SWTOR Patch 5.10 PTS Refresh #1 Patch Notes
Bioware has posted some notes for SWTOR 5.10 PTS refresh #1.
5.10 PTS Refresh #1 (25th of October, 2018) | 10.25.2018, 08:21 PM | |
First, sorry for the delay in getting a PTS refresh out to you all. The server gremlins came out in full force, conspiring to keep us apart… While their eventual defeat was inevitable –for love indeed conquers all –it doesn’t lessen our longing in the meanwhile. Second, thanks a ton to everyone who’s been hopping on the PTS. We’ve had a loooot of activity. Thanks especially to those of you who have hopped on to take a moment to run through Story / Veteran modes, as it’s arguably even more important that we get those adjustments correct! Alright. Onto the refresh notes: General:
Overall, Tyth seems to be playing really, really well, but it’s become clear the encounter is a tad overtuned in what it’s demanding of the DPS, given the chaos of everything else that’s going on. We’re going to attack this with a series of smaller adjustments in multiple areas (as opposed to a single large adjustment to one facet of the encounter) to get us to where we want to be without ruining the current feel. Therefore, we’re (1) Pulling back ever so slightly on the HP of Tyth and the drones, to give just a little bit more moment-to-moment breathing room. Additionally, we’re (2) Kicking out the enrage timer by an additional 30s, and (3) Decreasing the drones per wave in Phase 2 from 5 back to 4, since that seems to be just about the survivable break point to begin with. We’ll see how this winds up playing, and then adjust again from there. In terms of Veteran mode, the changes to Tyth have certainly made the encounter a lot more viable, but I think we might have gotten to the correct answer in the wrong way, in that everything winds up being so thin that the structure of the encounter is coming a bit loose. While there are no changes to Veteran mode in this refresh, as a heads up: For the next refresh we’re thinking of reducing Vet mode’s Phase 2 wave size from 5 to 4 (to match Master Mode), while walking back the cooldown increase on Phase 2 wave summoning (reducing it from 36s to 32s). We might also put some HP back on the drones, since it’s easier to DPS fewer targets. We’ll see. Master:
We actually did get a bit of exposure to the A&E encounter, in one case due to a fatfingered dev command, and in others through judicious application of Nightmare Crystals. This wound up being a happy accident, because it exposed a couple of things that had gone wrong in the encounter, saving us all a PTS cycle! #HappyAccidents \o/ All Modes: