SWTOR 5.0 Corruption Sorcerer PvE Guide by Seetsu
SWTOR 5.0 Corruption Sorcerer PvE guide written by Seetsu.
Intro to Corruption Sorcerer
Sorcerer healers have always been good at single target burst healing or triage, it’s your job to keep people alive and bursting people up quickly, though your AOE isn’t as good as our other healer friends Mercenary and Operative, we are able to keep up in nearly all aspects.
Though personally you will be best at quickly bursting someone up with a few healing combos you and your friends will be sitting pretty on health and you are nearly endless in your energy regen as you can sit fairly low and be fine.
In my opinion this class is a lot easier to play than other healers just due to the easy energy management with hardly any drawbacks from your energy regen, but there are definitely some tips and tricks that I will fill you all in on – on how to make yourself a better Sorc healer!
6 peice Force Mystic set bonus.
Stats, you will want to look under ‘Force’ not melee. Experiment with your Critical and Alacrity, there is really no ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’ here but here are some of my suggestions.
- Critical: Shoot for 40% Critical; and 67-70% Critical Multiplier, can go higher or slightly lower, this is mainly up to your personal preference.
- Alacrity: This is mainly up to personal preference, though I recommend at least 8-10% alacrity minimum, I personally run 15+% , Alacrity but this is just my personal preference, because it simply feels like it flows better.
- As if fairs right now you want to aim for both Alacrity and Critical to be in similar stats, but you can definitely favor one more than the other.
- Accuracy: Your heals will never miss!
- Shield Rating, Defensive Absorption: Completely useless to healers.
- Relics: Serendipitous Assault & Focused Retribution are the great relics for healers. If you have to prioritize upgrading one before the other, Focused Retribution is impacted by your alacrity and therefore has greater up time. However the click Relic Boundless Ages (Power) Can be also used in tight heal checks, , however it has about a minute cooldown and lasts 30 seconds, so you will have to use it wisely. I prefer Serendipitous Assault over Boundless Ages simply because it has a chance to activate more during a fight.
Mods are fairly easy to understand, as a healer and most classes will want mods that have a higher power rate than endurance, specifically the purple mods will have higher power v endurance. Always go with the higher power!
For Enhancements you will be balancing between Critical and Alacrity enhancements. For Alacrity you will want to go with Quick Savant for the higher Alacrity rating and Adept for your Critical Rating
Similar with mods and enhancements, you will be using Alacrity and Critical Augments! Hitting that DR rate while gearing will definitely take awhile because you will need a lot of it to hit there.
Advance Polybiotic Versatile Stim specifically the red stim! This stim will give you 240 Mastery and 99 Power for 8 hours!
Force Suffusion: Overload heals you and 7 affected allies for ‘X’ amount of healing. (X being dependant on gear) Useful |
Sith Defiance: Increases damage reduction by 3%
Useful |
Tempest Mastery: Increases the damage dealt by Force Storm by 25% Useless. |
Empty Body: Increases all healing received by 5%. Does not affect redistributed life
Mandatory |
Dizzying Force: Reduces target’s accuracy by 20% for 8 seconds after Whirlwind ends. Additionally, your Whirlwind affects up to 2 additional standard or weak targets within 8 meters of the target Completely Useless. |
Dark Speed: Dark Heal increases the movement speed of the target by 50% for 6 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 12 seconds
Somewhat Situational. but useful |
Suppression: Activating Cloud Mind grants Suppression, which increases damage reduction by 25% for 6 seconds
Useful |
Corrupted Flesh: Reduces the damage taken by all periodic effects by 15%
Very Situational. |
Dark Resilience: Reduces the damage taken by the target of your Extrication by 25% for 6 seconds after you Extricate then. Additionally increases the healing done by Unnatural Preservation by 30% Useful |
Conspiring Force: Targets affected by your Affliction are slowed by 30% for its duration
Completely Useless. |
Lightning Barrier: Your Static Barrier crackles with electricity, shocking attacks for energy damage when it absorbs direct damage to you. This effect does not affect Static Barriers placed on allies and cannot occur more than once each second Useful |
Torturous Tactics: Reduces the cooldown of Electrocute by 10 seconds. In addition targets stunned by your Electrocute deal 25% less damage for 10 seconds when Electrocute wears off.
Useless, but can be situational. |
Emersion: Force Speed grants Emersion, removing all movement-impairing effects and granting immunity to them for the duration.
Very Situational. |
Shapeless Spirit: Reduces all damage taken while stunned by 30%. Additionally reduces damage taken from area effects 30% Very Useful, but also situational |
Surging Speed: Reduces the cooldowns of Force Speed by 5 seconds, Force Slow by 3 seconds, and Force Barrier by 30 seconds. In addition, Force Speed lasts 0.5 seconds longer, Polarity Shift increases your movement speed by 100% while active, and the active cooldown of Force Speed is finished when Force Barrier ends. Useful |
Backlash: Static Barriers you place on yourself erupt in a flash of light when they end, blinding up to 8 nearby enemies for 3 seconds. This effect breaks from direct damage. Completely Useless. |
Haunted Dreams: If your Whirlwind breaks early from damage, the target is stunned for 2 seconds. In addition, Whirlwind activates Instantly. Completely Useless. |
Electric Bindings: Overload binds its targets in electricity, immobilizing them for 5 seconds. Direct damage dealt after 2 seconds ends the effect prematurely. Completely Useless. |
Force Mobility: Thunder Blast, Innervate, and Force Leech can be activated while moving. Mandatory |
Galvanizing Cleanse: Expunge grants Galvanizing Cleanse, making your next ability with an activation time activate instantly. The effect cannot occur more than every 30 seconds and lasts up to 15seconds. Very Situational |
Corrupted Barrier: Your Static Barrier, Force Barrier, and Enduring Bastion heal you for 1% of your total health every second for as long as they last. This scales up to 4% with the charges for Enduring Bastion.
Completely Useless. |
Unnatural Vigor: Unnatural Preservation increases your damage reduction by 15% for 6 seconds. Additionally, reduces the cooldown of Unnatural Preservation by 5 Seconds Useful |
Shifting Silhouettes: Using Phase Walk to return to its marked location grants Shifting Silhouettes, keeping you from being leapt to or pulled and making you immune to interrupts and ability activation pushback for the next 10 seconds. Additionally the cool down of Phase Walk is Reduced by 15 seconds and all defenses are increased by 30% for the duration of Shifting Silhouettes Useful |
Enfeebling Strike: Lashes the Target with your lightsaber, dealing x weapon damageand immobilizing it for 3 seconds. When the Immobilization effect ends, the target is slowed by 50% for 5 seconds.Replaces Saber Strike. Completely Useless |
Build A:
- Skillful: Force Suffusion , Sith Defiance , Empty Body
- Masterful: Suppression, Corrupted Flesh (If fight has dots, if not then Dark Resilience)
- Heroic: Shapeless Spirit, Surging Speed
- Legendary: Force Mobility
Build B:
- Skillful: Force Suffusion, Empty Body
- Masterful: Dark Resilience , Lightning Barrier
- Heroic: Shapeless Spirit, Surging Speed
- Legendary: Force Mobility, Unnatural Vigor
Build C:
- Skillful: Sith Defiance, Empty Body
- Masterful: Dark Resilience , Suppression
- Heroic: Shapeless Spirit, Surging Speed
- Legendary: Force Mobility, Shifting Silhouettes
*Utilities can be changed around slightly for each fight but it’s not that necessary to change for each fight but it can definitely help.
Think of it like this, Will there be dots? Corrupted flesh is helpful to reduce some of the damage of dots! Will there be a lot of AOE in the fight Then take Shapeless spirit,Shifting Silhouettes and Suppression to reduce some AOE damage or simply reduce damage in general!
Abilities & Rotation
Offensive Cool Downs:
Defensive Cool Downs:
Healing Abilities
Resurgence grants Force Bending for 15 seconds, which will be consumed but increase the effect of your next healing ability in the following ways:
Force Regeneration & Optimal Force Management:
When your Innervate crits, either simply on it’s own or with Resurgence it will build stacks of Force Surge,
which stacks up to three times, these can be spent to to activate Consuming Darkness
without reducing your force regeneration rate and will apply Reverse Corruption
(2 force/s regen buff over 10s) . If no Force Surge stacks are available, you can also purge your Reverse Corruption buff as an additional stack, it’s recommended to do this near the end of its duration if the need arises.
On average you will need one Consuming Darkness per Innervate to maintain force-positive rotation or 2-3 when catching up after a burst phase. During healing downtime, you should attempt to maintain force above 80%. During burst phases you may need to skip some Consuming Darkness, but keep in mind that falling too far behind will lead to Revivification (causing missed gcds) and longer heal down times as you recover.
Using Consuming Darkness without stacks of Force Bending will cause you to become Weary (25% reduced force regen, stacks up to 4 times) and should be avoided at all costs as the Weary debuff will end up costing you more healing loss over time. If you find yourself in a stressful situation and debuff gets stacked, Force Barrier can be used to purge the debuff. This tactic can be useful for reliable Regen between tight burn phases or after being revived during combat.
Other Abilities
Priority System:
#1 Resurgence on cd for Force Bending buff
#2 Proc’ed Roaming Mend with next available Force Bending
#3 Innervate
#4 Consuming Darkness (Force Regen, see notes above on proper force management)
#1 Revivification
#2 Overload (position yourself to hit the most targets) * If taking the utility, if not skip.
#3 Resurgence Proc’ed Roaming Mend
#4 Instant Dark Heal (Will be proc’ed off of Revivification, on lowest health target.)
#5 Static Barrier
#6 Innervate (If Low on force Priority will move up)
#7 Consuming Darkness
Single Target
#1 Resurgence proc’ed Roaming mend.
#2 Resurgence Proc’ed Innervate or not.
#3 Dark Infusion
#4 Instant Dark Heal (Should be proc’ed off of Dark Infusion)
#5 Static Barrier (Priority will move up if target is taking Active Damage)
Healing Rotation Examples:
Primary Healing Rotation:
Static Barrier -> Resurgence( Force Bending Proc) Roaming Mend -> Innervate(Force Surge) – > Consuming Darkness
- The Primary healing rotation focuses mainly off of a good balance of single target healing and force management, always keep an eye on your force and make sure you do not drop to low or you can put yourself in a corner, try to keep yourself around 40-50% force.
- You can bubble more than one person in the Primary Rotation, try to always keep bubbles up on your tanks and dps that seem to be taking damage , or have an uncleanable dot on them.
Revivification-> Overload (If taking utility) -> Static Barrier -> Instant Dark Heal (Will have proced off of Revivification, on target with the lowest health) -> Resurgence -> Roaming Mend.
- Static Barrier in AOE situations is greatly beneficial, our party members will receive Sustaining Darkness
and even if you do not directly heal them they will receive a moderate heal from the bubble bursting even with full stacks.
- Sustaining Darkness stacks are affected by anything except Revivification and Overload heal, This makes it a lovely ability in AOE situations because it is low cost and spammable, don’t be afraid to throw out many bubbles!
- Even when doing AOE remember to throw in a Innervates to build Force Surge stacks to sustain AOE healing
Single Target Rotation:
Static Barrier -> Resurgence -> Roaming Mend -> Dark Infusion -> Dark Heal (Proced) -> Resurgence-> Innervate
- Even if you do not have the Dark Infusion set bonus and it does not proc, Dark Infusion is still a good way to get a good chunk of health left, and after a Resurgence proc’ed Roaming Mend your target should be in a decent place
- Following up with a Resurgence and Innervate to build Force Surge is always a great option in case you need to restore force or quickly switch to AOE healing.
- If you don’t have the time to wait for Resurgence to come off cool down to use with Innervate, you can use it un-proc’ed as it will still heal for much.
Of course these rotations are simply examples and recommendations, there will always be adjustments in your ‘rotation’ simply because healers don’t necessarily have rotations simply guidelines they should follow, such as Resurgence and Roaming Mend or Innervate for large burst or sustained healing, always make sure you are using your Force Bending buff in one way or another.
There will be times where you accidentally dry yourself out of force, I have done it on more than one occasion, but don’t panic because force is easy to get back, even if you have to spam Consuming to get it back you can easily drop the stacks by using your Force Surge stacks as they will remove a penalty stack one by one.
Before fights always expect some sort of damage and try to bubble up your team before engaging in a fight.
AOE: You necessarily don’t have that much powerful AOE in your arsenal, however you can spam Force Storm on adds with low health, and tab target (Rotate between targets) and place a Affliction
on said targets. However this can drain your force surprisingly fast so use with caution while spamming.
Single Target:
Shock -> Crushing Darkness -> Affliction -> Force Lightning -> Force Slow
- With dpsing , you can easily drain away your force without realizing it. Keep an eye on your force.
- When you can, and at the minimum it is good to keep a Affliction on the boss or larger targets, even though it is low hitting it will add up over time.
- Try to always use abilities that either have short casts or are instant, your dots Affliction, and Crushing Darkness and your instants Force Slow and Shock
- Lightning Strike is not really a good damage ability for you as a healer, it has a slightly longer cast and the damage is a lunch bag let down, always prioritize your instant damage abilities and dots, or abilities that start damage as soon as you cast (Force Lightning and Force Storm)
- Force Storm is fairly reliable because it starts instant damage and can be canceled with little drawback in case of needing to heal suddenly.
Special thank you:
Thank you Chess for always always encouraging me to be a better healer and looking over this to fix my grammatical and spelling errors and also for keeping my head on straight, because I’d sure as heck would lose it.
Thank you to Process, for helping me write this or simply adding in things and helping me work out the numbers when I was too busy to work on it on my own
A even bigger thank you to Rydarus for letting me join Aisthesis and making me an overall better healer with endless fun and laughter.
Also a thank you to Neheon for introducing me to Rydarus and noticing me in pvp and encouraging me ever since to be a great healer and a better person, you’ve been a constant instance of encouragement and good vibes, you made me into such a great healer by introducing me to others.
Thank you to everyone who gave me a little advice here or there , I love you all!
About Writer:
I am Seetsu from the Ebon Hawk Server and mainly a Republic Player though I have a Imperial side toon named Clementiné, I currently reside in the Aisthesis Guild and am often seen trailing behind Rydarus and co. and this is the first guide I have written, and I really hope someone somewhere learned something.
I have cleared much NIM 4.0 content , including 4.0 nim Brontes with Ebon Hawk’s Shadow Council, thank you for wanting me to heal with you Chess and thank you for graciously giving me my first set of wings at the end of our progression.
Though I really started to seriously raid in late 2.0 I like think I have progressed to be a fairly good healer. I’ve been sage healing since I started playing in 2.0 , it’s been a long road but I have gotten a handle of the class through endless support, and I look forward to continue to improving my skills.