looks like lots of changes from the original version

  • John Kosto

    Hello Dulfy. Any updates on the schedule after November? I am sure that everyone will be very busy with the new expansion, but it’d be interesting to see which conquests will follow up.

    • PlzzRespond

      @ plants i didnt get… w/ current schedule… when is conquests coming back?????

  • McDonalds

    What is the minimum time required to be in a guild to get credit for guild rewards? For example, I quit guild A and joined guild B. How long do I need to be in guild B and complete personal quota to get guild rewards? Trying to find it 🙂


    • Meramir

      AFAIK you need to be in guild B at least 3 days before the Conquest ends (you can see the timer in the Conquest Tab in your Mission Log window)

  • iturnrocks

    Change to Titans of Industry. The base points for War Supplies (any type) only pays 250 instead of 500. Although it does equal 500 when combined with the 250 points from crafting specific war supplies.

  • SupRun

    All the conquests except Gree are accounted for. With Rakghould starting next week, is it Rakghoul and Gree back-to-back?

    • Vodorlo

      Not this time.

  • Zia

    Dulfy I have a question about conquest. On the conquests there are multiple planets of the same one say Balmorra, can an Empire guild take the Republic side or is it only for your faction?

    • Only for your faction

      • Zia


  • anariodin

    So I was wondering, it says you can change planets after 3 days, but in game this does not seem to be the case. Dulfy can you please verify if you can move or not. Seems I am unable to move planets. Anyone know this for sure?

  • picee

    the reputation of dulfy never updating thier stuff lives on ,,,,

    how about u update the conquest so its current i notice extra planets this week not already list

  • JimmyDoolittle

    You can choose to delay an invasion for up to 3 days. You have to make a choice by then.

  • JimmyDoolittle

    It seems that BW stealth patched conquest objectives. ON Death Mark, all planets now get the warzone bonus. They added in Quesh for the bonus.

  • DCS

    Have a question about the personal rewards – do you only get that if you acquire the 35k? So if the week ends and you haven’t gotten the points you don’t get any reward?

    • Correct, only get personal reward if you reach the personal cap

  • Tat2

    http://www.torcommunity.com/guides/miscellaneous/planetary-conquests says 12-9-14 will be Week 17: December 9th to December 14th – Revenge of the Revanites can you check for us to make sure this is 100%correct Thanks 😉

  • darkfather

    Another Rakghoul week, but still not Gree? Wth Bioware? And why don’t they just do this twice a year instead of having it be ongoing? Give guilds a break so they can focus on other things for a few months.

    • darkfather


      Dec 9 – Total Galactic War
      Dec 9 – Emergency Operations

      so which is it?

      • Tat2

        one site has Week 17: December 9th to December 14th – Revenge of the Revanites

        • I got my from swtor_miner’s list and that list has both listed for dec 9 and not revenge of the revanites

          • Tat2

            How there be 2 Conquest, 3 of the planets are the same

    • John Kosto

      Totally agree about the Rakghoul event, it should have been Gree this time. About the other thing… no one forces your guild to do conquest every week. My guild has stopped doing conquest in the last few weeks, so that we focus on other things.

      On the other hand, when the new expansion comes, all of the big guilds are going to focus a lot less on conquest, and that is a good thing, because small guilds will get the opportunity to either rank in the first ten places, or even conquer planets.

      • Holyfrog

        Yeah I’m glad it is slowing down. As of last night my guild was 1mil ahead on Tat. I’m looking forward to being able to ride around the fleet on my Bantha in my Tuskin gear with the Conqueror of Tat title. 🙂

  • Al’arra

    Thank you for the update, Dulfy. Great job as always!

  • Shardis

    I am guessing the Dec 30 conquest will actually end up being Gree instead of Rakghoul. Both because they have had Gree during Christmas in the past, and when they do have Rakghoul now they rotate the planet (so Alderaan should be the next planet for Rakghouls).

    Swtor_miner’s info is usually pretty accurate but remember it is prior to the event so things can change, and depending on how Bioware feels about Swtor_miner any given time they might insert inaccurate info to throw folks off.

    • Holyfrog

      I was thinking the same thing. I think the Rak is a placeholder to throw everyone off. They have never done the Rak events so close together. I think the Gree was in Jan this year. I’m pretty sure it was after Life Day because got the Sleigh 1 mount and the Cyan sphere before I got the blue sphere. I remember riding Sleigh 1 on ilum.

  • prdc

    When will Relics of the Gree happen?

  • darkfather

    What is with the Total Galactic War being used so much? 50k is just too much of a chore all the time. Stop Bioware. Give Conquest a rest for a few months. Conquest should be done like PVP seasons. Once ever 6 months. The gold has lost it’s luster.

    • Holyfrog

      Why should they stop it? If you don’t want to do it, don’t. I quit for a couple weeks until my guild decided that we could conquer Tat. We did it now I’m going to take a break from it.

    • Al’arra

      Funny you complain about this one … the easiest one to complete…:-)

  • Belgalen

    Has any guild (not individual players) conquered all the planets need it for the title?

    • Ellie

      As of today Joint Venture on The Progenitor has conquered all the planets needed for the Galaxy Conqueror title:)

      • Hachiman

        Yeah, loads of gratulations to Joint Venture on The Proginator for the ‘Galactic Conqueror’ title. 😀

    • Whiteangel

      On 16.12.2014 at 15:38 CET clock the guild Gnawers from the server Jar’kai Sword received the title. Our guild has thus the server first. We suspect that there might also be a world first. I ask for screenshots of other guilds that already have the title. Thank you.

      • Lex

        If you look directly under “Planets Conquered” you have only 850 from 900. That means you dont have all planets. xD

        • Whiteangel

          That`s true, but the question was… “Has any guild (not individual players) conquered all the planets need it for the title?” 😉

          • Lex

            We are on Vanjervalis Chain the Server first at 6.01.2015, even with Czerka198. 😀

    • Gildor

      REIGN from Berenger Colony got the tittle the 16.12.2014, been server first and only so far

  • Scottie

    Update on conquest commanders and worlds:

    There are two commanders on Yavin 4.
    Imperial in the Prowler’s Trail, and Republic in the Verdant swamp. Both at respective factions Forward Camp speeder. Confirmed they do drop encryptions, and have a chance to spawn a named version. The named version is a new one, which was not in the original pool of rare spawns. Have not been able to confirm if the new level 60 pool has different names, or if the Yavin ones are special.

    Also, as of 3.0, all the commanders (on every planet) are level 60.

    Yavin and Rishi do *not* display in the flagship interface. (So no flying there & no orbital support possible.)
    Interestingly, there are “No guild controls this sector.” pop-ups throughout both planets… perhaps indicating inclusion in a conquest revamp? Although, the capitol worlds have had pop-ups since launch, and are still not included.

    -Scottie (Begeren Colony)

  • Sciclex

    They have changed the requirement for The Galaxy Conqueror achievement to include Rishi and Yavin-4.

    They didn’t change it when CZ-198 was added as an achievement which is very inconsistent. This is a very frustrating and unannounced change for the Guilds/Players that were closing in on their titles, only to be set back an addition 2 planets; which could take months to come into the rotation.
    Shame Bioware, for SHAME!

  • Eduardo Dallmann

    why some guids have @ starbreaker 12

    and others have @ begeren colony

    ????? I am confused about it

    • sp3cw4r

      They’re server names… so Starbreaker 12’s are guilds that were formed back when there was a Starbreaker 12 server.

      • Eduardo Dallmann

        understand, the servers were merged into one…


      • ettoceb

        There never had been a Starbreaker 12’s server in the server list. From my test, the names such as City of Cinnagar, Juhani and Starbreaker 12 are the current server names. When they did the last merge, they moved all the toons to those new Server and keep the name of one of the original server in the list of server.
        City of Cinnagar is the name of the merged server that is also named The Shadowlands, Juhani is the name for Jedi Covenant and Starbreaker 12 is the one for Begeren Colony.
        Any guilds with the name server name City of Cinnager, Juhani or Starbreaker 12 was created after the last server merge. It’s why even when a guild on an original server like The Shadowlands had @ The Shadowlands after it’s name is there was another guild with the same name.

  • Touko

    This all looks like it’ll cost way more credits than it’ll produce for the next ten Years of play time in a best-case scenario.
    There do seem to be a couple of useful features about strongholds: Legacy storage rocks and having every kind of bank vault, GTN, mail, item modification and Jawa traders all right next to each other takes a lot of annoyance out of the game.
    The additional travel options are also nice.
    I came to this page to find out if I should bother to spend the time applying all the free (and mostly ugly) decorations I have to some unused rooms and hallways. (I put my utility stuff right next to the entrance, so there’s plenty of unused space even without expansions.)
    After reading this, I conclude I should just continue playing as I did before and ignore this new game mechanic until Bioware comes up with something more *rewarding*

  • Zia

    when are you going to update the list Dulfy. I’m curious to see when Total War is again.

    • Updated

      • Zia

        Thanks Dulfy. I’m surprised there is no Total War on the calendar yet.

  • sp3cw4r

    Noticed in the Conquests by Planet sheet you have Quesh column twice. Just thought I’d let you know! 🙂

  • Joe Wagner

    Are you going to keep updating the conquest schedule?

    • Updated to March 17, don’t know the next couple ones

  • Morgan Reynolds

    Any way you could update the info for Rakghoul Resurgence to show Alderaan and the planets involved? That way we know what planet gets what objectives 🙂 Thanks 🙂

  • j’oe

    so i decide to take a small break and i miss the only conquest achievement i am missing – the dread war..
    i wish i knew about this schedule :<

  • Zia

    Dulfy is total war on the 28th of April instead of the 18th as you have down?

    • Oops meant to say 28, good catch

  • J’ager

    My guild is just getting into conquest (finally!). Could someone please clarify some of the finer points of conquest? Do you actually have to invade a planet in order to get the commanders to drop, or can you just invade their respective enemy bases? The goal, of course, is to unlock more rooms on the ship. Any advice on how that actually works would be appreciated.

    • Don’t need to invade a planet, you can kill commanders on any planet

      • J’ager

        Thanks Dulfy, no one wanted to give a clear answer. Something about competition and whatnot…

  • Zia

    Just a quick question, but has anyone else noticed that conquest points are bugged? I have noticed the last few times I’m not getting the correct amount of points. I seem to get my stronghold bonus part of the time. Is anyone else noticing this?

    • Don’t forget the stronghold bonus is only given over the original amount, if you have planetary multiplyers. So if you have a 60% SH bonus, and an objective gives 1000 points, with a x3 multiplier on the planet you invade, you’ll get 1000 + 2000 (planet bonus) + 600 (60% * 1000 SH) = 3600 points.

  • Ruud Müller

    Where is the vendor u can buy the walkers from ??

  • andrew

    Anyone know how to get those little strong, elite and champion symbols next to my portrait and name? Yesterday I was on Voss on my alt, flagged for PvP and about half an hour later I noticed I had the little gold symbol next to my name like the elite enemies, I ha’ve no idea what I done to get it and was just wondering if anyone knew how to get it back? My guild controls Voss so something in my head is telling me I got it because the ship is in space over the planet, but it would be really cool to get that symbol back

    • SnowMeow

      If your guild conquers a planet, when your character goes there you should get that little star on your name, for as long as your guild controls the planet.

      • andrew

        Awesome!! Think it’s pretty cool, noticed I also get the little MINI conquerer title too! But is it only the ‘strong’ symbol I get or can I get the gold elite symbol or the white star that champions have?

        • Klyoren

          only strong as we know so far maybe in the future

  • It seems the schedule is off, as the Dread War just started, instead of the Titans of Industry listed on the schedule. Dataminers, come to the rescue and divine us a new schedule!

    • It is Death Mark for me, not Dread War. Seems Conquest schedule is a bit off.

      • Death mark here too, my bad.

        • Death Mark on Red Eclipse too.
          Should we, therefore, ignore dates and give for good just sequential planning (that means next week Titan of Industry is coming up) ?

  • Taco?

    Any idea on when the next Revenge of the Revanites will happen?

  • Klyoren

    date 30th of june is alderaan or tat or cor im so confused surly it tat and there an error if so are the objetives the same or is it with different planet name

    • Oops it is tatooine, fixed now

      • Klyoren

        Thanks dulfy

  • Fossil

    I just noticed a typo (I think) under the conquest: Rakghoul Resurgence: Tatooine , under one time objectives. Several of the Tatooine objectives have Alderaan terms (The base guard killing ones, the non-player killing one, and the world boss one). If this is right and I just don’t know what I’m talking about ignore me. I think it is unlikely that it is the case though since its Tatooine stuff.

    Conquest: Rakghoul Resurgence: Tatooine

  • Shaddoh Killmore

    Anyone have an approximate idea of when the next Gree Event will be? I read on Reddit that it is usually associated with the Gree Conquest Event.


    I’m looking to get some legacy offhands (Knife & Focus) and I think The Gree Event may be the only place I can get them.

    • CraigMitchell

      Why a knife? It’s only useful if you have 2 snipers or 2 operatives…

      • Shaddoh Killmore

        And the sky is blue, tell me something I don’t know…like when the next Gree event is so I can get the legacy knife to transfer my offhand knife barrel to my sniper…

        • CraigMitchell

          Should work with legacy pistols. Like the ones from Gree, THORN, BBA or NS event…

          • Someone

            that dont work cause the knife hilt is bound to a knife and not to a offhand (whatever)

            • CraigMitchell

              Oh. Thanks. Didn’t know that as I don’t play Agent.

  • Timmy


  • Ben Rinderer

    Is it possible to take Coruscant?

    • Klyoren

      not yet but maybe later in the year or 4.0 as it has same icon as other planets

  • Pherdnut

    Is there a place to go to see what the events are further out or is this just published at some source on a periodic basis? Making top 10 in some of the short-list planet events takes long-term planning if you don’t conveniently have no life for a week.

  • Neg Sani

    Dulfy, if I may make a suggestion. Since Bioware is apparently incapable of creating a schedule that rotates the conquest events appropriately, I would suggest making a table with all of the past events and their dates. Maybe just maybe someone at BW would take a couple minutes of their time, look here, and see that they’re completely screwing up the schedule. As it is now, I think they’re just randomly assigning the events the dates without regard to how often they’ve come up before.

    I love how Revenge of the Revanites isn’t on the schedule for the next 6 months even though it has only come up, what, maybe two or three times since launch? I can only hope they’re tinkering with the schedule and incorporating those planets into the new events they were working on and that this is just a placeholder schedule.

    • Alonia

      Revenge of the Revanites came twice in January and Febrary this year only 😉

  • wrednyluke Gazeta.pl

    “There are 11 different Conquests currently. Each one lasting a week.
    They will be different every week until you finish the rotation” – Apparently it isn’t true for Death Mark, that happens every 3-5 weeks…

    • Shane Pringle

      There is 12 isn’t there? or was one taken away? Clash in hyperspace is not even on that list.

  • Ula


    Conquest schedule until January released today from Bioware direct:

    Oct-20 Death Mark
    Oct-27 Flashpoint Havoc
    Nov-3 Titans of Industry
    Nov-10 Rakghoul Resurgence Ald
    Nov-17 Revenge of the Revanites <– Rishi & Yavin 4
    Nov-24 Death Mark
    Dec-1 The Trade Emporium
    Dec-8 Relics of the Gree
    Dec-15 Rakghoul Resurgence Tat
    Dec-22 Death Mark
    Dec-29 The Balance of Power
    Jan-5 The Dread War
    Jan-12 Rakghoul Resurgence Cor
    Jan-19 Emergency Operations
    Jan-26 Death Mark

    • Seth Geco

      Ok BIOware is forcing crafters to do conquests now, I skip out of it
      before cause I thought it was a waste of time. So the your personal
      conquest goals and your guild goals are one in the same?

    • Shane Pringle

      No clash in hyperspace? And 4 Deathmarks? Make a real schedule that cycles every 12 weeks. This is ridiculous.

  • JT Long

    Need to update the Personal Reward levels to reflect the change to 25,000.

  • Seth Geco

    Ok BIOware is forcing crafters to do conquests now, I skip out of it before cause I thought it was a waste of time. So the your personal conquest goals and your guild goals are one in the same?

    • Yes, but you only get the guild rewards if your guild ends up in the top-10 for the planet

  • Robert Davis

    I assume this table is going to be adjusted in the coming weeks with the new point totals post 4.0??

  • Mark rakos

    also need to change rakghoul event from tat to alderaan for 10th of november

  • Ricardo Varela

    someone can help me? Why can’t I get the conquest for the unranked warzones? I’ve done at least 20 warzones and I didn’t get the achievement… I don’t understand why 🙂

    • The warzone objective is repeatable, so it will never be flagged as “done”, but you will get the points every time you complete one. Check your chat log after a warzone and you should see the conquest points there.

  • Mekkonnen Teufel

    what is the jan 12 conquest? the link goes to tat but the text begins “cor…”. is it tat or is it alderaan?

    • Should be relics of the gree and then rakghoul resurgence next week on tatooine

      • Mekkonnen Teufel

        thanks! as always, much appreciated!

      • Secundum

        Any word on when we get Correlia Rakghoul event?

  • Paul Kish

    Question , It says in the objectives for certain flashpoints Complete on any difficulty does this include solo modes?

    • Jakk Frost

      Was wondering the same myself, but I solo’d Battle for Ilum and didn’t get credit, so I guess it must be mislabeled.

  • Khavee

    Just curious, when I go to a planet and get the message “Tatooine Controlled by Cosmic Republic @ Darbin Sull” – what does the Darbin Sull represent?

    • Means their origin server, where they transferred from. Doesn’t mean anything.

  • Theodore Handley

    I am not able to invade. Is there a deadline? The Invade Planet button is grayed out. We have no bonus for any of the invasion objectives, so I know we aren’t already invaded. And we have plenty of credits in the Guild Bank, so I know it’s not that.

  • Rob Allison

    FYI for Total Galactic War it looks like Crafting: War Supplies is no longer a one time 2,000 point bonus, instead it’s a repeatable 500 point objective.

  • Mark rakos

    “Once you picked a planet and started your invasion, you will be locked into that planet for 3 days minimal and cannot switch to another planet until then.”

    please explain can we switch planets or not

    • Sadriel_Fett

      You can, every 3 days. But every time you switch a planet you have to start your guild invasion all over, so all those points you got for a prior planet that week were wasted. Since the Conquests only last for six days you can only really switch once. I believe, since an invasion has to be for a minimum of three days, you’re not able to switch the planet you’re guild is invading after the Friday morning daily resets. I know our guild hadn’t picked a planet to invade by Friday morning a couple times, and the option to invade didn’t show up after the Friday morning reset time. However, it was available that Thursday. Our GM didn’t log in until the weekend, so we missed out. After that, we spread out the permissions on who could put us in an Invasion status, so it didn’t happen again.

      • Mark rakos

        it does not work mate I tried it, 3 days equals Friday reset thus it cant be done it only means the the time scale when a guild can invade so dulfy need to remove this as it on reddit as well

  • Chris Riches

    Quite possibly a stupid question but how do you know your guild came in the top 10 (other than asking a guildmate)? As I know of people claiming they don’t get their ‘guild reward’ so I would not wait on a mail with them in?

    • Fabian Nawroth

      You get your personal reward after finishing your goal. This week 50k points.
      To qualify for the guild-reward, you need to do these points, during the guild-membership.
      If you change your guild after that, you need do another 50k points to qualify.

      You can open the conquest popup, to see if your guild is in the top ten.
      The other way would be, to use these swtor conquest pages.

      You get the guild-reward after week-reset.

      • UV

        With respect to the legacy title “Conqueror of [Planet Name]”, given your guild gets the first place for that specific planet, does that reward fall under the personal reward or the guild reward? In other words, if I sufficiently achieve the personal reward points but not the guild reward points for whatever reason (e.g., accidental /gquit after completion and so forth), do I still get the legacy title of conqueror of that planet or I do not? My educated guess is that I don’t but I want a second party confirmation. Thank you in advance.

  • Tat2

    Update coming ?

  • Swtorista


    Conquest: Emergency Operations
    Sec x

    ONLY gives a bonus to Operations, not warzones.
    This conquest type is also really weird in general the conquest objectives bonuses do not seem to match the little note after them in the dropdown menu ingame.

    • Thanks I will get it corrected

  • Swtorista

    Not sure if it is available or not, but the conquest datamined list has ended 🙂 Do we know which ones are coming up?

    • Just updated the new list.

      • Secrus

        Not that I am complaining but I think many people would prefer you to post rest of class guides (class mirrors, some commando guides)

        • Swtorista

          Those are not written by Dulfy – she writes mostly more general guides, class guides are very specialized and you have to know your class very well. Those guides are submitted by players.

          • Secrus

            I know that. What I meant is that, most guide writers claim that mirror versions were send to dulfy long ago, but we still have to w8

      • Swtorista


  • Domhnall O’Gearoid

    I’m surprised there isn’t a section for guildmasters on actually
    starting the invasion. Just parking the GFS in orbit doesn’t start the
    invasion, does it? What else is there to it?

    • Raiffynn

      Are you talking about invading a planet for conquest? If so, you need to go to your conquest tab under Mission Log and you can see what planets are up for that week and there is an “invade” option there to click.

  • Swtorista

    Hi @Dulfy, do we know what the conquests will be past “May 31, 2016 – Rakghoul Resurgence: Tatooine”?

    • Updated until August 🙂

      • Swtorista

        Thanks a bunch, our guild appreciates being able to plan our conquests and reference them here!

  • Sean Delorme

    Im guessing some of the small guilds with only a few members would never be able to hit top ten. Any idea how many players are recomended for the planetary conquest missions?

    • Krazh

      I’ve seen as little as four people really work conquest since 4.0 and able to hit the top 10. But that’s with legacy repeatable heroics and getting 20k on about 10 alts per. It really depends on server, objectives, and who you’re up against. If you have money/time to spend, weeks with repeatable crafting should be the easiest to make the board.

  • Ula

    Hi Dulfy, huge thanks for keeping the list updated. I noticed a wee copy&paste error with July 26th – Rakghoul Resurgence Corellia. In the list of planets you have Alderaan listed instead of Corellia:

    Conquerable planets: Taris, Nar Shaddaa, Corellia
    Taris: Flashpoints, War Supplies
    Nar Shaddaa: Warzones
    Alderaan: Flashpoints, Warzones <<<<

  • Swtorista

    Hi Dulfy,
    The list is getting close to finished. Have you heard anything about upcoming conquest? 🙂
    Cheers and thank you!

    • Siino Fett

      ^ I second this. WTB update please

      • Going to get it updated as soon as I can get some new data 🙂

        • Siino Fett

          Awesome, thanks!

          • Updated 🙂

            • Siino Fett

              Perfect! Thank you for the timely update.

              Dulfy > all other SWTOR sites

            • Ula

              Do you know if this is still accurate with this weeks CQ being broken? I want to plan my guilds events for the next few weeks but I’m not sure if it will still be Death Mark next week or if they will try and shift Emergency Operations back.

  • Siino Fett

    Could we get an update please? My guild is trying to figure out how to work conquest around our Christmas event week and it’d be really helpful to see what scenario is running. Only 1 more week left on the schedule after this one though.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Fabian Nawroth

    Conquest: Emergency Operations
    Please add:
    Hoth Heroics,
    maybe there’re some more Changes

  • Arkira

    1.) The calendar is at its end, again. Can you please ask BW nicely für the next schedules?

    2.) One big change has not been mentioned here yet: in 4.0 you could do the H2+ only once for the entire week, i.e. if you ran all the h2+ on Nar Shaddaa, then that was it for the conquest (repeatable for other heroes of you, but still…)
    Now, with 5.0 and the ever-changing GC the H2+ (a.k.a. “planetary missions”) have become dailes. In effect this means: If your conquest has planetary h2+ on the repeatable list, you’re sorted. That’s all you have to do to reach your goal of 20,000 points…
    I am not saying this is right or wrong, just pointing it out.

    • Updated to march

      • Honza Hladík

        we are “here” again, almost 🙂
        is there any ggl doc, that would have the schedule in it or is the order randomized?

  • H0rux

    Any update on Uprisings in each conquest?

  • adata

    For now we know about uprisings only for Clash in Hyperspace.
    You can add as one time objectives Crimson Fang,Fractured and Trail and Error. As well the both weeklies count. Don’t remember the points and the bonuses tho.

  • Raiffynn

    For Titans of Industry, wasnt there a repeatable Crafting: War Supplies objective? Could have sworn there was one last time. Thanks in advance for confirmation on this.

  • simurgh559

    Please update this guide along with many others, Dulfy.

  • Kaputelephant

    If I reach the maximum personal points I get the rewards. Can I get again these or just one per a week? I see the point meter grow after reach the max.

    • Honza Hladík

      only once.. crafting week would be insane with players having even 4-8M points on one toon with the dividing amount of 25k points 😀

  • Freller

    i dulfy
    Thanks for the great site!
    The conquest schedule ends this week, will it be updated soon?

  • Odobuzz

    GREAT QUESTION ! ! It’s like conquest fell right off the map :/

  • Conquest-Joe

    Updated Conquest for the next month.

    • Siino Fett

      That’s accurate? Seems strange for Rakghoul Resurgence to show up twice in the same month.

      • Dr. Mike Wendell

        They’ve been running events in 2 week blocks recently instead of one.

    • Ula Vii

      It says the sources are on the left side of the site but none of those sources show the schedule up to mid-July as the calendar does. Where is the data coming from?

      • Ula Vii

        Nevermind, found my own answer. Dates were in the datamined XML, I just didn’t look far enough down the file:


        I didn’t check every date on the SWTOR Calendar site matches yet but no reason to doubt it. Will do my own double check later this week since I’m still kicking myself for missing the dates in the XML. If the dates holdup (which there’s no reason to doubt) then the schedule appears to be valid until mid-July:


        Thanks Rankyn

  • Updated for april

    • John Kosto

      Thank you. Do we NOT know the schedule for upcoming months after April?

    • Siino Fett

      Thanks from BBB!

  • Aros

    can you get the page updated or what? you guy are not keeping it updated, what happened? talk to bioware, do something. what is coming next? cant plan for anything.

    • Paradigm_Shift

      Dulfy updates as a courtesy when they have the info. Quit acting like a spoiled child because you cannot have the information when you want it on demand. So what if you can’t plan for anything. I am sure once Dulfy gets the information it will be posted, so until then take a chill pill and wait.

      • Aros

        blow me. i can ask on here what i want. and im not the only person who is wondering. ever since the expansion, the info has been shit. im sorry you dont have the stones to ask questions. mind your business.

        • Paradigm_Shift

          no, you were being very disrespectful towards the people who update Dulfy, and I called you out on it. When they are given the information, they update the site. When Bioware has their head up their asses and not giving info, then why are you demanding Dulfy to put up what they do not have. BTW, do you need help restocking your crayons and juice boxes to take back to your safe space.

        • Paradigm_Shift

          Hey Aros, conquest is updated until July. Do you feel better now?

  • Freller
  • Updated Until Mid-July

  • Ula Vii

    Now Iokath has been added as a conquest achievement is there any news on whether it is a new conquest week or just added to an existing one? Thanks in advance!

    • Ula Vii

      Never mind, answered my own question. Just noticed the Conquest Events achievements are named after their respective weeks and Iokath is called called “Plunderer of Iokath” so guess it means an entirely new CQ week.

  • Ula Vii

    Hi Dulfy, Eric gave us an official conquest week list, it matches yours but has an additional 4 weeks up to the end of September:


    • Ula Vii

      Sep 5 – Rakghoul Resurgence: Corellia
      Sep 12 – Plunder of Iokath
      Sep 19 – Death Mark
      Sep 26 – The Trade Emporium

    • mydocs


  • Questioner

    Does anybody have a definitive list of the Iokath objectives/bonuses? None are listed here, on Tor Community or Reddit. I was a lazy bum and didn’t write them down as I assumed one of the sites I mentioned would of, damn my laziness!

  • Eugen Obydennik

    Hi Dulfy,
    Are you sure that 3rd conquest option for “Rakghoul Resurgence: Corellia” is Alderaan and not Corellia?

  • Erudius

    New Conquest schedule announced through November 2017.

  • Erudius

    Thank you Dulfy for keeping this available.
    I made calculators from these a while ago and I’m updating them to 5.0 (only a few left to update).

    Here’s the link for anyone interested:

    • Helix Xileh

      This is super useful, thanks!

  • yellow-power ftw

    something that a lot people asking is how many days can you be into a guild that the next week will be conqueror to gain the conqueror of guild planet ? (hope you understand what i want to say), because lot of players think that entering into a guild while conquer week is running or 2-3 days earlier they will get the conqueror of that planet if their guild wins.

    • adata

      yep you will get, you need to enter in the first 2-3 days of the conquest (during the time that is possible to invade a planet)

    • Ula Vii

      We have people join our guild on the Sunday who smash out the points to reach their weekly goal and they get the title and achievement with the Tuesday reset. The only time any of our people have received the mail from Customer Services stating “tough luck, you were not a member of the guild from the very start of the week” is when Bioware have screwed up the conquest due to badly timed server restarts.

  • simurgh559

    Conquests now begin at 1 PM EST until DST.

  • simurgh559

    Updated conquests schedule, please?

    • Helix Xileh

      If BioWare does not provide one, it cannot be posted here until they do.

      • simurgh559


    • Trackrick

      The Devs updated the list a few minutes after last week’s Conquest began. The current schedule, as of today, is…

      Dec 12 – Rakghoul: Alderaan
      Dec 19 – Total Galactic War
      Dec 26 – Relics of the Gree
      Jan 2 – The Trade Emporium
      Jan 9 – Death Mark
      Jan 16 – Plunder of Iokath
      Jan 23 – Rakghoul Resurgence: Tatooine
      Jan 30 – Titans of Industry

  • JT Long

    I appreciate the updated schedule, is there any chance we’ll ever see an entry for Plunder of Iokath?

  • Trackrick

    They updated the schedule yesterday…

    Feb 6 – Relics of the Gree
    Feb 13 – The Balance of Power
    Feb 20 – Death Mark
    Feb 27 – Total Galactic War
    Mar 6 – Rakghoul Resurgence: Corellia

    • simurgh559

      Mar 13 – Revenge of the Revanites

  • Erudius

    Updated the conquest calculator for Gree 5.8 this week: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9416742

  • Erudius

    Total Galactic War v5.8a Calculator is up and running (math looks good): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=932658

  • Erudius
  • Erudius

    Flashpoint Havoc 5.8a calculator is up for use : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=932658

  • Erudius

    Emergency Operations v5.8a Calculator is now up:

  • Erudius

    Relics of the Gree Calculator is now updated to 5.8a http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=932658

  • Erudius

    Relics of the Gree Calculator is now updated to 5.9

  • Erudius

    Death Mark Calculator has been updated for 5.9 this week. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=932658

  • Erudius

    Given the lack of response in these forums, this will be the last notification of update for calculators… for future, all Calculators will be available here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=932658 or in the conquest forums for members of CotP (www.cotp.info) Thanks!

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