SWTOR 5.0 Uprisings Guide
A guide to the Uprisings Content introduced with SWTOR 5.0 Game Update.
General Info
Uprisings are a new four-player group content introduced with Patch 5.0. They are meant to be a lite version of flashpoints with no cutscenes and all action. Each Uprising should take regular groups about ~15 minutes to complete at the easiest difficulty. They are only available to Level 70 players and can be accessed in three ways
- Via the Galactic Command system (can’t select specific uprisings, auto-queue)
- Via the Group Finder (can select specific uprisings to queue but can’t enter with less than 4 players)
- Via the Uprising Terminal in Combat Training section of the fleet (allow you to enter with less than 4 players and with companions)
Currently only Story and Veteran Uprisings modes are available. Five Uprisings are available with 5.0 launch and more are planned in the future along with Master mode Uprising that are more difficult.
- Story Uprisings are meant for fresh level 70s
- Veteran Uprisings are meant for players in mid-tier (234/236 rating gear)
- Master Uprisings are meant for players in top tier (240/242 rating gear)
CXP Farming
Uprisings are meant to be a good place to farm Command XP. They give 160 CXP and 200 CXP base for completion on story and veteran mode respectively but the last boss also drops an Uprising Bonus pack for everyone (Story mode drops Small Bonus Pack which give 240 CXP). Add in the daily activity bonus (20% more CXP), the CXP you get from killing the bosses, or the CXP Bonus from the Light/Dark Victory State and you could see about 500 CXP every 10 minutes with a premade group earning potentially 3000 CXP an hour with very little downtime.
The five Uprisings differ slightly in length as well
- Inferno and Fractured are the shortest Uprisings. (Fractured has only 2 bosses while Inferno has 4 and they are about the same length so Inferno give the best CXP per run).
- Firefrost is slightly longer.
- Done and Dusted and Crimson Fang are probably the longest due to multitude of bosses that have high HP.
In addition, there are weekly quests for story and veteran Uprisings that give 200 CXP and 300 CXP respectively.
Power Ups
Something unique to Uprisings are the power ups. These power ups are usually found in clickable crates and once discovered, they go on your special action bar. There are three types of power ups: Thermal Devastator, Tempest Rocket Launcher, and Combat Clarity.
Thermal Devastor is great against waves of trash as it can one shot low health trash packs and send those alive flying in all directions. Tempest Rocket Launcher does fairly decent single target damage and can be used on bosses if they don’t have the buff that grant them resistance to Prototype Weaponry (these Power Ups). Combat Clarity is great for tough boss fights since it basically remove the CD and resource for a particular key ability for your discipline, allowing you to spam it over and over.
Thermal Devastor and Tempest Rocket Launcher have two charges while Combat Clarity only has one charge.
Decorations and Mounts
There are three achievements in Uprisings that grant decorations
Uprising | Achievement | Decoration |
Crimson Fang | ![]() |
Alem “Whisper” Reesus Holo |
Done and Dusted | ![]() |
Rakesh the Foul Holo |
Done and Dusted | ![]() |
Jai Quallo’s Sand Worm Holo |
Some decorations also drop off the Inferno Uprising (Adacin/Zanisk) and the Crimson Fang Uprising (Red Huntress)
- Lord Adacin Holo
- Lord Zanisk Holo
- Red Huntress Holo
Each Uprising is suppose to drop an unique mount. This drop on Veteran mode and as a rare drop off the storymodes.
- Covert Flame – Inferno
- Covert Neon – Crimson Fang
- Covert Frost – Firefrost
- Covert Duster – Done and Dusted
- Eternal Seeker – Fractured
Done and Dusted
Done and Dusted is an Uprising located in Tatooine filled with Dust Raiders and Smugglers. The special mechanic for this Uprising is the Beast Wrangler mechanic. After defeating Jai Quallo, you will get an item in your special action bar. Run up to any of the of updraft looking things around the instance and you will be able to attune it to get a random creature pet. You can have up to 3 creature pets stored at a time but only one can be used at a time. If a group of 4 players all use this, you can have 4 creature pets up doing a lot more DPS.
Jai Quallo
- HP: 680k (Story)
- Kill the two Enslaved Scyks first before engaging Jai.
- Jai will keep spawning waves of adds. Defeat them before killing Jai Quallo.
- 2x Ensalved Sandtusker
- 3x Enraged Wraid
- Enslaved Womp Rats
- 1x Enslaved Sand Worm
Crack-Shot Aggy
- HP: 1.37 mil (Story)
- Aggy will throw Fire Bomb and Cyro Grenades on the ground that you will need to avoid.
- When you see the message “Aggy has player name in her sites, get behind cover!”, you will need to line of sight her Terminate attack when deals tons of damage and has a knockback component. You can also see a bright beam connecting her and her target when she uses the Terminate attack.
- Aggy will periodically teleport around the fight area and summon Dust Viper Raider adds. Adds need to be dealt with to mitigate any unnecessary damage (low HP but all ranged).
Rakesh the Foul
- HP: 1.22 mil (Story)
- This is a skippable bonus boss that give +20 Command Points and a decoration the first time you kill him via the achievement.
- Generic tank and spank boss with a Rage Burst frontal cleave. Just position him away from the group and no one other than the tank should take any damage. The damage from Rage Burst comes after the telegraph disappears so tanks can step side to avoid the damage. Rage Burst is also a knockback so anyone that got hit by it my get knocked off the roof.
Viper Walker
- HP: 816k (Story)
- Has an Eradicate attack where it will charges up its cannons and places an avoidable red circle on the ground near its target. After the circle disappears, it will blast the area with its lasers, dealing massive damage.
- Summons repair droids that must be killed ASAP to prevent them from healing the walker.
Bel Nerodia & G9-RX
- HP (Story): G9-RX 1.4 mil, Bel Nerodia 1.22 mil
- G(-RX is usually killed first since he spams Mortar Barrage attack nonstop, placing red circles under each group member that need to be avoided.
- Bel Nerodia has a Missile Blast attack that also places avoidable red circles on the ground and a frontal Suppressive Fire attack.
- Dust Viper adds will spawn periodically and need to be dealt with.
To do the Master Beast Wrangler achievement, you can stay behind after your group finish this Uprising and just use your Wild Attunement Device on all the spots until you get all the beasts. You get a Decoration of Jai Quallo’s Sand Worm Holo as a reward for summoning all 12 beasts.
Firefrost is an Uprising located in Hoth. Here you will be dealing with White Maw Pirates and their creations while ultimately facing the Forgemaster himself.
Refactored Battle Droid
- HP: 706k (Story)
- The Battle Droid has a Terminate attack that hits fairly hard with a knockback. It also has a periodic stun attack that it likes to use usually right after the Terminate
- The cavern will collapse while you fight the Battle Droid, causing white circles to appear on the ground that deals damage
- Refurbished Burrower Droid will spawn at 66% and 33%. Killing them will trigger their self-destruct mechanic, leaving red circles on the ground that you need to avoid. These need to be kited and killed away from the tank.
- HP (Story): Turrets 76k, JS-MW1 840k
- You cannot damage JS-MW1 until you kill the 4 turrets around the walker.
- The Walker has several attacks: Mega Blast, which is a red beam that follows the tanks around and deals a ton of damage, Rain of Missiles, an unavoidable attack that it’s the entire party, and Ground Burst Missiles, which are avoidable red circles that appear on the ground.
- Forgemaster Droub will repair the turrents while you engage the Walker, once all four turrents are repaired, the walker becomes immune to damage and you have to repeat the turrent killing again.
Forgemaster Droub
- HP: 260k (story)
- Droub is only attackable once JS-MW1 walker has been killed. His main attack is Spray and Pray, a wide conal attack so he will need to be faced away from rest of the group.
- Refurbished Burrower Droids are summoned at certain HP%. They behave similar to the ones in the Battle Droid fight and will leave behind red AoE circles once they are killed. These need to be kited and killed away from the tank.
Crimson Fang
Crimson Fang is an uprising located in Port Nowhere and filled with smugglers and mercenaries.
Jor “Oneshot” Mesok
- HP:966k (Story)
- Jor immediately teleports on top of the scaffoldings and cannot be damaged. He will snipe at random group members and summons waves and waves of mercenary adds. You can line of sight his snipe attacks when you see an arrow beam pointing at you.
- Kill a special Mercenary Cannoner add that appears with a pink symbol and the shielded button below him will become clickable. Do this twice to get him to drop down.
- Once Jor comes down, he will spam Series of Shots and Mortar Volley AoE that you need to avoid. He also summon waves of Mercenary adds which you can ignore since he just keeps spawning them over and over.
Takkan Rusco
- HP:835k (Story)
- Takkan is a Trooper with Death from Above AoE attacks that you need to avoid. He will also go immune from time to time to summon kill squads specifically for a member of your group so you will need to take out these adds quickly.
- As the fight goes on, Takkan will deploy Land Mines around him that stays up until the fight is over or someone triggers them. They appear as orange circles on the ground. These mines will reduce the amount of space you have while fighting Takkan.
- Near the end of the fight, Takkan will drop purple circles on a member of the group. These purple circle will follow that player for a few seconds and then turn blue to drop constantly AoE bombardment on that area. Players need to watch out to not drop this circle on other players.
- HP: 912k each (story)
- You can only damage one of them at a time as the other one will have a reflect shield that reduces their damage intake by 99%. Whichever has the shield is announced as a red text and you can also see a shield graphic around them. They do hit fairly hard, especially when both droids gang up on the same group member.
- Groups of technicians will spawn during the fight that need to be wiped out When one of the droids reaches 20%, Malfunctioning Droid will start rush in in waves and try explode on the group.
Elarea Aldraste
- HP: 985K (story)
- Elarea has a conal Scattershot Series attack that deals massive damage and need to be avoided. It has a red telegraph and Elarea does not move or turn while she performs this channeled attack so it is very easy to avoid.
- From time to time, Elarea will pick one group member and single them out for a duel. Rest of the group members are frozen in carbonite and unable to be use their CC breaks. This person need to survive for a few seconds (kiting usually works for squishy members).
- Once Elarea reaches below 20%, she will drop purple circles below players. You will need to move constantly to avoid taking damage from them and burst Elarea down.
Observe and Report: Crimson Fang
Found the agent sent to observe your performance in the Crimson Fang Uprising. This guy is right before Elarea on top of the scaffoldings.
To get to him, you need to stand here (right outside the last med station before the final boss) and look up. There is a magnetic grappler you can click to get up (may take a few tries). Once you get up, it is a simple matter of running along the pipes and drop down to him.
Infero Uprising is located inside an Ord Mantel Valcano base and occupied by rogue Sith Lords and their troops. There is plenty of lava and fire to satisfy the Inferno name.
Lord Wrad
- HP: 1.12 mil (story)
- Lord Wrad is surrounded by several Sith Acolytes and summon groups of Sith Adepts that needs to be dealt with.
- The two main abilities that Wrad will spam are Force Slow and Force Choke. The Force Choke is group wide and it occurs more often than your CC break comes off CD so it can get fairly annoying as healers can get choked while trying to heal people.
Lord Zanisk and Adacin
- Adacin will fly off immediately, leaving you to fight Zanisk for the first part of the fight.
- Imperial Troopers and Sith Apprentice adds will spawn on the edge of the platform and they can be knocked off.
- Zanisk drops Dark Field, purple colored circles on the ground that you will need to avoid. He also has a massive Dark Cave cleave which has a big knockback range. Avoid this or you might get knocked off the platform.
- Zanisk will depart once you get him to ~60%, Adacin will join the fight. Her main attacks to avoid are her Force Storm attack which appears as a red circle and Volatile Blast that appears as a very long red rectangle
- Adacin will cast a groupwide DoT called Unrelenting Corruption upon her entrance, healers will need to cleanse this DoT as it ticks quite hard.
- Adacin will depart once you push her to 60%. Then you will get a wave of adds before both coming back for the remainder of the fight
- If one is killed before the other, the remaining Sith Lord will get an enraged buff increasing their damage output by 250% so you will want to kill them evenly (doesn’t matter as much for story mode).
Observe and Report: Inferno
Found the agent sent to observe your performance in the Inferno Uprising. This Imperial Spy can be found close to the last boss of the Uprising on top of this structure. You can run up the structure to the left side against the wall but may need a sniper/gunslinger to use their roll to get up.
Fractured Uprising is located inside a Sith Imperial Station where you will be fighting waves of Imperial Forces and their Commanders. This Uprising is designed a bit differently from the others with more jumping around but only two bosses.
To get past the Force Field, you will need to use this Grappling Hook past the exploding red circles. This will grapple you up into the catwalks. Once you are up the catwalks, you can jump across them using the grapple hook points. To come down from the catwalks, interact with this pad and then disable the two control panels.
Lord Anril
- HP: 898k (story), Sith Apprentices: 33k (story)
- Lord Anril has two main mechanics: He will cast Force Storm on his target and summon Sith Apprentices. You need to kill those adds ASAP and avoid his Force Storm attacks as they deal ~20k damage per tick on storymode.
Major Korven
- HP: 901k (Story), Battledroids: 35k (story)
- Major Korven’s attacks are Fire Bomb and Suppressive Fire. Suppressive Fire is a frontal AoE so you will need to turn her away from rest of the group. Fire Grenade is a PBAOE so you will want to spread to avoid her hitting everyone with it.
- From time to time she will port away and you will need to chase her down using the same grappling hook mechanic from the catwalks. She will summon two battle droids you need to burst down.