SWTOR Cartel Market Update for July 3

SWTOR Cartel Market was updated today to include some new discounts for the July 4th long weekend.


New Discounts

  • First Grand Acquisitions Pack – 20% OFF – 800 CC
    • An unparalleled selection of items from the Cartel, Contraband, and Bounty shipments from the Cartel Market. Each Grand Acquisition pack contains
      • One boost item  (either experience or social points)
      • One reputation item (for either the Contraband Resale Corp or the Bounty Supply Company)
      • One rare bonus item with a chance of a super rare
      • One rare complete armor set with a chance of a super rare.
  • First Grand Mount Pack – 20% OFF – 400 CC
    • Contains one Mount, drawn randomly from the Cartel, Contraband, and Bounty Packs found on the cartel market.
  • Fireworks Bundle – 90% OFF –10 CC
    • Contains 12 Imperial Fireworks, 12 Republic Fireworks, 12 Fountain Fireworks, and 12 Finale Fireworks
    • One Firework is consumed with each use.

Discounts carried over from June 30 CM Update

  • Darth Ji’inx

    More fireworks…lovely :/

    • Chakra Kusanagi

      It’s 4th of july, what’d you expect?

      It’s not even an actual holiday in SW… you should be glad they’re even doing this much.

      • Darth Ji’inx

        Wasn’t expecting anything since July 4th isn’t a SW holiday (just as you said).

        • John Kosto

          Don’t buy it then

          • Darth Ji’inx

            Don’t intend to, I was simply stating my opinion on the matter.

            • Ben Gimson

              If it is (your opinion) not “omg well done BW you guys are the bestest” people here get their claws out. You might have noticed 😛

        • holyfrog

          Just as St Paddy’s day or Halloween arent holidays? or even how “Life Day” is really Christmas.

          • Darth Ji’inx

            Those are, at least, international.

            • Jevgenij

              None of these are international holidays

              • Darth Ji’inx

                What I meant was they are also celebrated outside of the U.S.

          • Amodin

            At least ‘Life Day’ was an actual SW canon event. 😉 We just need a lot more Wookiees involved with it.

            • Holyfrog

              Life Day is not a “canon” event. In fact it would be placed at the very bottom of the list of things to be canon. But the point I was making is that they renamed Christmas “Life Day” just look at everything in the game that is related to it. Call it whatever you want it is still Christmas.

      • MKDAWUSS

        SWG had Empire Day fall on the 4th. 😉

        • Arby

          Hours of sitting around hoping Darth V would call my name, on nine toons… Oh, the fun we had. 😉

        • BrianDavion

          How approperate

      • Arby

        I wish they had special content for every Italian holiday, they like at least 3 or 4 a month.

  • Kiri


    • Darth Ji’inx

      Same, but I doubt they will. It’s way too late for that.

      • Dru Ilhares

        They’ve fixed it, then broken it again twice over. It’s a special level of incompetence.

    • Ben Gimson

      Would pay for an expansion that has that and only that as an addition. It’s even in Kallig’s codex image; hood up mask on, taunting us :’)

  • Spruce Cycle


  • Secundum

    The ‘first packs’ are an utter waste of money. Don’t buy them guys.

    • Ben Gimson

      Wish I’d taken your advice. Just got junk sets, nothing I don’t have nor that sell well 🙁

      • Secundum

        Truth be told, it’s not even my advice-I was considering buying one when my guild bought 10 and got nothing but junk.

    • Joshua Nichols

      I got Marka Ragnos set, Phantom Set, both Mandalore Sets and Tulak Hord. Spent about 7k cartel coins

      • Sinistor

        You selling tulak hord set?? If so how much and what server?? Lol

        • Joshua Nichols

          It still hasn’t unbound yet. I might sell it. I’m on the Harbringer. It’s gonna cost a pretty penny though. Last I checked I think that full set was upwards of 30mil

          • King Thane

            no offense but 30m for a armor set wow,that is something id never buy.

            • On the Progenitor after some time (when realeased pack which one included this set Tulak) cost of Helmet = 20 mln. I dont know how much cost now. Anyway good luck in selling

      • mister-power

        lol you cant get tulak set from this pack,there is only cartel contraband and bounty items

      • Secundum

        Which is a complete and utter waste-you’d have been much better off just spending credits.

        • I agree with you. Spending money just for collections is a waste of CC. You can easily buy it for credits. From this Fourth sets only one is most expensive “Tulak Hord”.

  • Saint

    not again….just get us outer rim pack damn it

    • CraigMitchell

      Can’t wait for Mando decos!

      • Can’t wait for Siths decos !

    • Yes , and after this Wildest pack !!

  • Deshik

    I still want to wear dat tulak howd set

  • Darth Me

    Give us the damn Stronghold packs for chrissakes. I think those are the only ones they haven’t reissued yet.

  • swtorlove

    uhg when is the revanite champion armor set going on the market :[

    • Holyfrog

      I don’t be it has ever been on the market. Isn’t that from the Cartel Packs? Items for sale on the market are exclusive to the market.

      • Darth Ji’inx

        SWTOR_Potato: “It’s the Galactic Legends Armor Pack, A complete collection of Galactic Legends armor sets. Each pack contains one complete armor set. Has a chance to drop the all-new complete Revanite Champion armor set in addition to the Galactic Legends set”


        • Holyfrog

          Yeah you could get it that way maybe, but it’s not a direct purchase per se.

          • Darth Ji’inx

            The pack is supposed to be the source. The armor is listed in Collections to reclaim copies.

            • Holyfrog

              And that is proof that it is a pack set not a market set. You can’t unlock market sets. Proving my point.

              • Darth Ji’inx

                Seasonal direct buys like Hallowed Mystic, Gold Scalene etc. are unlockable direct buys. But, you are right, in general.

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