SWTOR Patch 5.10 PTS Refresh #2-3 Operation Patch Notes
Bioware have listed some more of the changes to Gods from the Machine operations in 5.10.
5.10 PTS Refresh #2 Operations Notes (30th of October, 2018) | 10.30.2018, 08:31 PM | |
Okay! Build system gremlins do indeed seem to be firmly under control, therefore we’ll be able to get back to a much regular update cadence. Still, due to the lost time we’re going to be accelerating the pacing of stuff a bit (at least on the operations side of things) just to make extra sure we can get eyes on stuff with enough time to iterate/implement feedback. Tyth: Apologies for the inversion nonsense, that should be fixed now. Ditto for the questionably functional skip button, which should also be fixed now. Inversion’s pull is getting a threat multiplier to offset the DPS loss to make tanking a little more stable. You may still experience some token panic for the first GCD after a pull (when multiple people are pulled), but it should iron out fairly quickly, especially if the other pull-ees don’t do anything that Tyth finds irritating. We’ve been toying around with a variety of other threat adjustments to try and ease this encounter’s complexity for tanks (it’s kinda nuts). There have been some ideas, and a couple of suggestions from all of you, but nothing that seems to be free of annoying side effects (as in, one change may make strategy X easier/more viable, but prevents players from employing strategy Y). We may yet wind up with an adjustment in this department before all is said and done, but for now we’re cruising with the status quo. Master mode players will find one new mechanic related to Justice drones, wherein they’ll provide an AoE damage buff to nearby players the first (and only the first) time their shield is sheared off by a Lance. This is intended to counterbalance the fact that dealing with a Justice drone requires more effort, which makes encounter pulls that roll more Justice drones relatively harder. Thanks to the player who suggested this mechanic (you know who you are). Let us see how it plays. Oh, and lastly, the savvy among you may immediately reason that having Justice drones put out a damage buff will naturally increase the raid’s total DPS output over the course of the encounter. You’re right! To offset that, the Enrage is walking back by 10s to 7:05. No free lunches here! Just less… uh.. less lumpy lunches? I guess? In all honesty, I’m not entirely convinced that the enrage walk back needs to happen (the encounter is already a pretty substantial thing)… So we may just wind up going back to 7:15… In which case I guess the lunch would wind up being free… so… hmm… All Modes:
Aivela & Esne: The Sisters got their first major block of PTS testing over the weekend, and the encounter has shown itself to be appropriately spicy. You all uncovered a couple of logic issues with the encounter (if there’s one thing you can count on with players, it’s that they’ll find ways to horribly break everything that is breakable Super Energy Burst seems to be succeeding at causing the mayhem we all hoped for, but it’s clear that there’s room for some quality of life improvements surrounding the sequence. First, we’ve made Aivela and Esne leap immune during the sequence (so that players can’t accidentally gap close themselves out of existence), and secondly we’ve changed the SEB sequence to put Remote Access and Spike on a hard cooldown of 18s, so that players shouldn’t need to taunt A&E on the platforms to avoid a spike when they return. In terms of pacing, it’s pretty clear that the enrage is far too tight right now. We’re going to be pushing the enrage back by a full minute [8:00 -> 9:00]. It’s unclear that this is the correct solution, as 9:00 is a bit long. We may instead wind up shortening bits of the encounter here and there to bring it back to 8:00, but that’s a much more involved process. For now, we’ll see how things go with the 9:00 limit. Master:
Nahut: Nothing to see here… Move along… Master Mode:
5.10 PTS Refresh #3 Operations Notes (2nd of November, 2018) | 11.02.2018, 07:15 PM | |
Onward we go, brave testers! There’s a skip button for Nahut down now, as well as delicious 258 gear! The components are a little trickier, but I have confidence that you all can handle the execution complexity. As a warning: This is likely the last refresh where Tyth will be playable. We need to start pushing forward and picking at the later encounters, so earlier encounters are going to start becoming unpullable as we go forward. General:
Tyth: Just a couple of odds and ends here, cleaning up things that went wonky with the build. I’m leaving Tyth open this refresh to get a little more information about the power level of the Justice buff (especially when it’s actually working as intended). If it’s making things too easy, we’ll dial it back a bit. All Modes:
Aivela & Esne: No more permanent disco mode, and a little bit of time pulled out of Phase 3 (approx 1 million HP), to pull the encounter forward just a tad faster. We’ll see how this goes. Master:
Nahut: A little quality of life for Nahut, but not much more, as testers were unable to make much of any headway into the encounter without 258 gear. It turns out Master Mode Nahut is kind of a hard encounter. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ So, funny story: Way back when, in the long long ago… Candle passes originally hit the first thing in their path (player or Nahut). As it turns out, this was a horrendously mean thing to do. I removed it by simply flagging the player interception behavior as Master Mode only (since we weren’t making Master Mode, it was the quickest and cleanest change to remove it). Fast forward to the reality of today, and you Master Mode testers were delighted(?) to discover these new candle interception mechanics. Spoiler: Candle interception is still not an okay thing to do, so that business has been rightly and properly removed. Master Mode: